Chance, love, and financial satisfaction: a lovely monthly menu! The sun in Sagittarius until the 21st, and Mercury from the 6th to the 25th, make your love stories easier, as well as your relationships with your children if you are a parent. Especially since Jupiter in your sign predisposes you to happiness, protects you from any trouble, and strengthens your ego: just don't overdo it! Mars activates your financial sector: you will be aggressive and ready to do a lot to earn more! Saturn and Neptune support your ideal life, administrative relationships will be beneficial as well as a trip. Keep an eye on your marital or contractual relationships, Pluto, in the first decan, injects its radical intensity: adapt to others' demands to avoid conflict. The end of the month focuses on your daily responsibilities.
Leo: Love in General
Venus, starting from the 4th, injects enough diplomacy into your family life to smooth things over, but you might have a tendency to be a bit excessive emotionally, with slightly high expectations: stay cool. On the other hand, your libido will be soaring, so take advantage of it to fulfill your desires and those of a partner.
Leo: In a relationship
Your good mood will be contagious, and your partner will appreciate both the expression of your feelings within your intimacy from the 4th, as well as your very passionate physical embraces. Watch out for a bit of possessiveness and everything looks perfect.
SingleYou dream of commitment, and your self-confidence, especially in the last decan, enhances your attractiveness and could help you meet the one who makes your heart beat, either in your daily life or during a family gathering. From the 6th to the 25th, your communication will be incredibly charming.
Leo: Career / Finance
Throughout the month, Mars boosts your determination to increase your assets, especially through a raise in salary. You will unleash your claws with skill and determination! A work contract or a partnership is subject to irreversible changes: read between the lines carefully and communicate fairly if necessary.
Leo: Advice from FREE Horoscope
There is a lot of ease in many areas at the end of the year, but do not count your chickens before they hatch especially if contractual events were to occur.
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2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs: