
Pisces's horoscope for November 2025

Written by Daisy

A lot of idealism tints this month thanks to the multiple influences present in Scorpio! Saturn and Neptune, working together in your sign, are resetting your inner computer (especially for the last decan). You'll feel more strength but also more inspiration. Jupiter in Cancer, in a favorable aspect to your sign, is showering you with promises of emotional or creative fulfillment (especially for the second decan), and if you have children, plenty of parental satisfactions are likely. Mercury retrograding through Sagittarius and then Scorpio on the 19th urges you to have honest discussions with your coworkers, and this energy might inspire you to successfully resume your studies or training. After the 23rd, the sun joins Mars in Sagittarius, demanding your professional adaptability. Don't resist if you encounter some opposition from others.

Pisces: Love in General

From the 1st to the 6th, Venus inspires you with passionate feelings waiting to be shared. Afterwards, you will be idealistic and drawn to distant places, your heart will beat faster but crave wide open spaces! Your libido will set the pace from the 5th, bold and fiery, don't make promises you can't keep!

Pisces: In a relationship

Your legendary sensitivity should allow you to maintain your marital complicity, especially during possible turbulence after the 6th. Address delicate issues after the 19th and put into practice that love is shown but not necessarily said!


Jupiter enables you to achieve all feats, fulfill all promises! Dare to declare your love to the chosen one of your heart especially from the 19th. Your feelings feed an ideal that you carry within yourself from the 6th, and commitment will be your signature.

Pisces: Career / Finance

The professional sector looks challenging due to the influences in Sagittarius affecting your sign. The sun from the 23rd and Mars from the 5th will not make things easy for you, nor will the relationships, as your professional environment may be tough on you. Don't panic, use your cool-headedness and gratitude!

Pisces: Advice from FREE Horoscope

A touch of tension will be inevitable at work or with certain individuals seeking power over you. Tap into this beautiful energy of gratitude that can overcome anything!

Horoscope for November 2025 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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