
Gemini's horoscope for November 2025

Written by Daisy

Busy and concentrated under the influx of Scorpio, you are going through this month with a bang! Mercury, your planet, is retrograde from the 9th and in Sagittarius, pushes you to communicate about old issues. What would you like to say to your family, friends, or business associates? Unless a contract is being reviewed from top to bottom? Mercury slips into Scorpio on the 19th and upsets your daily or professional life: movement in perspective! Your vitality promises to be pragmatic until the 4th and then turned back to your associative or intimate life. Beware of the clash! Your ideal of life takes shape (1st decan). See beyond the possible worries of the moment. Love facilitates your parental relationships if you are a parent or your daily routine, from the 6th. The end of the month will be active.

Gemini: Love in General para November 2025

Gemini: Between hot and cold, your love life may change a little. Your desires will be alternately affectionate and pragmatic. At the same time, your emotional expression, which is loving at the beginning of the month, slides towards a possessive and calculating sentimentality. Also, rely on in-depth communication to establish the intimacy you are looking for.

Gemini: In a relationship para November 2025

Gemini: Your relationship should settle down thanks to Venus from the 6th. She offers a little tenderness in your daily life, but not without a bit of jealousy. Open the dialogue. Mars activates the fire between you from the 5th, don't confuse passion with tension!

Single para November 2025

Gemini: From the 6th, love could strike at the corner of your street, unexpectedly and naturally! If there is an encounter, will it be lasting? Nothing is inevitable, but if you don't try anything, you have nothing, right? You will want to commit yourself, but don't put the cart before the horse.

Gemini: Career / Finance para November 2025

Gemini: Jupiter watches over your assets. However, this month the planet falls asleep on the 11th. You will have all the latitude to manage your interests in the best way possible but accept some potential delays. Your work is intellectual and requires your vigilance. Don't listen to everything you're told. Follow your little inner voice.

Gemini: Advice from FREE Horoscope para November 2025

Gemini: Good and not so good, nothing too tricky, but your very adaptable personality can play with life, so have fun this month and let go.

Horoscope for November 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope May 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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