
Breaking News Astro

Written by Daisy

Every day, we scan the sky to see what influences are at play during the day. You will find here all the conclusions of our astrologer: which planet changes sign, which relationships the planets have between them and what are the possible effects on the world, on societies and on each of us. A very practical calendar to understand astrology from day to day.

Astro Flash for July 2024

Saturday the 27th of July 2024

Wood, Metal, Water, Earth, or Fire? Which element characterizes you?: In Chinese astrology, one associates their Chinese zodiac sign (which depends on the year of birth) with one of the 5 elements: Wood, Metal, Water, Earth, or Fire.What is your Chinese element?

Friday the 26th of July 2024

Sun sextile Mars: Exchanges are lively, communication is intense, even offensive. We have the opportunity to undertake activities with a circle that seeks our company. Anything that resisted us can yield to our will if we wish. We can take care of everything that needs improvement.

Thursday the 25th of July 2024

Mercury in Virgo: Mercury provides effective support to those eager to progress. Communications and exchanges take on a more formal turn and lead to contractual commitments. Mercury favors intellectual acuity, tactical sense, and precision of thought. This period offers each of us the opportunity to delve into issues, dissect them, and find solutions.

Wednesday the 24th of July 2024

How can your rising sign influence your personality?: You know your sun sign, you\'re interested in the details of your decan, but do you know your rising sign? Do you know what nuances it can bring to your personality? Arm yourself with your complete birth details (date, time, and place) and test our entirely free service!Discover your rising sign!

Tuesday the 23rd of July 2024

Sun opposition Pluto: This transit induces the desire to take or keep power at the expense of more humanistic values. Whether we like it or not, we are led to rely only on ourselves, making the salutary mourning of certain illusions or distorted relationships. It is a difficult but purifying transit, to which it is useless and exhausting to resist.

Monday the 22nd of July 2024

Sun in Leo: The return of the sun to its domicile confirms the arrival of summer (in the southern hemisphere, it confirms the arrival of winter). We will all benefit from excellent opportunities to relax according to our temperament.

Sun trine Neptune: We desire to evolve in a more united world, to connect to a more communal ideal, we aspire to rediscover certain humanistic values. We overflow with magnificent ideas without necessarily having practical solutions to implement them, but our inspiration can lead us to beautiful discoveries within ourselves and around us. Our ideals are gaining momentum.

Mars trine Pluto: We have the opportunity to undertake a large-scale project without compromising on essentials, to nourish constructive debates without dwelling on details. The period is therefore ideal for getting involved in a project or a new activity. Our competitive spirit could also be put to good use in a sporting discipline.

Sunday the 21st of July 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn: The moon is in free fall in the austere sign of Capricorn, facing its companion sun, which occupies its domicile in Cancer. Many emotions, in this full moon, internalized but powerful. We can use this influence to consolidate our ambitions without giving in to negative and pessimistic moods. We must put into perspective the feelings of this full moon, more social or professional than affective...Full Moon in Capricorn

Venus sextile Jupiter: This duo offers us moments of grace where joy, complicity, and generosity resurface. It is a period of happy events and an excellent transit for all artistic, creative, loving, and playful activities.

Mercury square Uranus: A wind of revolt blows against conventional ideas, we lack open-mindedness, our reactions are unpredictable. We risk acting hastily and communicating without much diplomacy. In this overexcited atmosphere, we find it difficult to adapt to circumstances and to show moderation both in our words and actions.

Saturday the 20th of July 2024

Mars in Gemini: A little breeze of enthusiasm and hope blows over the planet. Agreements are reached, exits from crises are in sight. Action now passes through speech, communication, and exchange of ideas. Slowness is no longer in place. Energy must flow. We are in motion that sometimes wants to turn into agitation. Initiatives are taken in various directions depending on opportunities and varied interests.

Mars sextile Neptune: Our actions seem guided by a solidarity vision of the initiatives to be taken to serve the common cause. We can act with dynamism, efficiency, and a lot of imagination to achieve our goals with real motivation.

Friday the 19th of July 2024

It\'s time to treat yourself to a tarot reading!: Tarot can assist you in making decisions: this reading sheds light on your situation, analyzes the context in which you are operating, in order to make better decisions. Success is within your reach if you seize your opportunity. Choose your 4 tarot cards and discover your future with our forecasts in the areas of mood, love, money, and work.It\'s time to treat yourself to a tarot reading!

Thursday the 18th of July 2024

Sun sextile Uranus: This encounter encourages our audacity and exalts our imagination. We become capable of envisioning new perspectives and applying them in the reality of our existence.

Wednesday the 17th of July 2024

What Are Your Best Qualities?: We don\'t always know our real talents; with this article, explore your potential and develop what\'s best in you!What Are Your Best Qualities?

