The resolutions you announce will be duly reminded to you, do not forget it before committing... Your impulsiveness could play tricks on you. Be careful if you need to make efforts. In any area, it is advised not to confuse speed with haste!
Your surroundings seem more serene than usual. It's an opportunity to carefully consider what can be offered to you. Everyone is well-disposed towards each other. Contracts, agreements, and reconciliations are in the air.
You have many reasons to react strongly. Your good will is not always rewarded as it should be, and you do not dare to protest. You react somewhat out of sync, which is not necessarily the best thing.
In a relationship: You feel a sense of distance between you and your partner. It is not really justified. By asking well-formulated questions, you will drain the abscess. The moon allows you to draw a perimeter of neutrality and find common ground.
Single: If silence suits you, keep it. You do not have to justify all your actions. Rather, protect your privacy from the curious. Today, while remaining kind, do what you please and avoid oversharing.
To avoid being outpaced at work, you change your habits. As a result, your superiors notice, appreciate, and approve of the change. Well played! You could receive a proposal and then a raise in the coming days.
Artistic circles are in the spotlight today. If you work in a field that is closely or remotely related, you are likely to feel favored. So forget your doubts.
By channeling your sense of justice, you will manage to achieve your goals. Do not feel the need to react at all costs. The values you defend will become even more visible in the eyes of everyone.
What about your Decan today ?
The moon is in Libra, in position 23 degree(s), 28 minute(s): Easy communication with others. Sensitivity to aesthetic appearance, seeking harmony. Tact and diplomacy but frivolous.

First decan
Don't be too rigid in your social life. You can be light-hearted and serious at the same time. The two things aren't necessarily incompatible. You will have a lot to learn about comfortable living, affectionate exchanges and warm relationships. This is what you are missing: pleasure in life is a necessity!

Second decan
Stop looking down on others and being so distant. Their feelings are just as valid as yours and it would be in your interests to be more flexible. If not, you will make yourself unpopular in no time, especially at work. Tact, tolerance and patience should be your preferred armoury!

Third decan
You work better alone or in small numbers, but today, you are going to have to rub shoulders with your peers to make progress with contracts, agreements, compromises and amendments. Team work will clearly be well aspected and all you will need to do is cooperate with goodwill.
A serene atmosphere floats above your head, your surroundings are in a good mood, and so are you. If you are offered a contract, be sure to reconsider your expectations, you are in a very good flow.
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