
2021 horoscope Pisces

Written by Susan

Love: An Obligated Passage!
Last year, you made plans and projected yourself into an inspiring future that would allow you to blossom fully. You also encountered interference that forced you to question yourself on the substance of your aspirations. If you have dodged this examination of your motivations, you will not escape it in 2021. The sky catches up with you, amigo Pisces, and invites you to clarify what limits your emotional fulfillment.

So take a look at the work you've done on yourself before launching a new cycle of expansion with full knowledge of the facts and in full possession of your means. Don't let the past, your fears, doubts, or complexes stand in your way anymore. In 2021, regardless of your emotional situation, proceed with uncompromising introspection. Saturn presses where it hurts, but Jupiter serves as your guide in your quest for understanding and happiness.

1st decan (February 19th - February 29th): More Effort!
You do work on yourself to understand yourself better, or you make a decision. You launch a project that will take time to be realized. Last December, you benefited from a favourable situation for a reflective approach to your life and aspired to move on to something else. Jupiter, until January 31st, protects your initiatives and encourages you. But Saturn (at least until March 16th) urges you to make a drastic selection between the essential and superfluous. You, who aspire to change your surroundings and express your difference in the eyes of all, must first settle the score. You risk experiencing the cosmic pressure of the first quarter badly because you want to break the moorings (around January 17th), and you are called to order and responsibility (around February 17th).

Saturn blocks your thirst to get rid of old attachments so that you never again reproduce these harmful patterns to your fulfillment. Count on Jupiter between May 13th and July 28th to put you on the right track and enjoy a sense of peace and freedom to be, to do, and to love. Venus encourages your projects between January 8th and 16th and reinforces your outreach between February 25th and March 3rd. Between May 9th and 17th, you settle family affairs smoothly, while between June 2nd and 10th, you think only of love. Take a step towards each other between July 22nd and 30th. Your projects are current between November 5th and 16th and will be realized in 2022.

2nd decan (March 1st - March 10th): The Game (not Always Funny) is Worth the Effort!
Aim for a favourable first quarter for your inner evolution to broaden your understanding of what to give up or keep to continue on the road, more aware of your needs and blossom to your fullest potential. Count on Jupiter to protect your introspective steps and open you up to other perspectives. Beginning April 18th, Uranus exalts your desire to free yourself from the past and family constraints that exhaust and depress you. But Saturn (in mid-June and at Christmas) reminds you of your duties: to face your doubts and fears to probe them, understand their origin, and get rid of them for good.

You can't move forward without cleaning up and solving the problems that prevent you from opening a new chapter in your life: one that is more creative and fulfilling. You don't enjoy the exercise, but to steer your life in the right direction, you must eliminate the shadows of the past without dodging them. Venus favours your tender projects between January 16th and 24th and gives you an irresistible charm between March 5th and 13th. You look after your loved ones' well-being and maintain harmony at home between May 17th and 25th. You abandon yourself to the vertigo of love between June 10th and 18th. Your attentive listening is your best asset of seduction between July 30th and August 7th. In November and between January 6th and February 21st, 2022. You make tender and delicious plans.

3rd decan (March 11th March 20th): Follow the Guide!
In 2020, a page was turned. A certain vision of the future was abandoned, and you clung to the projects that mattered to you. Friends or acquaintances have disappeared, some plans have been postponed, even put to shame. In 2021, you are enjoying a milder sky, and you are getting closer to an ideal life. Count on Neptune, from February 22nd, to inspire you and put you on the right track. If it still requires adjustments, you feel that you are reaching something important. Take the time between March 26th and May 13th and between July 28th and December 29th to fine-tune your strategies, define what you like to achieve a life project, and launch a new cycle of personal growth in 2022. Wait until the fall to get a better idea of what is and is not achievable.

On the other hand, Pluto continues to dig the furrow of a new destiny, more in line with your essential needs. Venus encourages your exchanges and the setting in motion of inspiring plans between January 24th and February 1st. It puts you in the spotlight between March 13th and 21st. You improve your life between May 25th and June 2nd and have a good time between June 18th and 27th. Venus makes it easier to connect between August 7th and 16th and puts you back in touch with your future between November 30th and January 6th and between February 21st and March 6th, 2022. A perfect time to do what you like with whom you like.

Advice from FREE Horoscope

There is no question of accelerating the movement in 2021. But rather of putting an end to the shadows of the past. Whether they are doubts, fears, complexes, conditioning, or fantasies to be abandoned to launch a new cycle of fulfillment in 2022. Tackle them without dodging what is bothering you because this demanding inner work will soon allow you to free yourself towards a better version of yourself.

