Jupiter feels a little cramped in the moderate, disciplined and discreet sign of Virgo. It will, however, favorably influence management, calculations and a good evaluation of situations and people; lessons will also be highlighted for a year. This is a good opportunity for everyone to put their life in order, without being demotivated by the details that may delay you. Stay realistic, do not become obsessive...

Although Jupiter in Virgo does not have a particular impact on your sign, it colors the daily mood and could greatly undermine your ideals by organizing them. It is a good general influence on the objectives of Aries, led to better structure their desires, to moderate their ardor, to better calculate their investments and, thus, to better manage their personal fulfillment on a daily basis. There is a well-oiled routine with this position of Jupiter that can only benefit the impulsive Aries, by setting clear and logical limits.
When Jupiter shifts to the trigone in the natal sun, opportunities for enrichment and self-fulfillment arise on their own. However, to benefit from it, you must remain vigilant and available. You are more imaginative and creative, quieter or happier than usual. You find or install more harmonious climates, both with others and with yourself. The circumstances are favorable to you, you have the opportunity to evolve, to benefit from support or unexpected help provided you do not want too much. This relaxed atmosphere and your good mood could however push you to greed that is detrimental to your figure. Stay measured in everything. It is also an ideal time to take a vacation.
This transit marks a frustrating time during which you feel that your merits are not recognized at their true value. You fall easily into exaggeration and excess of all kinds. You tend to swell in importance, you easily give in to pride and you risk shocking others with a somewhat haughty attitude and your refusal to listen to their advice. You have great aspirations but your impatience and overconfidence prevents you from being cautious, making the right decisions and planning things properly. Know how to cultivate humility to find the beneficial effects of Jupiter that remain, despite everything, present.
The sextile to Jupiter on your natal Sun indicates a period of growth and personal blossoming. You explore your potential and you have the opportunity to find new ways to express it. You progress more easily and quickly in your personal development or in the development of your affairs, finding support and the necessary help. Opportunities arise on their own. You feel adventurous and you want to expand your knowledge and your horizon through a trip, by studying, training or through new contacts. You have confidence in yourself and in your abilities, you are in great shape. Success is at hand.
The passage of Jupiter in Virgo is beneficial for Leo who has the opportunity to learn how to manage and perhaps save. This is the promise of better management of your assets. It's a good year for all financial decisions, either to repay, to lend, to recover amounts due, to open a savings plan or to make an investment.
It's time to move on, a period of luck and opportunity opens up to you. You have the chance during this transit to improve your life in all areas, whether it is through wise investments, the development of new projects, a request for promotion, a new training ... everything is possible. You have a better understanding of yourself, your potential and your aspirations. You want to widen your horizons and enrich your life with new experiences and new encounters. You have faith in yourself, in the future and a boundless energy. Your enthusiasm and good mood will make you successful.
Although Jupiter in Virgo has no particular impact on your sign, it colors the daily mood with wisdom, modesty and self-awareness. Your personal growth passes through withdrawal to better return to the foreground. It is a discreet but constructive influence that helps you to organize your aspirations a lot, to more concretely understand your expectations, in short to take stock before you start.
This transit announces a period of growth, of social expansion but also of broadening your consciousness. You gain a better understanding of yourself and you feel new aspirations. Your confidence, your creativity and your vitality are stimulated and you are motivated to develop your potential and improve your life. It's a great time for luck, success and opportunity, and it's a good time to plan for the future, invest, start a project, expand your interests and activities, or resolve conflicts. Your skills are recognized and you can easily find the help you need for your business.
Jupiter square to your natal sun causes an imbalance between your aspirations and your possibilities. This very frustrating situation can make you irascible and rebellious to any solicitation. You have to go through compromises that revolt you, legal or administrative concerns are possible, your excesses could lead to various problems and undue risks. You are a little too sensitive to what is easy and it can make you careless or too optimistic. Moreover, you risk, under this influence, to reject any advice and any outside help.
Your morale is good. The transit of Jupiter in trine to your natal Sun gives you a sense of confidence and well-being that supports you and gives impetus to your personal growth and social expansion. The moment is perfect to try to increase your resources, to launch a major achievement and put things in place for your future. You want to deepen your knowledge or to open yourself to new things. Stay tuned to what's going on around you during this time of opportunity and luck. You set up a good atmosphere around you and you easily benefit from the benevolence of others.
With Jupiter in Virgo, you are less charming and flamboyant, you would rather isolate yourself, to take stock of your hopes, your aspirations and your ideals in complete privacy. It's a welcome break after a lot of excitement and before new encounters. A sort of sabbatical year, in short...
With the transit of Jupiter opposite to your natal Sun, you feel dissatisfied with your situation, you want to be noticed, that we recognize your merits. But, this transit pushes you to excess in everything and to a lack of discernment, so it does not go well. You demand, you brood, you waste your energy and you do not get anything you want. You can, however, take a step back and take advantage of this time to look at yourself, your inner and spiritual needs. In this way, you get the most out of this opposition and you will leave with a thorough understanding of yourself.