The Moon's cycle begins when the Sun and the Moon are conjoined. During the New Moon, the Moon travels 10 to 14 degrees of the zodiac per day, staying two or three days in each sign and completing the circle in 29 days. On the 14th day of the cycle, the Moon is at mid-trajectory and opposite the Sun.

This is the Full Moon. It then decreases for 14 days until the next New Moon. The Full Moon illuminates consciousness. It gives wisdom, which predisposes us to constructive discussions. The Full Moon invites you to go out of your home to meet others. It sometimes induces a natural effervescence, and contacts and exchanges are numerous. Nervousness can result from all this agitation.
On January 13th, full moon in Cancer
The full moon in Cancer exacerbates all emotions, risking to dramatize situations. It's a romantic and creative full moon, but it induces conflicts between emotions and realism.
The sky has moved its pieces for this entry into 2025; Mars retrograde in Cancer, Venus has entered Pisces, and Mercury has entered Capricorn.
The moon rules Cancer, thus it becomes particularly important in the dialogue it maintains with the other planets. In Cancer, it concerns the past, origins, family, and emotions.
This full moon is conjunct Mars, which, in its retrograde motion, has returned to Cancer. When Mars retrogrades, conflicts from the past resurface, and in Cancer, they can involve unresolved family stories. The moon doesn't handle Mars' presence well by its side and can create conflicts. Mars only goes direct again on February 24th and remains in Cancer until April 18th, leaving over three months to sort things out at homeā¦
Mars is still opposed to Pluto, intensifying conflicts, but it's also in trine with Neptune, infusing benevolence where we could otherwise succumb to Pluto's darkness. Ultimately, we can settle these matters calmly.
The moon is also in trine with Neptune, inviting us to dream and cultivate our inner lives.
Uranus is among the planets aspecting this full moon, and it's going to wake us up! Its sextile to the moon and Mars gives energy, providing an opportunity to entertain ourselves, to take time to break from routine.
Venus is in Pisces, completely detached from material matters, and we find ourselves loving in a disinterested way, attaching to the soul more than the physical. But the planet of love is conjunct Saturn, still allowing us to keep our footing. It's a way to regain composure while retaining a bit of reason in our matters of the heart. Venus is also sextile to Mercury in Capricorn. The mind is connected to the heart, allowing us not to lose our way. Thought is solid in Capricorn, less susceptible to influence.
This first full moon of the year combines very virile energies, but in powerful benevolence. The past resurfaces, and we must learn to settle old conflicts peacefully.
On February 12th, it's the full moon in Leo
This full moon generates enthusiasm, strengthens intuition, boosts confidence, and exalts creativity. The atmosphere is dynamic, relationships are tinged with generosity, and projects gain momentum.
This full moon is inevitably opposed to the sun and also opposes Mercury very close to the sun in the last degrees of Aquarius. Under the influence of our emotions, our minds become changeable. Our ideas and desires are marked by impatience, with the need to satisfy our cravings instantly. We become more superficial, and nervousness becomes excessive. Moreover, this full moon is also square to Uranus, itself square to the sun and Mercury. Emotions are poorly controlled, moods are very changeable, and nervous tension leads to discussions that can quickly turn into storms if we let ourselves be carried away by our emotions without considering the context and especially the feelings of others. So, during this February full moon, it's better not to burden ourselves with constraints and avoid appointments if they're not essential. It's Uranus that leads the dance and makes exchanges difficult, but we can also count on a beautiful trine between Mars and Saturn to avoid falling into violence and to control our impulses. Saturn calms things down and imposes delays before acting.
We can also rely on the conjunction between Venus and Neptune to infuse kindness into our relationships, even though this duo located in Aries still encourages love at first sight and, consequently, certain disillusionments. Venus is also sextile to Pluto, allowing us to express our emotions positively and deepen our emotional relationships to anchor them in the long term. Some bonds can metamorphose, and novelties are likely, but always in the direction of more authentic feelings.
