A lot of social interaction is coming your way, and then a family or real estate demand will become more specific. Until the 21st, thanks to the energies in Taurus (Sun, Mercury from the 4th to the 17th, and Mars starting on the 18th), you will be very open to all kinds of encounters. Your active and cheerful mood could help you plan things for the future. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune in a trio until the 18th will bring ups and downs to your financial matters. You will be enterprising and inclined towards saving at the same time - nothing insurmountable! Venus and Uranus in synergy from the 1st to the 19th will bring enough sweetness to your home to make it pleasant, but also a bit of electricity in the air capable of shaking up even the most grounded individuals. Find the right balance in your home. At the end of the month, things are still moving!
Pisces: Love in General
Jupiter at the helm of your love sector is offering you exciting opportunities! Whether you're together or alone, your heart is protected. Things will get even stronger after the 18th when Venus joins Jupiter: love, grand love could come your way, or a second honeymoon could be on the horizon!
Pisces: In a relationship
It may be a bit tricky until the 19th, as the atmosphere does not make it easy for the clarity of your feelings or desires, and your partner may be offended. Then, as of the 20th, the climate is very favorable, your sensuality will be powerful as well as your tenderness.
SingleGo out, socialize, don't hesitate to move around, because you might unexpectedly meet someone. After the 20th, your charisma will be attractive and your sensitivity could help you say the right words at the right time and win over the person you like.
Pisces: Career / Finance
Your work seems stable, with no major challenges. However, your main income is subject to the pressure of Saturn and Neptune: you will be able to earn money with seriousness and a touch of well-managed opportunism. Mars from the 1st to the 18th boosts your financial ambition, no one can stand in your way to increase your assets.
Pisces: Advice from FREE Horoscope
A lovely month lies ahead if you choose to let go at home, as the atmosphere promises to bring about great successes, particularly in your relationships or creative pursuits. Cheer up!
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