You will have no trouble feeling in harmony with your surroundings, positively. It is on the nervous level that you need rest; do not hesitate to dive into the pleasures and leisure activities that you enjoy.
Some people are openly opposing your plans, and your authority seems to be questioned. You have a little bout of the blues, but without losing face, you get back in the ring to defend your initiatives. Watch out for underhanded tactics.
You share your ideas, your projects, you place importance on communication, and those around you agree. You will notice that you have similar tastes and shared desires with the person you love, which is promising.
In a relationship: A change within the family might make you want to modify certain things in your couple. You would like your romantic relationship to take on a different meaning. Before making a decision, talk to the person involved.
Single: Single, you draw on your past experiences to envision the future. Is this a good method? Only you can answer that question. For your well-being, romantic choices will be imposed upon you.
You are taking yourself less seriously today. You are effectively aspiring to gain more perspective, which will allow you to make the right decisions. You are questioning yourself; it is the time to initiate changes in your financial management.
The sky is becoming increasingly turbulent, and one must join the dance to take advantage of these good dispositions, even if they are a bit tiring. The moon marks the emergence of the relational aspect in your projects.
The sky shines a brief spotlight on your social life. Don't take this opportunity to rest on your laurels thinking that everything is set; you must stay the course despite external pressures that are destabilizing you a bit.
What about your Decan today ?
The moon is in Libra, in position 23 degree(s), 28 minute(s): Easy communication with others. Sensitivity to aesthetic appearance, seeking harmony. Tact and diplomacy but frivolous.

First decan
This will be a day for hosts ands hostesses. Between homely tastes, the lunar atmosphere encouraging conviviality and the sharing of good and beautiful things, your ability to entertain your guests will go into overdrive. Your intuition will help you put on a perfect evening, light-hearted and sparkling in a harmonious atmosphere.

Second decan
The moon will tinge your sometimes devastating passion with refinement, objectivity and more flexibility in your relationships. Don't try to go into isolation. You will be in a position to have the most useful of relationships with people who will be very receptive at the moment. Show some sensitivity in your arguments as people can have thin skins ...

Third decan
You will be able to learn a lot about human nature through observing other people. Those who are particularly expressive will tell you about their aspirations, tastes or anger. This will give you a mine of information so you can be more shrewd in future in arguing the case exactly where this applies!
Go all out in communication! You who love to express your feelings or other emotions, do what makes you happy without thinking about what those around you might say or think.
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