Some family obligations are likely, but you'll have the energy to face them head-on! Indeed, with the influences in Sagittarius, the sun until the 21st, and Mercury from the 6th to the 25th, there will be a tense atmosphere in your family relationships or regarding a residence, so wait until the end of the month. Mars in your sign all month will boost your determination and your decision-making: you will be able to act as you see fit. Things will get even better from the 4th, with Venus in Scorpio lifting your spirits and favoring all your interactions. Significant changes are on the horizon under the influence of the duo Saturn and Neptune, don't be afraid to take a pause and trust your instincts even without a compass! The work sphere promises to be full of surprises and challenges! From the 22nd, it's time to have some fun!
Virgo: Love in General
As of the 4th, your love life looks promising and could see a nice development if you wish. Venus in Scorpio, in a favorable aspect to your sign, eases any new encounter or existing relationship. You will crave light-heartedness and cheerfulness, but also intensity, especially since with Mars, you might bite off more than you can chew!
Virgo: In a relationship
Avoid domestic matters, especially between the 6th and the 25th, and your life together looks quite lovely. Your feelings are generous and cheerful starting on the 4th, while your libido will not be satisfied: cheer up!
SingleStarting from the 4th, your closest circle should facilitate a lovely encounter with a magnetic and charismatic person. Keep an eye on your energy which may be at its peak and could intimidate a slightly shy crush. Act like an angel, not a beast!
Virgo: Career / Finance
Starting from the 10th, a financial contribution could help you start a new project or finance a career change, but be cautious with your assets, surprises should be anticipated. Your determination will help you believe in yourself and seek support in your workplace: know how to surround yourself.
Virgo: Advice from FREE Horoscope
An active end of the year that pushes you to act in your best interests. Watch out for the urge to rush things, as you might lose sight of your most basic instincts.
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