You will have to deal with intense emotional turmoil from those around you. You are not necessarily responsible, do not take everything literally. Rely on your composure!
You play the mediators behind the scenes and you discover surprising truths, but caution is necessary; remain discreet about what you learn, a reputation is made and broken in a few words and for a long time...
Trinkets can irritate you. People who have a high opinion of themselves or a poor assessment of their skills. You dare to make harsh judgments. This doesn't really resemble you; the moon changes the game.
In a relationship: A few little things that don't get resolved, and life as a couple can quickly become unbearable. You manage to maintain some distance and weigh things out. Fortunately, the moon helps you to keep a sense of objectivity.
Single: Don't hesitate to embark on new conquests or to discover new hobbies. The day can be fruitful on many levels, but stay organized and structured, there's no need to scatter.
A new encounter could transform your material life. You will know how to show the best of yourself, but be careful of too much generosity. Verify the reality of the information before embarking on a new project! Don't get carried away.
The sky exposes you to setbacks that drain your energy. You are finding it hard to endure the day and are looking to free yourself from it. But you cannot escape your obligations, and it would be easier to cope than to dodge!
Your mood is not great and you might be disappointed by the superficiality of your guests if you invite people to your home tonight. You should definitely prefer to go out somewhere else… At least you can escape if you feel like it!
What about your Decan today ?
The moon is in Libra, in position 11 degree(s), 35 minute(s): Easy communication with others. Sensitivity to aesthetic appearance, seeking harmony. Tact and diplomacy but frivolous.

First decan
Relationships and discussions are concrete, constructive, and solid. Today's Moon is beneficial for developing clear ideas to support proven reasoning and achieve calming results.

Second decan
Good energies are flowing, and a beautiful day is announced. Difficulties are not numerous, luck is present, and beautiful confidence is established within social life.

Third decan
Trust grows, relationships benefit from good influences, and exchanges are sincere. The attention you receive is a real motivation.
Give to Caesar and let go. The moon is troublesome, it imposes efforts on you. By sharing the worries and the chores, you will find serenity again. Tomorrow, it will no longer be apparent.
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