By disciplining ourselves a bit, during this full moon, we can avoid the traps set by Uranus and rely on our willpower (Mars assisted by Saturn) and the depth of our attachments (Venus sextile Pluto) to maintain and nurture healthy and lasting relationships with those we love. We have good cards to convey our messages, to flourish in our love life, to give a new impetus to our couple, by deeply committing ourselves or by making a new encounter. If we manage to channel our moods, this transit will be beneficial. So let's not be too capricious or demanding.
March 14th marks the full moon in Virgo.
The full moon in Virgo presides over major sorting, a frenzy of tidying up, balancing accounts, cleaning the house, and focusing on personal hygiene. But the inherent nervous tension of the full moon may also manifest, especially if one tries to control everything...
A week before the spring equinox, the full moon in Virgo reflects the contained agitation that will soon explode. On one hand, this moon opposes Saturn and generates a certain pessimism, a feeling of dissatisfaction, frustration, and lack of motivation. The past resurfaces, making us nostalgic, or it may revive old pains, often familial. This configuration encourages discipline and introspection rather than relaxation or leisure.
Fortunately, a touch of whimsy sneaks into this austere sky: the moon is also in trine with Uranus, which favors imagination, inspiring creativity by promoting original ideas and enhancing mental dynamism. However, beware the opposition between the moon and Neptune, as sensitivity is heightened, and we risk being much more susceptible to influence, mistaking our desires for reality, or nurturing irrational worries.
Mercury conjunct Venus brings pleasant encounters and amiable behaviors that perfectly match conversations, creating a harmonious atmosphere conducive to exchanges. This tendency is further reinforced by the good relationship between Mercury and Jupiter. We have many ideas to share with others, seizing multiple opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions. Travel is smooth, and the atmosphere is conducive to movement and journeys.
Mars remains on good terms with Saturn, allowing us to make solid progress in our activities, especially since it is also in harmony with the current Sun. This duo enables us to overcome resistance through our willpower and tenacity. We can address everything that needs improvement.
The sextile between Saturn and Uranus allows for better organization of projects beneficial to all, and numerous innovations can enhance everyone's daily life. Positive advancements can also be expected in politics and information.
Saturn is still conjunct Neptune. Wisdom blends with a certain authority, allowing for lucid action to release all tensions in the creation of structures useful to everyone.
On April 13th, it's the full moon in Libra.
This full moon releases a powerful energy that pushes everyone to individualize themselves to better associate later on. But behaviors are impulsive and people come together in a certain frenzy...
This full moon is this time in conflict with Mars in the axis Cancer /Libra. We must be particularly cautious, as our energy can momentarily escape our control. We might regret some of our actions if we launch into them without reflection and clarity.
Mercury and Mars act in concert: reason and logic govern actions, which allows us to hope for good results for all sensible initiatives.
The downside is the proximity of Mercury and Venus with Saturn, which often extinguishes the best intentions. Saturn considerably slows down entrepreneurial spirit and pushes to question all our thoughts. The situation may sometimes seem painful, but we have the opportunity to leave behind intrusive or unnecessary ideas that clutter our daily lives. Saturn could also force us to give up on certain romantic relationships that no longer work, but it's important to understand that these changes herald a more pleasant situation, so let's be patient, show resilience to sort things out and start afresh. We are able to build a better future for more stability and security.
On the same day, Venus stops retrograding and resumes its direct course in Pisces. The hyperemotivity that caused so much damage subsides. However, the balance is still fragile. It's time to restart a relationship or a meeting from the beginning, being careful not to repeat the same mistakes. We can now reconnect with tenderness, humor, romance, and lightness, especially since Venus is once again conjunct with Mercury, facilitating exchanges, mobility, and empathy.
In trine to Mars, Venus promises a good agreement between physical attraction and feelings, between emotions and actions. Determination is a major asset to obtain favors from those around us. Emotional relationships are more harmonious.
