
Leo's horoscope for September 2021

Written by Daisy

Leo: Astral Climate for September 2021

Venus sends you excellent influences until the 10th. You will have an easy time communicating, seducing, and committing. Your charm acts on various interlocutors because Mercury supports your interventions. It makes your words clear and pleasant. You can be unanimous in all fields. From the 15th onwards, you can count on Mars to expand your activities, work in association or collaboration, and always be in a good mood and with efficiency. However, Jupiter and Saturn will cloud the issue at times: Jupiter pushing you to excess or rebellion and Saturn bullying you in a thousand ways. You need discipline and patience to get through this period without too much stress or frustration.

Leo: Mood for September 2021

You are still under the combined pressure of Jupiter and Saturn in September, who are bringing contradictory and therefore tiring influences to bear on you. Jupiter encourages you to show off, sometimes excessively, and Saturn blocks you, slows you down. You navigate between ardor and pessimism, pride and discouragement, and your moods are as changeable as your feelings. Fortunately, Venus until the 10th and Mars from the 15th onwards will help to nuance this trying atmosphere. At the beginning of the month, Venus will guarantee you good relationships with others, whether about feelings, work, or friendship. Mars will reinforce your ability to expose your talents and share them, which will cheer you up.

Leo: Love for September 2021

Saturn dominates your exchanges and invites you to make a commitment or to break up after careful examination of your emotional situation. Count on Venus to ease any tensions, even if differences of opinion drive you away from your partner. At the end of the month, you can re-establish communication between you and those close to you, even if your personal affairs preoccupy and mobilize you. You must remain attentive to the needs of those around you to receive the emotional support you so badly need. But don't use your charm to manage a complex situation. Instead, rely on your friendliness to change things by consulting your loved ones before deciding for everyone.

Leo: Money for September 2021

In September, you have every chance to advance your activities and benefit from a raise or a bonus. You work hard, show yourself to be enterprising and friendly, and make an impression on people and your superiors by your growing maturity and boldness in your new projects. This cocktail should be successful for you in terms of salary. Other bonuses could fall into your lap relating to a previous investment, an unexpected gain, or a reimbursement. However, don't take advantage of this opportunity to make expensive purchases. Before making any significant investments, take advice and put your money into proven areas, such as real estate.

Leo: Work for September 2021

Your serious view of current affairs will reassure your contacts. You approach your activity with a sense of responsibility that inspires confidence. Your transparency and determination will win you over. The New Moon on the 7th invites you to exploit your talents and to ask for their reward. You plead your cause and obtain what you covet: a valuation of your work or more freedom. Don't ask for too much at the beginning of the month. First, demonstrate your talents by seducing your interlocutors. Whether it is a partnership to be launched, a contract to be signed, or any association, these agreements will open promising avenues for you.

Leo: Leisure for September 2021

To combat the pressure exerted by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, you must first and foremost relax, distract yourself and rest. Choose relaxing physical activities such as golf or swimming to unwind. Take a walk with family or friends, revive board games, or take a short getaway to take your mind off things. Don't be overwhelmed by work worries or family tensions. Work something out calmly and work together instead of confronting each other.

Leo: Key dates for September 2021

- On the 14th, you want someone to release funds, but the reactions are either unclear: they do not answer you, or they try to "smoke you out."

- On the 22nd, beware of misunderstandings if you intervene in front of those who do not share your points of view or do not understand them.

- On the 27th, there are delays in ongoing discussions. Don't get upset, as they won't really resume until October 18th!

Leo: Advice for September 2021

Rely on family communication to discuss everything openly and find out where you stand, which is worth improving. Act serenely by emphasizing your strengths and maturity. You show real motivation to get what you want but moderate your expectations to not spend your energy in vain.

Horoscope for September 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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