Pisces, your Social life

Social Life: Time to Move on to Something Else!
Some projects were started in 2020, but you encountered some obstacles. Some have laid the groundwork for a future that is taking shape but counting on time. You are going through a testing process that helps you sort out what you want to develop in the future and what no longer suits you. Take advantage of this time of reflection to get rid of something that no longer satisfies you, amigo Pisces.

Advice from FREE Horoscope

If your future is at stake this year, that doesn't mean you're moving on. You need to liquidate the outstanding balance and finish the job before you embark on new adventures in 2022. In the meantime, don't get too excited if you're held back by the past. A little more courage before deliverance and the possibility of launching a new cycle of expansion will open in 2022.


1st decan (February 19th - February 29th): Counter-Productive Stress!
It is frustration and expectation that pushes you to laziness in 2021. The first quarter plays with your nerves (around January 17th and February 17th). Count on Jupiter between May 13th and July 28th to boost your morale: a brief foray into your decan helps you regain confidence in yourself and in the future that opens up to your advantage from December 29th, 2021.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
Channel your thirst to express your thoughts freely. Your communication is surprising because it contrasts with the past.

2nd decan (March 1st - March 10th): A Somewhat Frustrating Situation!
The first quarter invites you to prepare for the future, but you have to deal with blockages in mid-June and Christmas. Concede a little ground without grumbling to avoid conflicts, slowdowns and low morale.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
The first quarter invites you to prepare for the future, but you have to deal with blockages in mid-June and Christmas. Concede a little ground without grumbling to avoid conflicts, slowdowns, and low morale.

3rd decan (March 11th - March 20th): Recharge Your Batteries!
Jupiter levels the ground in 2021 and allows you to prepare serenely for the future. If you have had to give up a project, lose people who mattered, or experienced upsetting events, then in 2021, you benefit from a cosmic truce that helps you catch your breath and energy to open a new cycle of expansion in 2022, in full possession of your means.

Advice from FREE Horoscope
Take advantage of the updrafts in 2021 to regenerate yourself and set the stage for a future that inspires you without running out of energy or resources.

In 2022

2022 will be your year. Jupiter invites itself into your sign from December 29th, which will strengthen your energies, your morale, and your desire to pave the way for your idea. If you carefully prepare your plans and make sure you watch your back this year, in 2022, you will be propelled to the front line of a new life cycle that will fulfill your expectations.

Well-being for the Pisces

1st decan
Beware of misunderstandings and miscommunications that degenerate into conflicts around the 9th and 12th and lead your exchanges to deadlock (the 13th). Calm your nervousness, your growing impatience, and channel your desire to free yourself from an alienating environment (the 17th, 20th, 23rd, and 26th) so as not to end the month angry.

2nd decan
Inspiring projects will lift you from the ground (the 1st and 8th), and the future will take shape as you see fit. If love comes into play on the 23rd, you will feel like you are in a perfect world, and that's not so common.

3rd decan
You take a close look at a life project that has been mobilizing you for a long time and discuss it with your loved ones. You are trying to rally the votes, and you are spending your energy to make your dream come true (the 14th). You associate some of your loved ones with these perspectives that you wish to unite.

1st decan
You sift through your feelings, observe your loves with a more critical eye, and cool the mood (on the 6th). You aspire to free yourself from a way of functioning that weighs you down or even imprisons you in codes that you want to overturn. This tendency is palpable on the 7th, and you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown on the 17th because you have the feeling that, whatever you try, you must first turn a page to move on to something else finally.

2nd decan
Your words exceed your thoughts, and the tone rises on the 1st. Around the 10th, you think about the scope of your interventions before releasing your uncontrolled emotions. Count on the love that guides your initiatives (the 11th and 13th) to intervene wisely and establish harmony with your entourage (the 14th).
3rd decan
You think a lot, but you keep the result of your reflections secret (the 8th). The New Moon on the 11th recommends that you take a step back from events to avoid letting your emotions disturb debates that take on a contentious turn (the 19th). If you use your offensive communication to carry out an important project, you mark minds and score points (on the 25th).

1st decan
Charm to spare, and a touch of fantasy effects and seduces those around you sensitive to your originality (the 3rd). You pass on your bold messages on the 21st. Use your talents (the 26th) to promote your merits and get rewarded for them.

2nd decan
You are brimming with ideas and putting your prolific mind to work on your plans and strategies (the 5th). You redouble your zeal to change your family's things and use your observation skills to build on solid ground (the 22nd, 30th, and 31st).