Tuesday the 16th of July 2024

To Improve the Atmosphere at Home: Feng Shui is a way of life that has existed for centuries in China. It\'s a Taoist discipline, like Chinese medicine or acupuncture. For centuries, the Chinese have used it to design their cities, build their houses, and even bury their dead.Discover the Feng Shui!

Monday the 15th of July 2024

Mars conjunct Uranus: This duo exalts our desire for novelty, for change. We want to break with established codes. We show originality and great speed in our reactions. Your outspokenness and some overexcited behaviors may, however, create some tensions. It\'s not the time to adopt an impatient and uncompromising attitude.

Sunday the 14th of July 2024

Free Tarot card of the day among 22 cards: Choose from 22 Tarot cards to find out your card of the day for free! Predictions about your love-life, social life, finances and work are on offer!Free Tarot card of the day

Saturday the 13th of July 2024

Dice Throwing: Since ancient times, humans have sought to uncover the secrets of their future. Since prehistory, we have used our natural environment to question our destiny or the divinities: twigs, stones, shells, bones... With the invention of dice and then dominoes, these very ancient practices have refined and led to Kybomancy.Throw the Dice!

Friday the 12th of July 2024

Venus opposition Pluto: We must respect the needs of the other as much as our own, even if we have difficulty expressing our feelings. Passion is intense, but inhibitions block us. In a couple, communication is complicated, and we may react a bit too vehemently to errors or trivial actions by our partner.

Thursday the 11th of July 2024

Venus in Leo: This transit stimulates our imagination and our aspiration to surpass ourselves. The planet of love in the majestic and authoritative sign of Leo promises a powerful emotional atmosphere, full of exorbitant expectations and sometimes crazy demands. It\'s a selective and demanding climate, but generous.

Sun trine Saturn: Saturn favors reflection and wise decision-making. This transit stimulates our will, our sense of duty, and responsibilities. It\'s a constructive period where we have a more realistic perspective on things, facilitating the realization of our projects. We are able to tackle difficult tasks, long-term projects.

Venus trine Neptune: We tend to project ourselves into an ideal life, into a world likely to inspire us, to nourish us. We have a romantic view of love; we can also develop artistic qualities with great creativity.

Wednesday the 10th of July 2024

What Energy Do You Have?: Discover in our free online application the sign and house where your natal Mars is located, and you will know everything about the type of energy you have and in which areas it manifests.What Energy Do You Have?

Tuesday the 9th of July 2024

Choose Your Path!: Your professional potential is governed by several factors, the main one being arguably the Midheaven or the 10th house. To better understand this concept, read our article which will teach you many things you probably don\'t know about your personality and the means at your disposal!Choose Your Path!

Monday the 8th of July 2024

Venus sextile Uranus: This transit exalts our desire for fantasy; we want to spice up our loves, express our unbridled creativity, but we can also be vulnerable to all novelties in the emotional domain. We are encouraged to make new friends, but we are more concerned with pleasing than with attaching or stabilizing ourselves.

Mercury sextile Jupiter: The atmosphere becomes lighter, more conducive to creative exchanges. We can broaden our horizons, elevate debates, develop our synthesis skills, and find success in matters concerning justice.

Sunday the 7th of July 2024

Your Love Numerology: Based on the principles of numerology, your love numerology informs you about your romantic destiny. Your numerological love portrait is calculated based on your first name, your last name (maiden name for married women), and your date of birth. These different elements together constitute your \"numerological theme,\" from which we have extracted the emotional aspect. Discover yours!Your Love Numerology

Saturday the 6th of July 2024

New Moon in Cancer: The Moon in its domicile in Cancer is powerful and highly imaginative, exacerbating all emotions, risking dramatizing certain situations. It\'s a romantic and creative new moon, but it can tug at us between our emotions and our realism�New Moon in Cancer

Friday the 5th of July 2024

Mars sextile Saturn: We must move forward, but without forgetting to anchor our bases, to structure our foundations to establish ourselves on solid ground. We have the possibility to be very efficient in our long-term actions and we can succeed through our efforts.

Thursday the 4th of July 2024

Do you know the runes?: Runes originate from the Germanic tradition and were originally used for writing, but their use has evolved and they also allow us to discover mysteries, to develop an entire philosophy. This ancient Germanic-Nordic script is linked to the sacred. It is the cosmos that expresses itself and needs to be interpreted afterward. It is possible to use them in our everyday life. Discover without further delay this ancient and exotic divinatory discipline! Do you know the runes?

Wednesday the 3rd of July 2024

Venus trine Saturn: Our emotions are calmed, we feel the desire to build on solid ground, to commit ourselves. Our affections become more peaceful, more stable, deeper. It is a period where we love strongly and express ourselves little, a period of sentimental status quo. It is a good time to save, pay off our debts, or invest our capital with little chance of error. Artistic tastes evolve towards more sobriety and authenticity.

Mercury opposition Pluto: Controversies are possible regarding the distribution of power with a tendency to want to centralize it. We may feel a sense of uncertainty or frustration. We have a bit of trouble adapting to circumstances, sometimes even escaping reality.