Uranus in Taurus is exactly halfway between Mars in Cancer and the trio Mercury-Venus-Saturn in Pisces. This configuration has multiple advantages, it accentuates creativity, gives a lot of charm and seduction, and indicates a period of dynamism, where we dare and it works, because we take the necessary risks. Situations become clear and understandable, this transit favors everything related to modern techniques.
On May 12th, it's the full moon in Scorpio.
This full moon brings about an internalization of powerful emotions. It's a fiery moon that will appeal to the passionate, but also triggers power plays, indulgence, or excessive spending; the atmosphere is charged.
This full moon coincides with a conjunction to Uranus. It's a turbulent day of passions and taking radical stances. There's a tendency to struggle against restrictive situations that limit personal freedom. It's a day conducive to impulsiveness, infatuations, and strokes of luck.
Mercury has just entered Taurus and squares Pluto in Aquarius. Communication becomes more challenging, exchanges aren't very smooth, and stubbornness prevails. We need to be more flexible and patient with unaccommodating interlocutors; it's not a good time for compromises, it's better to wait a day or two.
Fortunately, Venus sends many beneficial vibes into this somewhat tense atmosphere. In trine with Mars, it harmonizes romantic relationships. Conjunct Saturn, it instills wisdom and restraint in feelings and emotions; this aspect acts as a good safeguard against certain destructive passions. It's also conjunct Neptune, maintaining romantic impulses, reinforcing intuition, and especially creativity, much needed to navigate potentially tricky situations. Finally, it's sextile Pluto, strengthening emotional life, but also finances, by infusing extraordinary intuition for investments and placements.
Pluto plays a rather mixed role, as it may hinder communication but supports feelings, even reinforcing them, while also influencing energies, initiatives, and activities to become radical. There's no middle ground: things are done wholeheartedly, regardless of the consequences. It's up to us to navigate best between these conflicting influences.
Saturn will assist us the most in this, even though, in square with Jupiter, it risks blocking our personal expansion, it's nevertheless useful for
easing tensions, reconnecting with common sense, and bringing sobriety to both our words and actions. It's a good moderator we can rely on.
It remains a particularly confrontational full moon during which we must be wary of our outbursts and manage our sometimes aggressive moods as best as possible. It's a day to relax and avoid any controversy, even if it means postponing important discussions.
On June 11, 2025, there's a full moon in Sagittarius.
The full moon in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis favors all forms of learning, inducing numerous interesting encounters and encouraging enriching experiences. Shy or anxious individuals may feel under high pressure as they confront challenges.
This full moon in Sagittarius brims with energy. Well-aligned with Mars, it blends emotions and willpower. Our instincts urge us to expend energy, to undertake; it's a moment to start large-scale short-term projects. The prevailing optimism proves highly beneficial in all our endeavors.
However, be cautious of the opposition this moon forms with Jupiter, causing emotional agitation, lack of restraint, and inciting excesses. Whether in social or romantic life, actions tend to be excessive. We must also exercise caution regarding finances, as heightened sensitivity and errors in judgment can become traps.
Saturn continues its moderating role, though becoming more severe, more rigid, by limiting exchanges and mobility. Some of us may feel restrained, even blocked by this uncompromising planet.
As for Pluto, it aggresses Venus, making romantic life more challenging. Material security may also become problematic if one does not adapt to necessary lifestyle changes. For some, an encounter might necessitate transformation, prompting a reassessment of their shaky emotional ties.
Mars is under the dual influence of Jupiter and Uranus. While Jupiter encourages initiatives and bolsters courage, Uranus may drive us to excesses, potentially leading to unpleasant incidents due to hastiness or lack of discipline.
Among the slower-moving planets, Jupiter maintains a double square with Saturn and Neptune. The square between Jupiter and Saturn entails difficulties and frustrations. This configuration is taxing but allows for self-transcendence. With Jupiter and Neptune in square, harmful excesses are to be feared, as clarity of thought is lacking, and significant decisions should be postponed to avoid negative and lasting consequences.
