
Your daily horoscope for Scorpio on the 14th of September 2024

Written by Susan

Your astral forecast

The atmosphere is cheerful and harmonious. You won't be disappointed in those around you and festivities are in the offing. You are on increasingly better form and will be pleased with your efforts. Cut down on sweet things, they aren't the right kind of reward.



The end of a worry that was bothering you will arrive just in time to set your mind at rest and make you feel more positive.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowMonday: 2/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 5/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5ThursdayFriday: 4/5FridaySaturday: 3/5Saturday



Talking will be a lot easier today, make the most of it to lay out some delicate issues with your partner. Your instincts are guiding you to greater harmony, follow them.

Today: 5/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowMonday: 3/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 5/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5ThursdayFriday: 3/5FridaySaturday: 4/5Saturday



You are going to be decidedly not in agreement with your contacts - you'll just have to express your arguments.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 2/5TomorrowMonday: 2/5MondayTuesday: 4/5TuesdayWednesday: 4/5WednesdayThursday: 3/5ThursdayFriday: 3/5FridaySaturday: 2/5Saturday



You will be able to inject a breath of fresh air into your work, especially if you are freelance.

Today: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 4/5TomorrowMonday: 3/5MondayTuesday: 5/5TuesdayWednesday: 5/5WednesdayThursday: 4/5ThursdayFriday: 4/5FridaySaturday: 5/5Saturday
This week


The moon is in Aquarius, in position 01 degree(s),18 minute(s): Humanitarian atmosphere, fraternal, controlled emotions, sudden and brilliant ideas but obstinacy.

First decan

24th October to 3rd November

You efficiency will let you be at the right place at the right time, not that anything will be easier. A slight setback will require you to just bide your time. It could be a technical problem or electrical breakdown.

Second decan

4th November to 13th November

By accepting compromise, you will be able to preserve good relations. Certain people among your family members or friends will remind you that there are some differences between you. Don't rise to the attack. It would be too hard to maintain discussion.

Third decan

14th November to 22nd November

You will get an immediate understanding of everyone you meet. It won't take you much time to figure out if things will work or not between you. The moon will make you more sensitive to everything. Everyone you meet won't necessarily be compatible with your personality, as you will see.

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