A lot of romantic sensitivity awaits you until the 22nd. The many energies in Scorpio (Sun from the 1st to the 22nd, Mars until the 4th, Mercury from the 19th, Venus from the 6th) give you the breath of love or creation! Jupiter in your sign, especially the last decan, boosts your self-confidence, often lacking, and helps you assert yourself. Your family life looks cheerful until the 6th, while Mars, in a good aspect to Mercury from the 5th, enhances your daily life or work - you will be tenacious, dynamic, and very communicative. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces facilitate your outlook on life (always the last decan), you may revisit an ideal or consolidate a past project left pending. Pluto could bring you a significant financial reward (1st decan), while the Sun in Sagittarius from the 23rd favors your professional sphere.
Cancer: Love in General
This month is shaping up to be pleasantly tender, with a mix of romantic or passionate feelings and desires that are sometimes strong and sometimes pragmatic. The conditions are perfect for making your heart sing! Of course, a few adjustments will be needed in terms of communication; starting from the 9th, anticipate having to repeat yourself or clarify your thoughts.
Cancer: In a relationship
Celestial influences favor your married love life; you will alternate between being attentive and sensually desirable. Your conversations will help you find common ground on a daily project or regarding the children if you are parents.
SingleUnder the influence of Jupiter, you approach your love life with enthusiasm and optimism, and this open behavior could help you attract a loving and passionate person to you. Focus on the friendly aspect or simply your daily life, keep your eyes open.
Cancer: Career / Finance
A cash inflow could significantly replenish your wallet, especially for those born in the first decan. Your energy will be strong and capable of securing success at work if a hint of competition arises. Interactions with colleagues are inevitable until the 19th, so rely on your simplicity and be prepared to explain yourself if needed.
Cancer: Advice from FREE Horoscope
Love and feelings in general should delight your very emotional nature. Live this end of the year with the intensity of the moment and appreciate what is reaching out to you.
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