The Gypsy Tarot is what fortune-tellers use. Its origins go back to the XIVth century. ,is made up of 36 cards, and cannot be compared to other forms of tarot. This tarot is, in fact, very easy to use, but won't always give precise answers. Still, certain mediums or clairvoyants feel more in tune with the Gypsy taro, which strengthens their intuition. After all, tarot is just a means of knowing the future and if you feel more comfortable with the Gypsy tarot, nothing can stop you from using it.

The gypsy cards are related to the history of the Romany people. Since the year one thousand, these people have been nomadic, and are called the Roma or gypsies. Starting from India, they didn't stop traveling, crossing the MIddle East and arriving to the center of Europe. This people lived in caravans or in camps in tents, close to nature and animals. Their daily life follows the rhythm of the seasons.
The tradition goes that the gypsies would do a tarot reading at least once a year, and even more if there was a considerable change in their life. During the reading, you had to repeat out loud three times: "Help me and give me the light of your law, oh great patriarch". But, today, you can change the formula a little, replacing "patriarch" with "Oh, divine". Before starting a reading, shuffle the cards well. Next, build 4 separate decks. Draw a card from each deck. Once this step is completed, put each of these 4 cards under their respective decks. After all this is done, draw one more card, which will serve as an appraisal of the situation and enlightne us about the answer to it.
Place the first card drawn to the left. This will represent the present moment. The second card represents the consultant's health and the state they are in, or, if you're doing a reading on yourself, our own health. The third card indicates the relation one has with others. The fourth card has most to do with work. Lastly, the fifth card, besides summing up the situation, tells what path to follow.
The Gypsy tarot is at times commonly called the Couple's tarot, since it gives perfect answers to emotional questions. This divinatory art is primarily used by gypsy women to understand male-female relations. The 40 cards of the tarot are very colorful, with greens, yellows, reds, and blues. These colors are themselves clues to be interpreted. They give invaluable information to the clairvoyant. But, the Gypsy tarot can also be used to get to know the future or a particular person's fate. It will enlighten you about your health, money, and success...
It is generally believed that the gypsies are the ones who brought the tarot to Europe. This is what authors from the XIXth century, mainly Vaillant and Papus, lead us to believe, but there is no proof of it. We know that the Roma people used the tarot to read the future only after the XXth century, while the women preferred "chiromancy", or reading regular playing cards, for telling fortunes.
It is generally believed that the gypsies are the ones who brought the tarot to Europe. This is what authors from the XIXth century, mainly Vaillant and Papus, lead us to believe, but there is no proof of it. We know that the Roma people used the tarot to read the future only after the XXth century, while the women preferred "chiromancy", or reading regular playing cards, for telling fortunes.
Chalai's gypsy tarot originated in Idian culture. When you buy this tarot set, it will come with a small booklet to help you better interpret the cards when you draw them. There are two parts to this deck: on one side, the Kumpania cards, and on the other, the Doors of Mystery. It is, of course, up to you to give a personal meaning to the cards, but, above all, there are still some basic guidelines to respect. You will have a guide.
To get to know the cards better, look them over well and say aloud what you feel. For example, if you draw the Chaval card, which is Grast, the gypsy's companion, you will feel movement or the urge to move. This is a feeling of independence and liberty. All the cards are here to help you build on your intuition and indirectly counsel you by awakening your sixth sense.
The Angela method will help you enlighten a situation. Always shuffle the cards well before starting. Cut the deck with your left hand, then draw 8 cards, laying them down in an upside-down "V" shape, representing the wings of an angel. To interpret the cards, flip over two parallel cards at the same level on the V. These two cards will complement each other every time. Start from the bottom and work your way to the top. As you move forward in your interpretation, you will get down to causes and consequences more and more. The top represents the foundations of a situation, how it came about.
Next up are other methods for going about a Gypsy tarot reading.One such method is the Peacock Feather method, which, as its name suggests, looks like a peacock's tail once laid out on the table. There is also the black eye and blue eye methods. Use the method that you feel the most comfortable with.
While interpreting these cards' symbols, you will find similarities with other tarot decks. Its symbolism is linked to Indian culture as much as to European culture. It's a cross-reference of all our beliefs. Is this maybe why we find it so beautiful? This tarot deck is a very good tool for clairvoyants to open up their hearts and minds. Don't forget tarot is just a medium, just like a crystal ball. These are tools that are made to increase intuition. The power is not in the cards, but in your mind.
Besdies the Gypsy tarot (the tarot of the Romany people), there are the Manouche tarot, made up of 22 cards, and the traveller tarot, made up of 78 cards. These last two are more or less improved variants of the first.