Saturn is in sextile with Uranus and Pluto and in conjunction with Neptune. Saturn and Uranus allow for better organization of societal projects. Minds are clear, and numerous innovations can enhance everyone's daily lives. The conjunction between Neptune and Saturn brings significant improvements for the well-being of all. Wisdom, coupled with a certain authority, enables lucid action. The sextile between Saturn and Pluto prompts introspection; there's a willingness to make concessions for a quieter daily life.
Uranus maintains excellent relations with Neptune and Pluto. Thanks to the sextile formed by Uranus and Neptune, the collective consciousness is oriented towards improving the thought system. There's a genuine desire to see things differently to break free from an outdated world that needs a fresh impetus to feel like things are progressing. Finally, the trine between Uranus and Pluto brings novelties in the fields of science and politics, which could be enhanced by the development of new technologies or through discoveries. Anything obsolete in society is destined to fade away.
On July 10th, there is a full moon in Capricorn.
This full moon has a positive influence for solidifying ambitions or realistically preparing projects. However, it also induces negative or pessimistic moods. It's important to put our feelings into perspective.
The sky considerably calms down at the beginning of the summer holidays; Saturn has loosened its grip on our interactions and mobility, making us feel freer in our speech and actions. This somewhat introverted full moon is in good aspect with Mars and encourages long-term activities, tenacity, and courage. However, it is opposed to Jupiter, which amplifies emotions, especially as it is in Cancer, the moon's domicile where the sun currently resides. The moon in Capricorn feels somewhat isolated in this sometimes chilly sign. Therefore, we must deal with powerful emotions, fluctuating moods, and a certain reserve that may be considerably frustrating.
Mercury in Leo doesn't engage with other planets, so it's not particularly active and simply brings us the creativity of Leo, allowing us full scope to freely exploit our talents.
Venus comes into conjunction with Uranus, and this duo could provoke many fulfilling encounters if we keep an open mind and show initiative; love at first sight is entirely possible. We are tempted to freely enjoy all the pleasures of life; it's an excellent time to take a break. Venus is also in trine with Pluto, strengthening romantic relationships by adding depth or allowing singles to start afresh.
This full moon is particularly calm and should allow us to enjoy pleasant moments in good company, in a welcome tranquility after long weeks of agitation or exhausting work. Let's just beware of Jupiter, which encourages excess; let's be cautious in our pleasures, encounters, and spending, but most importantly, let's break out of our reserve induced by the moon in Capricorn and reach out to others, towards the sun and Jupiter in Cancer. Family joys take precedence; it's time to enjoy our children, parents, and close ones.
On August 9th, there's a full moon in Aquarius.
Aquarius values friendly life, but parent-child relationships might be strained as youngsters aspire to be free from any constraints. It's also a highly creative day for artists who stand out by showcasing their inventiveness.
This full moon is somewhat isolated in Aquarius and doesn't present any other aspect than its opposition to the sun.
Interest is rather focused on the ongoing retrogrades. Neptune has been retrograde in Aries since July 5th and will only resume its direct course in December. This retrograde brings back buried sensations but has a significant impact on our behavior, allowing us to understand the reasons for our vague discomfort. This aspect encourages retreat, but this tendency towards seclusion shouldn't turn into escapism from reality.
Mercury is still retrograde until the 11th; these are the last days of stagnation in exchanges and movements. Subtly, things are returning to normal. It's time to make good resolutions, to bring cohesion to our words. Let's allow others to express their ideas.
Saturn has been retrograde since July 13th and will resume direct motion on November 28th. However, in the meantime, its retrograde will bring it back to Pisces on September 1st until the beginning of 2026. This configuration encourages us to develop a new way of protecting ourselves from the outside world, to question the relevance of the structures in which we live.
Lastly, since May 5th, Pluto has been retrograde at the very beginning of Aquarius and will only resume direct motion on October 14th. It gives us the opportunity to go back, to discover hidden sources of energy to help us achieve our goals. It's an invitation to delve deep into ourselves to find serenity in the face of memories or unconscious images.
For the rest, Venus in conjunction with Jupiter motivates us to obtain what we desire. We seek the unknown and exotic to change our minds and discover new passions. We are more open to others and can derive much pleasure from inviting friends.
Finally, Mars's energies are supported by Uranus, which infuses us with excellent ideas, and by Pluto, which makes us tenacious. But our activities are hindered by Saturn, which demands seriousness and consistency, and by Neptune, which sometimes makes us envision unachievable projects.
On September 7th, there's a full moon in Pisces.
During this full moon, there may be confusion, disorder, one must let go between reasoning and intuition. At times, we risk finding ourselves completely lost in strange atmospheres...
With the Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo, the full moon opposes these two planets. Emotions and intellect vie for our attention, and we must ensure that our moods don't prompt inappropriate reactions.
Meanwhile, the Sun also forms a sextile with Jupiter, opening the doors of success to those who maintain optimism and open-mindedness: circumstances are very favorable, so one must remain vigilant and available to seize opportunities as they arise.
Mars squares Jupiter, and actions can become excessive. It's a charged atmosphere of conflicts, legal issues, and wasted energies. It's particularly important to ensure that our ambitions are not beyond our means.
Saturn retrograde temporarily returns to Pisces, as if to "finish the job." This retrograde often causes delays and obstacles; ambitions cannot be expressed as desired because commitments or responsibilities restrict progress. This often stems from matters previously neglected and now requiring completion. Thus, perseverance is necessary, even if immediate results are lacking, even if everything seems to be moving slowly.
Uranus begins a retrograde in Gemini and will quickly regress back into Taurus until 2026. This retrograde can induce sudden changes in personal plans due to unpredictable causes, strange or inexplicable incidents. Stability is disrupted, and we become more aware of our needs for freedom of expression, potentially leading to changes in attitudes or habits. During this retrograde, maturation occurs, and we may begin to implement new ideas in the concrete reality of our existence.
Despite the retrogrades and an overexcited Mars, the sky of this full moon is overall very positive, with many aspects of peace, progress, and interest in collective causes. Gradually, it seems that the world is becoming better, more livable, more humanistic...
On October 7th, it's the full moon in Aries.
This full moon indicates a confrontation between oneself and others, between personal interests and the common good. The atmosphere favors collaboration but also rebellion and egocentrism...
This October full moon squares Jupiter, which is in Cancer. This "square" between the sun, the moon, and Jupiter encourages excess and exaggeration. Optimism and enthusiasm become detrimental as we become impatient, neglect details, and take disproportionate risks. Our ambitions become unreasonable, and we feel dissatisfied with what we have. Also, beware of overeating and unnecessary spending.
However, Mercury has joined Mars, bringing a lot of precision and "common sense" to our activities. We are able to find all the support we need to achieve our goals. Furthermore, this dynamic duo is in Scorpio, which brings a lot, sometimes too much, passion to our initiatives. Beware of this fervor that tends to sweep away any contradiction; this mental energy does not exempt us from listening to the opinions and advice of others.
Venus, on the other hand, caught between the negative influences of the Saturn-Neptune tandem and the sentimental fulfillment of Jupiter, struggles a bit to find its footing. It's possible to get stuck on details that take on disproportionate significance, to restrict oneself out of fear of making mistakes, or to feel isolated without fully understanding why. However, the support offered by Jupiter should help us put any potential difficulties into perspective, trust our partner, and most importantly, communicate to dispel any doubts, probably irrelevant.
On the front of the slow-moving planets, Jupiter, which brings enthusiasm, ideals, and optimism, marries well with Saturn, which brings out ambitions with a particularly useful rigorous and determined side for keeping goals in sight. Some improvements could be made within the administration.
