Jupiter, the benevolent takes a higher dimension when it crosses Pisces. His expansive temperament is tinged with spirituality, methods and tendencies are more oriented to collective interests and self-giving for the common good. This atmosphere a little confusing for some can lead to harmful addictions or excessive sacrifices, each one needs to rise spiritually without losing their soul on the way...

Jupiter in Pisces does not directly influence Aries but raises everyone's awareness by one level. This planet installs for one year more humanist notions in collective ideals. It is an indicator of the expansion of values such as charity, compassion, dedication and solidarity with the poor and the weak. This is an excellent opportunity to qualify your sometimes egocentric routine with more collective concerns, opportunities to make yourself useful and turn your everyday into something more suited to all situations.
Jupiter is once again in beautiful aspect to your sun and brings luck in your existence. Your social life is a source of great satisfaction and opportunities to be positively noticed. Your talents are highlighted and you have every chance of meeting personal success if you take the trouble to take the initiatives. These passages of Jupiter are very beneficial for all those who have the reflex to seize the opportunity, no matter what other problems may exist at that time.
Jupiter in Pisces means confusion in your social, professional or family life. You feel badly perceived, unjustly rewarded for your efforts or neglected by your loved ones. This can lead to bad moods and outrageous behavior that could endure long-term antipathies. Do not show yourself overly critical or mocking and put a stop to your extreme eagerness that takes on a utopian scale. And you are smart enough to make it happen!
It's a great time for luck, opportunities to evolve, rewarding situations, meetings full of promises or very informative trips. Your intuition serves you in all circumstances of life. Your relationships with others are sources of much satisfaction. Your qualities are highlighted, your talents are drawn, your reputation grows, your popularity too. All these good dispositions keep you in a good mood, greatly increase your self-confidence and your means. Suddenly, your spirit of initiative awakens and pushes you to concrete actions.
Jupiter in Pisces does not directly influence Leo but nuances your mentality and behavior with a more humanistic touch. You tend to be more caring and understanding with your loved ones. You meditate more freely on yourself and others, your intuition combined with your creativity whispers good ideas and beautiful projects. This is a particularly beneficial influence for all artists and, more generally, all entrepreneurs or founders. It's also a good time to conceive a child.
You find it difficult to be content with the proposed reality or you are unable to assert your rights, to recognize your talent, to achieve your ends. Start by asking yourself if your aspirations are realistic and if you have put in place the right methods to succeed. This aspect amplifies emotions and desires, it risks blinding you and frustrating you unnecessarily, because you will end up resuming your usual habits and spirit of moderation. So, the best thing to do during this transit is to be patient and think about your desires so you can work effectively as soon as the sky is more reasonable.
Jupiter in Pisces does not directly influence Libra, but adds a spiritual dimension to an already artistic temperament. You will have great inspiration, you will have good ideas and intuitions, the conditions of your routine and your daily work will improve and you will take more pleasure in cutting down your usual tasks. You feel useful and it increases your self-confidence.
Jupiter in the very complicit sign of Pisces gives you remarkable insight. You clearly distinguish what your lifestyle is made of and find a good balance, a true harmony between your needs and those of the community. So you will be able, without difficulty, to make your creativity profitable, to install a comfortable and fulfilling routine, moments full of love and joy, meetings, exchanges and pleasant displacements. This is an excellent time that requires a little discipline to escape excesses of excitement or greed...
During the transit of Jupiter square to your natal Sun, your ambitions become excessive. You really want to expand your social situation but an excess of confidence and optimism pushes you to be demanding and arrogant. You put yourself forward but you lack tact. You do not get what you want and, in addition, you risk creating conflicts. Discriminating, you go beyond the limits of caution and take emotional or financial risks. Jupiter causing excess in everything, you must also watch your diet. Show yourself patient and postpone important decisions until later.
Jupiter in sextile with your native Sun gives you the confidence and the impetus to grow, to increase your resources, to widen your horizons, to deepen your knowledge, to launch a large project. Everything that goes in the direction of an improvement of yourself or your social life is favored, a trip, studying, meetings and investments ... It is the moment to be attentive and to seize the opportunity that is offered to you. If you are not overwhelmed by doubt, any business succeeds, you can easily find the help and support you need. Your enthusiasm is communicative and you set a good mood.
Jupiter in Pisces does not influence you in terms of the results that depend only on you but it pushes you to take care of your money. This is the time to pay off your debts or recover amounts due. Conversely, you can do an excellent real estate operation with your natural insight and the powerful intuition of Pisces and support or advice from your loved ones.
The conjunction with Jupiter and your natal Sun is an extremely beneficial transit that occurs only every 12 years. Enjoy this passage to the fullest. You have an excellent morale, you are enthusiastic, full of energy, you have confidence in yourself. You have a better understanding of yourself, your potential and your aspirations. It's time to improve, reorganize, reorient your life and get closer to your ideals. Opportunities will not be lacking. Whatever you do, starting a project, investing, changing jobs or climbing a ladder, you have every chance to succeed. Do not hesitate to put yourself forward, your skills will be recognized. Anything that can broaden your horizons is favored during this period, travel, meetings, studies...