Your astral forecast
An expansive Venus is making it easy to have intimate discussions. This is the moment to develop your relationship gently. "Exertion is followed by reward". It would be a good idea to remember this proverb. Award yourself an evening of total relaxation.
Some lucrative collaborations will become possible. Just ignore appearances, you'll be surprised...
You're tempted to go for getaways and escape from the daily grind, looking for where the grass is greener on the emotional front. Excellent for living completely in the present!
You make considerable progress in your future plans. You're in the right place for concrete action.
You won't be lacking in spirit today - nothing will be able to stop you! Don't do too much though; pay attention to the details.
The moon is in Aquarius, in position 01 degree(s),18 minute(s): Humanitarian atmosphere, fraternal, controlled emotions, sudden and brilliant ideas but obstinacy.
First decan
19th February to 28th February
You will filter your feelings through your filter of reason, which might not be the best thing to do. You will find good reasons today to not give your trust to the first person that shows up. In general, you run on instinct.
Second decan
1st March to 10th March
You will take part in a sale for a good cause, where your natural generosity will work wonders. You will spare no efforts to please others, and everyone will recognize your involvement. The moon will focus on your commitments and bring out your people skills.
Third decan
11th March to 20th March
By practicing an art, one based on advanced technique, you will get to show off your artistic skills. You have talent and know how to show it. You will spend the day today creating, inspired by the spirit of the times.