
Scorpio's horoscope for December 2021

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for December 2021

Your family life is your main concern in December. You are looking for ways to improve your family life. You do not hesitate to confront sensitive issues that put pressure on you. Still, you communicate smoothly with your loved ones. You will postpone any other occupation to be present on the private field in December.

Scorpio: Mood for December 2021

You are in great shape, almost too much so. Indeed, Jupiter pushes you to excess while Saturn limits you. These Scottish showers make your mood as changeable as the mixed sky. Daily, everything is going well: you love, you feel appreciated, you are lucky in love and in business, your health is flourishing, and your activities are exciting but, in the background, the slower planets are challenging you, and you feel at times involved in mechanisms you fear to lose control of. Make the most of your charm and eloquence without ruminating too much on the problems that arise in the long run. As the saying goes: to each day is enough trouble.

Scorpio: Love for December 2021

From the 29th onwards, Jupiter takes charge (until February 12) of flattering your ego, reinforcing your power of seduction, and amplifying your influence. You will invest yourself to meet the emotional and family demands. Still, if you aspire to live your relationship in a different way, you will have to wait until you have settled what is still sticking around you. Venus favors empathetic communication with your loved ones all month long, but don't try to reign supreme within the family. Play fair and rely on your initiatives to significantly improve your living conditions and warm up the atmosphere.

Scorpio: Money for December 2021

In principle, your assets are protected in the short term: in December, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars will take care of your business affairs, allowing you to think calmly about your expenses, granting you a few moments of opportunity or opportunities to get rich quickly. Your activities bring in money, your charm supports your efforts, and your relationships positively influence your income. But, in the long run, other less sympathetic influences will push you to excessive spending, unreasonable desires, and unjustified expenses. It is up to you to control these impulses of greed that sometimes make you do anything about money. Jupiter makes you too greedy, while Saturn constrains you, and Uranus brings you various surprises, not always pleasant. Pluto and Neptune will bring together intuition and insight if you want to make investments. However, it would be helpful to get some advice before taking the plunge.

Scorpio: Work for December 2021

From the 29th onwards, Jupiter helps to bring your talents and potential to the forefront. You will be back in the mood to make a positive impression and impress the public. You will defend your interests to the best of your ability. Mars will strengthen your determination to obtain recognition (in figures) for your merits or better express your potential. Until the 13th, you are eager to take and keep control of your life. You are not very flexible. But you rely on your self-confidence to convince and on your ability to get your messages across smoothly to make your professional exchanges evolve in the right direction.

Scorpio: Leisure for December 2021

Your energy is high and needs to be channeled into challenging, even demanding activities. This is an excellent month to (re)engage in sports, take long walks in nature, or train at home. It's a perfect time to get active with your family. The upcoming New Year's Eve is an excellent excuse to get everyone together around the table, away from the screens. Work on Christmas crafts, wrapping presents, or rehearsing a prosperous New Year's feast. Focus on intimate and convivial moments with family or friends to warm up the winter and feel loved.

Scorpio: Key dates for December 2021

- On the 6th, determined and offensive, you know what to say to score points.

- On the 11th, it is by communicating that you will best succeed in making exchanges evolve and in getting your messages across.

- On the 20th, you will mobilize your strengths to improve your life significantly. Rely on your eloquence to communicate more flexibly with others.

- On the 24th, burdened by responsibilities, you find it difficult to express your thirst for freedom by being less dependent on your partner.

- On the 29th, Jupiter will help you get back in touch with your potential, especially in terms of seduction.

Scorpio: Advice for December 2021

In December, you will find genuine opportunities to blossom in all areas! Take advantage of the good influences of a supportive sky that encourages you to broaden your horizons to improve your environment. On the other hand, don't listen to other celestial voices that enable you to reign supreme over your little world.

Horoscope for December 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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