Have you really mourned your ex? Or can you easily transition into the arms of a new partner? Are you radical about the separation or are you the kind of person who walks backwards? Striving for closure (at the risk of experiencing unhealthy denial) is probably the right stance to take. However, your astrological sign must predispose you to do so. Let us take a look at the behaviors inscribed in the zodiac sky!

Cut the bridges : You are more the type of person who would rather forget about your relationship with your ex. You understand that your post-breakup recovery requires you to put your history with him in the locker room (or even in oblivion if it did not last long). You are not a fan of emotional dependence because you need to move forward on your own and give meaning to your life. You take the time you need to get your protective mechanism right so that you do not suffer any more and aim for a new encounter.
Get used to it step by step: As a good Routine Taurus, you do not get rid of your habits so easily. Ceasing to have a relationship with your ex means not putting your nose or having a say in his life. With this clear basic principle, you then have the assets to focus on your own life and make it more beautiful, more creative. It is with this in mind that you will be able to build a new relationship. Otherwise, it would make you take two steps forward, one step back. Think about yourself and think about rebuilding yourself.
Disengage, engage: Your intellect being of a great richness, you manage more easily than average to turn the page. You may even have initiated the break-up with your ex. In general, your romantic relationships are rational and do not take up an enormous amount of space in your life. You know how to change your love life if you feel it is necessary. Not that you are heartless, far from it, but you know how to distance yourself from others and respect their independence.
Express your feelings: No need to go to the public square to shout out everything that is inside of you. Beneath your shell, the wound remains bitter: deaf, in your intimacy, without making waves. Deal with the hurt by writing or keeping a diary that you can use as a receiver or a friendly ear. You can also go much further at a party with your real friends or family. Let go of what is on your mind (without masking your grief or anger), after which you can move on to the festivities with a lighter heart.
Adopt a strategy: Great lover of the zodiac, you will have to go through a whole discipline to disengage yourself morally. Thinking of you is the last resort. Getting rid of your things, no longer contemplating your photos in the morning, or keeping a link via social networks are principles to be followed indisputably. It is by getting back to enjoying your friends (or family for others), going out and frequenting new environments that you manage to get rid of this cursed thread step by step.
To hold on to one's past: Do the sentimental clean-up operation in your phone book. Sweep up and throw away! To free yourself from your ex, break all those invisible ties with that love from the past. However, without completely wiping out the past, you must rather subdue it. This way it will provide a kind of manure on which a rose sometimes grows! You can perform a symbolic exercise or a ritual of forgiveness - with integrity. By freeing your mind, the failure scenario will no longer have this tendency to repeat itself and you will be able to move forward in a new sentimental context.
Increase self-esteem: You tend to believe that the secret of life lies in the heart of your partner. As you have always been able to rely on him, his evaporation disturbs and obsesses you. You have to stop thinking that you will not achieve anything without his help. Your role is to increase your self-esteem. Take charge of yourself to get over the hump. This way, you will be able to move on more serenely to a new life, whether it is conjugal, intellectual, or professional.
Undo the ties and transcend them: Taking a step back after a separation is not easy in your case. Just as it took a while before you were fully engaged with your ex. You have to admit that the merger with your ex was nourishing and reassuring. When you find yourself alone, you have a great need to reconnect with those feelings that bring you back to life. If your affair was toxic, it is best to forget it (because your mind is prone to fixations). Note that a spiritual approach can help you to regain a form of serenity, to get over it.
Be realistic: Mine of nothing, in spite of your clear air and bon vivant, you get attached. Keeping in touch with your ex can be part of your plans. At least you can look at the relationship from a friendly angle because there is always a part of you that wants to keep the relationship going. The concern is that you may be lulled into delusion in this regard. If your ex-boyfriend gets involved with a new partner, you may still be stubborn. So, you have to shake yourself up to think about meeting someone else, if your wish is to really form a strong love duo.
Change optics: With your ex disappearing from your landmarks, you may have anxiety attacks related to the fear of the unknown, the fear of not being able to find something better. Indeed, you did not imagine that there could be someone else in your love life. You must be careful not to sabotage your healing work. Your emotional state, your heartache are part of a normal course, but which must be overcome. Keep in mind doors that are ajar to attract new situations. No one, better than you, has the power to rebuild yourself as long as you accept this transition phase as an evolutionary step.
Ban social networks: Too familiar with new technologies, the task of forgetting about your ex is not easy. For example, staying stoic in front of the Facebook news feed is a challenge; pictures of your ex on vacation in the South, pictures of him with friends... You always want to know more about him! There is nothing to twist: unsubscribe from social networks imperatively. Go further: give a friend the role of changing your password and have him or her communicate it to you two or even three weeks later. During this time, take stock of your state of mind while focusing on other things besides your ex and his new life.
Do not idealize: You put your ex on a pedestal or even on top of a mountain. And he still seems to you today as an ideal person full of qualities. But look honestly at his flaws because he had them (otherwise he was a robot). The perfect being exists only in fairy tales. Get that image of perfection out of your mind and dive in where it hurts your ex. As you begin to face reality, you will be able to take a step back and move on to a new and constructive encounter.