
Scorpio's horoscope for August 2021

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for August 2021

The atmosphere is often tense: your August sky is very busy. For several months now, you have been under repeated assaults from Uranus, which upsets certain agreements. Saturn limits your room for maneuver, and Jupiter pushes you to excess. Until August 22, you will also have to endure the minor but wearing pressure of the Sun and Mercury in Leo. Fortunately, Venus and Mars are in the friendly sign of Virgo. They promise sustained and profitable activities, more serene and solid emotional relationships, and particular material security. You should take advantage of the good times to arm yourself against the more challenging days.

Scorpio: Mood for August 2021

Avoid polemics that may lead to open conflicts, resentments, or even break-ups. Do not respond to provocations or what you take as such. You are on edge, overwhelmed by your activities, and not very available for your loved ones. Have the honesty to recognize this, to explain it calmly, and try to keep the peace at home, which must remain your haven. As of the 11th, Mercury will enter Virgo. This will be the right time to start family conversations to improve daily life, ensuring the comfort of everyone, and making the concessions that are essential to living together.

Scorpio: Love for August 2021

Take advantage of the first fortnight, while Venus is orbiting in Virgo, to tie up your love affairs, declare yourself or give a chance to a recent encounter. You will have love projects that you are eager to realize. From the 16th, Venus moves into Libra, in the shadow of your sign. It pushes you to take a step back from the latest events and analyze the situations before going further. It's a fortnight of reflections and sometimes of questioning, so in September, you can launch yourself into the construction of new emotional foundations.

Scorpio: Money for August 2021

You dream of founding a home, buying a house, or improving your comfort, count on Jupiter to support your ambitions and create a cozy nest. But you will also have to reckon with Saturn, which will prevent you from doing anything crazy. This is in your best interest, as you are a bit impulsive in August. You risk spending crazy amounts of money to show off, compete, or for other wrong reasons. Stay sober. It's all to your advantage. On this condition, you can expect good financial surprises in the second half of the year. They could come from investments, discreet support, or your talent at work.

Scorpio: Work for August 2021

Your work takes up all the space in August, and this pressure only eases in the second half. You put your heart and soul into your work to outdo the competition, to showcase your talents, to express your creativity, sometimes to impose your will. Jupiter opens up your horizons, Saturn crushes you with responsibilities, and Venus grants you excellent popularity until the 16th, then a more comfortable income in the second half. A month of contrasts, tiring but promising. Do not let your personal problems interfere with your work to not multiply the sources of stress.

Scorpio: Leisure for August 2021

You are under pressure and need to relax. If you are on vacation, take advantage of it, don't leave your head at work even if your heart is on the beach. In any case, give yourself moments to decompress. It's with your friends that you'll have the most fun, far from professional and family worries. So, walks, restaurants, friendly barbecues will do you a world of good. But don't forget to balance your time between friends and family. A dinner for two with your partner, a board game with the kids...

Scorpio: Key dates for August 2021

- On the 2nd, torn between your activity and your private life, you struggle to combine, but do not desert your work.

- On the 8th, the New Moon places your activity in the front line. You must assume your responsibilities.

- On the 19th, you know how to plead your case and defend your projects. Nothing and no one will slow you down.

- On the 22nd, your determination lifts mountains and convinces those around you, who are bluffed by your eloquence.

- On the 26th, it's time to clean up your relationships with your loved ones by showing yourself to be authentic.

Scorpio: Advice for August 2021

In August, your professional life absorbs you, but your private life occupies your thoughts. You feel that you have to turn a page, close ranks, and have difficulty composing between family obligations and an activity that you have to maintain. To achieve this, focus on a project that motivates you for your living conditions and those of your family.

Horoscope for August 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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