3rd decan
Inspired, creative, and guided by an ideal on the 14th. You carry your projects and win the votes of those who help you realize them (the 16th and 18th). You express your expectations, and your interventions make others want to follow you (on the 30th).

1st decan
You pass on your messages smoothly and charm your entourage between the 14th and 22nd. Between April 23rd and May 9th, you deploy your authority in love and business so that you are respected and admired. Don't ask too much of others.

2nd decan
You effectively manage stewardship and obtain the funds needed to improve your living conditions. Use your talent to achieve your goals. If you negotiate with prudence, you can easily watch your back (on the 10th). But be careful how you express your ideas at the end of the month because if your genius traits amuse you (the 23rd, 24th, and 30th), you're not sure that everyone will like them.

3rd decan
You set out a vision of the future that is dear to your heart (the 2nd). But do not impose anything on anyone on the 9th. You are considered authoritarian. Rather, focus on exploiting your potential to win the vote (the 10th) and achieve what you want (the 13th, 15th, and 17th). Your initiatives at home are constructive. Don't be too ambitious to persuade everyone that your choices are the best ones.

1st decan
Until the 9th, there's no question of going unnoticed or letting anything be imposed on you. From the 13th onwards, Jupiter invests in your sign and decan. It restores your morale and allows you to launch a new life project that will take shape in 2022.

2nd decan
The current is not flowing. But you have enough influence on your entourage to communicate successfully on your ideas that are out of the ordinary and on a way of working that you are trying to impose. You will watch your back on the 20th by optimizing your talents and making better money with them.

3rd decan
You expose your projects and present them in such a flattering light that we want to share them (on the 2nd, 6th, 13th, and 17th). Don't exaggerate your possibilities (the 3rd, 8th, and 21st). Tell the truth and don't overestimate your support to train those you love, who will follow in your footsteps (the 31st) if you don't deceive them.

1st decan
There is love in the air on the 3rd: endowed with an irresistible charm, everything seems possible and acquired in advance. At the end of the month, everything succeeds you, and you score points with those who love you or appreciate your talents.

2nd decan
You secure your family bases on the 3rd. The New Moon on the 10th invites you to look after your loved ones' well-being, manage stewardship, and listen to your parents, children, and partners. You seduce whoever you want (on the 13th) by expressing your fantasy and surprising the other. But on the 14th, you find yourself blocked in your urge to broaden your horizons by Saturn, which enjoins you to fix what lingers before embarking on new adventures.

3rd decan
Misunderstandings in the family on the 5th and 13th because you impose what you like. Use dialogue at home (the 11th) to exalt your love and renew complicity. But don't abuse it to (sneakily) get the other person to accept your projects.

1st decan
Eloquent and charming (between the 11th and 18th). You hold the attention of whoever you want. You surprise and seduce your interlocutors who like your sharp mind and sharp humour (the 20th). Please take advantage of this opportunity to turn them into fervent admirers.

2nd decan
Beware of actions and reflections that do not only bring you favours on the 4th and 8th. Don't be too conspicuous, or you'll pay the price. The New Moon on the 10th invites you to express your feelings and develop your talents. Please take advantage of it to charm (the 5th and 20th) and forget your authoritarian tendency. But don't use your assets to influence those around you to your advantage.

3rd decan
You find it difficult to make yourself understood in the family (on the 6th). The debates are confused, but you close ranks on the 15th and renew with a collaboration that delights you. On the 24th, your statements and proposals hit the nail on the head.

1st decan
Until the 14th, you are not giving up anything to keep the advantage in the debates. Venus smooths things over between the 16th and 24th. Use your charm and diplomacy to obtain smoothly what you were trying to win by force. This tactic reassures your interlocutors and helps you watch your back (the 23rd).

2nd decan
Your interventions flop despite your efforts to take a step towards the other (the 3rd). You have difficulty convincing. You are not efficient in daily management. The New Moon on the 8th advises you to serve the community. Your arguments then contribute (the 19th, 20th, and 22nd) to making a mark.

3rd decan
Your approach to others and your charm will be successful in love and elsewhere (the 20th). You leave no one indifferent. Take this opportunity to invite the other to believe you and follow you (the 11th, 23rd, and 26th).

1st decan
You do not lack in arguments or determination (on the 25th) to change things without creating trouble. But make sure that your ambitions are in line with the work that needs to be done to draw a line under the past and turn the page (on the 17th).

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 7th invites you to collaborate. Take advantage of this invitation to share your unusual ideas but nuance your interventions so that they do not harm your ambitions (the 23rd).