With the trine between Jupiter and Neptune, mutual assistance is in vogue. We manage to put ourselves in others' shoes and consider how to fulfill everyone's needs. A wave of spirituality overwhelms fixed ideas, and we turn to creativity to make the world a better place.
On November 5th, it's the full moon in Taurus.
This full moon triggers an explosion of sensual passions, as well as subtle yet powerful power plays. It's a good time to make excellent investments, but also to squander resources, as passions are heightened.
The full moon occurs in Taurus, the domicile of Venus where the moon is exalted. With Venus precisely finishing its journey in Libra, emotions and sensuality are intertwined, and love stories take on a very interesting dimension. However, Venus is also in square with Jupiter, which could turn desire into bingeing; indulgence and emotional expectations can become overwhelming and lead to both sensual and alimentary excesses and frustrations.
Mars and Mercury entered Sagittarius in recent days. Still united, but this time in an enterprising sign, eager to learn and take on challenges, it's a particularly beneficial period for anything related to competition and challenge, and this full moon further accentuates this drive to win.
However, this dynamic duo is opposed to Uranus and also generates opposition to any form of authority. Sports, particularly competition, remain the best way to relieve stress due to an excess of physical and mental energy. It's difficult to make oneself understood, statements can offend interlocutors, and one doesn't question their behavior. During this full moon, it's really important to avoid engaging in controversies and to focus on engaging activities.
Fortunately, amidst all this agitation and frenzy, Neptune and Pluto intervene to calm minds and give more depth to impulsive urges. Ultimately, only Venus receives challenging aspects, and not much slows down its enormous appetites. It's not the best time to solidify a recent encounter or to try to reconcile with one's partner. Only established and well-bonded couples can benefit from this configuration without causing harmful ruptures in their relationship.
The motto of this explosive full moon is therefore to enjoy the good things in life in moderation and to channel overly powerful energies into intense activities that don't jeopardize your various relationships, whether romantic or social.
On December 4th, it's the full moon in Gemini.
The atmosphere is light and enterprising, somewhat casual and very mobile. This full moon gives us ants in our pants and we have 10 ideas per second. It's a sociable and lively moon that urges us to leave home, meet diverse people, and engage in varied, sometimes superficial, but always interesting exchanges.
Since the last full moon, many things have happened: Uranus retrograde has temporarily returned to Taurus, as has Jupiter, which has reinvested in Cancer. Mercury has also retrograded in Sagittarius and returned to Scorpio before resuming direct motion on November 30th.
Saturn resumed its direct movement on November 28th. Sorrows are consoled, doubts turn into certainties, illusions are a thing of the past, and outlines are clearer.
Let's return to today's full moon, conjunct Uranus, opposed to Venus, and trine to Pluto. The opposition to Venus can induce capricious reactions and laziness. With the conjunction to Uranus, we need to release our tensions in intense physical activities, but avoiding taking reckless risks. As the imagination is also overflowing, let's use our ideas to advance in our projects. Diplomatic efforts will be needed for collaborations to go well, but we can receive support from our surroundings, from our friends. Under the beneficial influence of Pluto, we are able to analyze our behavior with great accuracy and make necessary modifications in our social relationships.
Mercury back in Scorpio benefits from excellent influences from Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. Despite opposition to Uranus which makes thoughts and speech a bit feverish, these three favorable planets largely compensate for this nervousness by bringing great open-mindedness and intellectual availability (Jupiter), common sense and good concentration (Saturn), and finally, exalted creativity that allows artists to express themselves with talent (Neptune).
Venus is now in Sagittarius and also enjoys the support of Saturn and Neptune. Mastered romanticism helps us infuse poetry into our romantic relationships while keeping us cautious in our impulses and infatuations.
Now, Mars remains, somewhat constrained by Saturn which restricts energies and consequently activities. Hierarchy can make the work environment gloomy, elders may become more rigid, and physical fatigue could demoralize us for a little while...