Saturn is at home in Capricorn, he is particularly powerful. For about two and a half years, he will color projects with courage, lucidity, ambition and rigor. But also, he may curb or even block all business that does not correspond to his values of wisdom and austerity, some signs may not live well while others will find comfort in their long-term evolution.

The transit of Saturn square to your natal Sun slows down your life and pushes you to review the basics on which you live. You are led to sort out, to identify what does not suit you in your life, whether it is your profession, your plans for the future, your achievements, your relationships with others or certain aspects of your personality. This transit challenges you to make tough but compelling decisions for your well-being in the future. This period is accompanied by great weariness, fatigue and disillusionment. The daily tasks seem more overwhelming than usual, you feel unmotivated, melancholy and worried. Be patient. At the end of this transit, you have greater personal responsibility and a better awareness of yourself.
When Saturn passes trine in the natal sun, authority, responsibility, seriousness and rigor become natural. Your creativity can be expressed within a defined framework and obstacles are overcome easily thanks to your energy and increased perseverance. You mature, you grow, you settle into a more stable and balanced life. It's a good time to develop long-term projects and make important decisions. Your progress is steady and constructive but slow. If administration is particularly likely to slow you down, you retain your prestige and take on responsibilities. Your job, even if it is difficult, is realized. This is a monotonous and boring period that makes it possible to catch up on late work.
If Saturn in Capricorn does not directly touch Gemini, he is however, at home, and "comfortable" and his powerful influence affects everyone. The atmosphere is ambitious and hardworking, the hierarchy, the police, the administration and justice are active and severe but fair. This is a time when you have every interest in staying on the right path to avoid trouble ...
Your morale is down, you doubt yourselves, you feel dejected and discouraged. You realize that time passes, that you do not have the same energy as you did in your youth and it makes you gloomy and pessimistic. You probably tend to stay away, to seek solitude. You have the impression that everything is against you, you accumulate troubles and delays, nothing goes as you wish. Saturn wants you to mature, to sort out your life, to mourn what is no longer appropriate for you: your work, a worn relationship, a way of thinking that is no longer right ... At the end of this transit you will continue your journey, rid of the superfluous and with a better knowledge of yourself.
If Saturn does not concern you directly when he is in Capricorn, he does, however, reinforce a context that suits you in his constructive and rigorous way. You must make some discipline efforts to integrate into yourself but then you are able to do a lot of work in pursuit of your goals or in developing your ideals. Saturn infuses a more honest mentality and rather traditional principles revolving around the importance of reputation, linked to personal ambitions.
Saturn in Capricorn hints that your existence will be structured in duration and stability. You become more serious, more focused and more willing to take on some responsibilities related to your talents or potential. You can take advantage of this time to plan your future and develop long-term projects with the certainty of being well inspired and realistic. You do not have trouble getting your daily work done in calm and application. This is not necessarily a fun period but your existence is installed in a very comforting security.
The transit of Saturn square to your natal Sun announces a very uncomfortable period that forces you to review yourself. You lack vitality and willpower, you feel sad, demoralized and tired. Protect yourself because you are more vulnerable during this period. You encounter failures, delays and troubles and circumstances force you to postpone your plans or your desires. At the end of this transit, you have acquired more maturity and the necessary distance to pursue your life. Aspects of your personality made of old habits that did not suit you anymore are lightened. Be patient and postpone your important steps for later.
This transit allows you to see yourself in a more realistic and reasonable way, to make lucid and lasting choices. You have a more mature understanding of your abilities and goals. You become more disciplined, more practical, more focused and you have the will and the stamina to overcome any obstacles. You feel safer, you assume your responsibilities with greater ease, you act with measure and weight. The influence of Saturn is excellent to consolidate your professional situation. You can get better results in your work and get noticed or start a new business that will definitely be successful.
If Saturn in Capricorn does not directly touch Sagittarius, he is however, at home, and "comfortable." His powerful influence affects everyone. During this transit, you have every interest in taking care of your finances by carefully investing your assets or by forcing yourself to save. Saturn may indeed call you to order if you are not serious and rigorous in this area.
The passage of Saturn on the natal sun is often a key period, made of difficult moments, slow progress and many frustrations. Later, you will realize the positive results and you will understand that this period, more constructive than playful, made you evolve. But in the meantime, it is about privations, commitments, responsibilities and sometimes reversals of fortune. However, your prestige is intact, you benefit from the esteem of others. The path is steep but it takes you up the ladder of your aspirations. This climate of self-discipline and rigor is often accompanied by a slight depression or fatigue. Watch your vitality because you are more sensitive to colds or viruses.
The transit of Saturn in your neighbor pushes you to more reserve, retreat and reflection. You feel that something is starting to assert itself in you and you need to examine your situation more closely before deciding on the path to take. If you take advantage of this wise and restrained position of Saturn to structure your future, you are able, from 2020, to build the solid foundations of a sustainable situation with the satisfaction of a job well done, promises kept and responsibilities assumed ...
Saturn sextile in the natal sun offers you to develop long-term projects and take initiatives. Life gives you opportunities to showcase yourself or your rights. The administration, justice and the hierarchy are rather favorable to you, provided you remain irreproachable. It is the reward for efforts made and only the careless, the lazy and the indifferent will hardly feel the effects of this transit that is more positive than it seems. So stay attentive, keep faith and make yourself available: luck passes, still we must seize it!