3rd decan
Don't impose a vision of the world on others that seems nebulous (the 2nd and 14th), and don't use your charm to influence those who help you realize your projects. Rely on your authority, and certain occult supports to move forward (the 6th, 17th, and 20th). But don't overdo it, or you will be found overconfident.

1st decan
You play your charm between the 7th and 16th: Venus reinforces your radiance. Take advantage of it to sort out your relationships and keep those that hold up. On the other hand, at the end of the month, you affirm your ambitions. Frame them well so that they do not interfere with the obligation to privilege the essential.

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 6th invites you to evolve. You are tempted (on the 8th and 9th) to accelerate the movement by arguing without making too many concessions. You seduce whoever you want on the 17th, your skill and charm work in your favour.

3rd decan
Don't manipulate those around you (the 1st, 17th, and 22nd) to score points. Communicate your desire to progress (the 2nd) and positively influence those who only want to help you (the 4th, 15th, 19th, and 28th).

1st decan
You are enthusiastic about your projects and do not hesitate to promote them (on the 6th). Nuance your approach so that people will follow you because you impose more than you propose. At the end of the month, you will overcome some resistance.

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 4th invites you to express your ambitions and broaden your horizons. But don't confuse those around you who find your ideas too daring (the 4th and 13th). Don't force things (the 17th) and prefer to seduce to make others want to support you by presenting your projects in their best light (the 19th).

3rd decan
Negotiations that had been dragging on since the end of September have resumed since the end of October. Now is the opportunity for you to influence those who support you financially (the 1st) with your enthusiasm. Don't ask for too much (the 2nd, 15th, and 20th) to achieve success.

1st decan
Nothing calms your determination to defend your interests between the 13th and the 27th. Mars gives you offensive energy that helps you get what you want. Starting on the 29th, Jupiter reinvests in your decan. By mid-February 2022, it allows you to open a new page in your personal history.

2nd decan
The New Moon on the 4th illuminates your professional and social activity. You do not lack arguments or audacity to promote your projects (the 20th). However, expect to be slowed down again by an economic situation that requires you to settle your accounts with the past before setting sail or freeing yourself from a heavy entourage.

3rd decan
You defend a project that matters to you and do not hesitate to solicit those who, in the shadows, support your plans (the 11th and 20th). Don't be too ambitious (the 8th) to convince your hierarchy to help you make a dream come true.

Pisces: Your advice for 2021

World Astrology:

Pluto transforms the fundamental structures on which our old world rests (and fell asleep), he undermines our foundations so that we reinvent ourselves without further ado, and his methods are radical! This obscure planet melts into the background in 2021, but it remains active and generates great fundamental movements. However, its viral load tends to decrease. Even if fear or psychosis induced by the pandemic will resist longer than the threat itself, we hope so. Let's watch out for politicians' temptation to maintain rules and systems that no longer hold up, or even to back-pedal to ensure an order collapses. In 2021, the revolt rumbles and some protest movements are tempted to step into the breach without taking their gloves off. It would be more prudent for world leaders to listen and not try to control everyone and channel the movement.

Towards what? More empathy for people's grievances, the ability to listen and hear the aspirations of humanity that is awakening to a different vision of the world. Nothing and no one will stop this movement in the long-term. It is now everyone's interest to save our planet, ourselves, and exalt the noblest aspects of our human dimension. This mission is impossible if everyone does not do their part if those in power do not consider the demands and defend their seat only out of interest.

In 2021 we can expect to see thrones shaken, powers wavering, attempts at repression flourishing, and rebels violently defying authority. Let's hope that consensus can be found to avoid the worst and that acceptable reason prevails over the most robust law. Above all, let us hope that the individual will reconnect, in the face of events that take us out of our comfort zone, to what is best in us rather than what frightens us externally. Whether repressive measures, attempts at intimidation, or even martial law, nothing can stop people from marching towards the best. Let us say this to ourselves in 2021 before perhaps noticing it in 2022?

The climate - the environment:

In 2021, Uranus could set fire to the powder in January (around the 17th), February (also around the 17th), June (around the 14th), and at Christmas time. Suppose this free spirit of the zodiac collides with Jupiter (in January) or Saturn (in February, June, and December). In that case, it could trigger destructive earthquakes or ground motions (earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, tsunamis) that could shake the Earth's crust. Also, beware of threats coming from the sky: airplane or satellite crashes that now clutter our stratosphere. In 2021, we must move forward without abandoning caution.