Tuesday the 2nd of July 2024

Mercury in Leo: Mercury in Leo colors the way we approach relationships and exchanges with the qualities, but also the faults attributed to Leo. We develop our practical sense, making it easier to materialize our initiatives. But this transit also involves nervousness, tensions, and verbal exchanges that may be regretted later. Mercury in Leo favors all creative fields, such as writers, screenwriters, theater people, and actors.

Neptune (R) in Pisces: Neptune\'s retrograde allows us to reassess our limits in the relationship we have with the outside world and within ourselves. This allows us to bring together all the elements that compose us into a single vision. Some illusory objectives, dreams, or ideals too far removed from reality are reconsidered to approach our aspirations more realistically.

Mercury trine Neptune: Neptune exalts the imagination and emphasizes communication, sociability, and intellectual sensitivity. We adapt more easily to all situations. Our imagination and creative potential are strengthened and can be expressed in various ways, through poetry, music, writing, dance, theater...

Monday the 1st of July 2024

123 Tarot!: To decipher your immediate future, to make a decision, the Marseille tarot can help you. This daily tarot draw gives you a clear and precise answer. Based on a draw of 4 cards, you can understand the implications in your love life, finances, work, family, and social life.123 Tarot!

Astro Flash for June 2024

Sunday the 30th of June 2024

Mercury sextile Uranus: This encounter favors bold ideas, it frees us from outdated rules and codes and whispers a few subversive ideas to bring us closer to a new vision of the world.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces: This retrogradation often causes delays and obstacles, ambitions cannot be expressed as we would like, because commitments or responsibilities restrict evolution. This often comes from matters that were neglected before and now need to be settled. So we must persevere, even if we have no immediate results, even if everything seems to be running slowly.Saturn in retrograde

Saturday the 29th of June 2024

Venus sextile Mars: Venus\'s tender influence softens Mars\'s slightly offensive tone, aimed at convincing. Venus helps to smooth things over.

Friday the 28th of June 2024

Personalized astrological forecasts for the period of your choice: We present you a new free tool that allows you to visualize a key period, to perceive its context, to insert it into the life cycle you are going through. Know that this application is intended to give you the planetary climate, the atmosphere of the moment and not to respond precisely to a personal question.Personalized forecast and transits for a day

Thursday the 27th of June 2024

What will happen in your life in the coming days?: Love, work, family, money, all these sections are covered by our exclusive draw! To make the right decision, to strengthen your motivation, to abandon your doubts and indecision, nothing beats a draw!Free tarot card reading: Which is your card?

Wednesday the 26th of June 2024

Mercury trine Saturn: This transit gives our interventions a serious tone, it reflects our willingness to take on our responsibilities, it puts our ideas in place and communication takes a wiser, more thoughtful turn than repressive.

Tuesday the 25th of June 2024

Feng Shui, a therapeutic art!: Feng Shui is a way of life that has existed for centuries in China. It is a Taoist discipline, like Chinese medicine or acupuncture, on a common foundation of knowledge. For centuries, the Chinese have used it to design their cities, build their houses, and even bury their dead.Control those energy flows with Feng-shui!

Monday the 24th of June 2024

I Ching is the oldest known divinatory art!: Developed in China over 3000 years ago, its principles have not aged a bit! Its purpose is not to predict the future, but to help you make decisions. It is a precious guide that suggests concrete solutions to all your questions. If you hesitate about the path to follow, if you do not know what attitude to adopt, if you have a dilemma to solve, I Ching answers all your questions! Let yourself be guided on the paths of the divinatory arts of ancient China!The I Ching: Chinese divination art

Sunday the 23rd of June 2024

What do you expect from love?: Love compatibility is an excellent way to take your love destiny into your own hands rather than endure the course of your life. A very useful application to develop a beautiful complicity in a stable and lasting relationship, treat yourself to love compatibility!What do you expect from love?

Saturday the 22nd of June 2024

Full Moon in Capricorn: The moon is in free fall in the austere Capricorn, facing the sun which occupies its domicile, Cancer. Many emotions, in this full moon, even if they are internalized. We may go through negative and pessimistic moods. It is necessary to relativize the feelings of this more social or professional than affective full moon�Full Moon in Capricorn

Friday the 21st of June 2024

Mercury sextile Mars: We raise our voices a little to make ourselves understood. We are more inclined to discuss, to negotiate to find solutions to ongoing debates.

Thursday the 20th of June 2024

Sun square Neptune: Misunderstandings and other misunderstandings may blur the frequency, an unartistic blur reigns over our exchanges and troubles communication.

1. Breaking news July 2024
2. Discover Full Moon July 21, 2024
3. New Moon of August 4, 2024
4. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2025
5. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2025
6. New Moon Calendar for 2025
7. New Moon Calendar for 2024
8. Predictions and influence of Venus in 2024
9. Calendar of the Full Moon in 2024

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