
Gemini's horoscope for November 2025

Written by Daisy

Busy and focused under the influences of Scorpio, you are charging through this month at full speed! Mercury, your planet, goes retrograde from the 9th in Sagittarius, pushing you to communicate about old matters. What would you like to say to your loved ones or associates? Perhaps a contract needs to be thoroughly reviewed? Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 19th, shaking up your daily or professional life: changes are on the horizon! Your vitality seems pragmatic until the 4th, then shifts towards your social or intimate life; be mindful of conflicts! Your ideal life is taking shape (1st decan), look beyond any current worries while love smooths out your relationships with parents if you are one, or enhances your daily life starting on the 6th. The end of the month will be active.

Gemini: Love in General

Between hot and cold, it is possible that your love life may waver a bit. Your desires will alternate between affectionate and pragmatic, while your emotional expression in the beginning of the month will shift towards possessive and calculating sentimentality. Therefore, focus on deep communication to create the intimacy you seek.

Gemini: In a relationship

A stable couple life should be established thanks to Venus from the 6th, offering your daily life a bit of tenderness, but not without a hint of jealousy, so open up the dialogue. Mars ignites the spark between you starting on the 5th, but don't confuse passion with tension!


From the 6th onwards, love could strike unexpectedly just around the corner! If a meeting occurs, will it be long-lasting? Nothing is certain, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? You may feel ready for commitment, but don't put the cart before the horse.

Gemini: Career / Finance

Jupiter is watching over your assets, but this month, the planet goes to sleep on the 11th, giving you plenty of freedom to manage your interests, but be prepared for some possible delays. Your work is diligent and requires your diligence, so don't listen to everything others say, follow your inner voice.

Gemini: Advice from FREE Horoscope

Some good and some less good, nothing too difficult, but your very adaptable personality knows how to play with life so enjoy this month and let go.

Horoscope for November 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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