
Scorpio's horoscope for May 2026

Written by Daisy

Many social interactions are on the horizon for your sign, you will be eager to engage with others whether they are close to you or not. The Sun in Taurus until the 21st and Mercury from the 4th to the 17th could spark many important conversations that may involve a contract or an established relationship; handle them with care, as Mars in the background until the 18th could make the atmosphere a bit tense. Unexpected financial opportunities are a possibility for the first decan, while your home demands your attention especially from the 6th onwards: don't let a worry escalate, act with tact and composure. Jupiter nurtures your outlook on life, do you aspire to advance your education or feel the call of the exotic? From the 22nd, your charisma will be magnetic and your thoughts profound.

Scorpio: Love in General

Your sensitivity will be at its peak from the 1st to the 19th, with a tendency towards sentimental expressions boosted by well-placed words at the right moment. Your very active love behavior until the 18th will then calm down to make way for your legendary hedonism. You must not make promises to yourself or keep them!

Scorpio: In a relationship

From the 1st to the 19th, you'll be easily annoyed and your gestures a little abrupt, which could affect your other half. From the 19th, the scene changes: your heart opens up and softens for the enjoyment of your pair. Watch out for a overflowing libido.


Your work could be a place of seduction until the 18th, with the cherry on top being a sensual and mischievous emotional expression. After the 19th, a foreign person could catch your eye, and a commitment is still possible if your heart desires.

Scorpio: Career / Finance

Venus and Uranus in your financial sector until the 19th could announce a pleasant surprise through a loan that your banker finally grants you or through a donation that helps boost your savings. Then it will be up to the Sun, joined by Mercury from the 22nd, to bring about a financial evolution.

Scorpio: Advice from FREE Horoscope

Apart from possible tension in the home sector, this month appears to be full of promises and beautiful moments to seize without delay. Chin up!

Horoscope for May 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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