It is up to us to find ingenious solutions to continue to invent and innovate without destroying our environment, but rather to restore it. In 2021, defenders of the models of the past and visionaries of the future will undoubtedly compete in this field. Not everything will be done in one day, and wanting everything right away could only exacerbate sensitivities on all sides. We must proceed in order and measure in the face of an indispensable and inevitable ecological revolution if we still wish to navigate on Mother Earth without her having the furious urge to throw us overboard. As for the virus that is sowing panic among the population, common sense and respect for precautionary measures should be enough to eradicate it or prevent its spread. On the other hand, let us avoid letting ourselves be overwhelmed by a much more insidious psychosis because this is indeed the greatest danger facing humanity: being divided by others' fear!

The Planets:

Pluto shakes our most anchored structures since 2018, a little game that's not always funny where we have the curious feeling that nothing resists the work of dissolution that this lord of metamorphoses carries out. No plan (political, economic, financial) is spared by this agent of chaos who destroys to then rebuild on more authentic and spiritual values! Evolving since 2008 in Capricorn's sign, Pluto obliges us to grow in an austere climate where fantasy and lightness are hardly appropriate. In 2021, there will be no truce for this planet, which is working to put an end to systems, beliefs, and functioning that are outdated, paralyzing, even deadly.

Neptune, present in Pisces since April 2011, invites us again in 2021 to raise the debates, our point of view on the world, and our view of our Earth and its tenants' future. Evolving at home in this inspired sign, the deep sea planet makes our consciences aware of the urgency to go beyond the needs of the ego to pay attention to those of the collective. It invites us to take care of our human brothers and reconnects us with the most sacred part of our being: the soul that furious materialism has too often relegated to the closet. We can thus observe the emergence of currents of thought more concerned with the well-being of each individual. Whether it is on the ideological level, health, or ecology, nothing will stop this wave, which, slowly but surely, dissolves the beliefs that restrict our ability to surpass ourselves to allow us to invent a better world finally!

Uranus, present in Taurus since May 2018, is unleashed in 2021. This free spirit of the zodiac, uncomfortable in the fixed sign of Taurus attached to its securities, forces us to get out of our comfort zones to confront other possibilities. Therefore, let us expect to be shaken around January 17th, February 17th, June 14th, and December 24th. Uranus will successively confront Jupiter and Saturn to sow the seeds of rebellion, an accentuation of social antagonisms and the explosion of models from the past. 2021 still promises to be tumultuous. We will have to channel our anger to prevent the turmoil from degenerating into open warfare and use our living forces in an efficient and genuinely creative manner! A few crowd movements and a power struggle between the old and the new are to be expected. To be hoped? A consensus between wisdom, patience, and a thirst to change society's model, without forgetting that it takes time and rigour to rebuild! It's up to us...

Saturn made a brief incursion into Aquarius between March 22nd and July 2nd, 2020 (a period related to the confinement) and settled on December 17th, 2020, in this visionary sign, enamoured by freedom. He will only leave in March 2023. If this "great teacher" of the zodiac evolves rather at ease in Aquarius, he does not authorize flippancy, hence this injunction to withdraw into ourselves and an obligation to probe our soul by depriving us of the freedom to do anything. Let's bet that the lesson has borne fruit and that many have explored other paths and imagined other possibilities for the future. In 2021, Saturn channels the Uranian surge several times during the year (in February, June, and December) to put lead in our heads, so we do not forget! He upsets the established order and makes us assume our responsibilities as humans and citizens! We will have to accept the Saturnian yoke for a while longer to build on solid ground, and that change does not turn into a powder keg or a wave of rage. A priori, 2022, should reward our goodwill and our efforts to change without destroying!

Jupiter will evolve in Aquarius's sign from December 19th, 2020, but will make a loop in Pisces between May 13th and July 28th to reinvest in Aquarius between July 28th and December 29th, 2021. From January 2021 (around the 17th), this giant of the zodiac will amplify the values and energies it encounters. It is not worth fantasizing about the possibility of calming things down. On the contrary: Jupiter stimulates Uranus and opens the ball of announced rejoicing. On the one hand, a creative impulse that calls for change aspires to improve and renew our values and society's foundations. On the other hand, an unfortunate tendency to want everything right away could expose us to excess and provoke repressive reactions from our rulers. Jupiter temporarily migrating into Pisces could trigger empathic movements as well as accentuate the disorder. Let's hope that we can control our outbursts so that we can use them to change the world for the better rather than plunging into confusion, disorder, and transforming our legitimate revolts into sterile blunders...

The 2021 for all zodiac signs:

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