The Belline Oracle is a very well-known game of cartomancy. It is practiced the whole world over, and was invented in the 19th Century by a clairvoyant named Edmond Billaudot. He was a disciple of the celebrated occultist, Madame Lenormand, and it is she who drew the images on the cards. Billaudot was a famous clairvoyant. He predicted the future of such illustrious French figures as Alexandre Dumas, Napoleon III, Eugene Sue, and Victor Hugo.

After he died, however, the Belline Oracle was somewhat forgotten. It was only during a home removal that the Belline Oracle game was rediscovered by chance. It had been well-hidden in an attic. The cards would greatly intrigue Belline, who was present the day the Oracle was found. He studied the notes that Billaudot had left, to better understand how it worked. He developed the technique and invented a meticulous method for drawing the cards that made it easier to interpret them.
The Oracle is a very useful tool for divination, and is complimentary to Astrology. The Belline Oracle can be compared to Tarot. It is made up of 53 cards, each one expressing a precise idea. It's a representation that explains to the consultant which steps to take. They will know if future events will be happy or sad.
The 53 cards of the Belline Oracle
The 53 cards of the Belline Oracle are divided into 7 groups, of 7 cards each, giving 49 cards that refer to the stars.
- The Sun is synonymous with success and growth. You will progress on your path. Success is at hand in all your ventures. Your friends will give good advice, and you will have plenty of people around you. You're in good health, and everything is going better for you.
- The Moon symbolises deceit. Someone might betray you. You don't know where you're going. It can signify passivity or sickness. The Moon is not a good card to draw.
- Mercury marks change. Income won't be in short supply. In its negative sense, it might be trying to say that you've lost something precious, from which stems the change in your life. The Mercury card mainly signifies newness and evolution.
- Venus is the sensual pleasure incarnate in flesh. It's a symbol of harmony, union, a stable family life, and enjoying life, love, or stimulating passion.
- Mars means that you will be confronted with difficulty on a social level. Your enemies are many, and there is malice in the air. Mars is a symbol of war, tyranny and conflict. This planet is far from being conciliatory or peaceful.
- Jupiter is beauty, knowledge, calmness and wisdom. In a game, this card shows that you know when to take a step back, and that you don't just make decisions at random. This is the card of established happiness.
- Saturn, however, marks bad luck. You suffer the blows of fate without knowing when it will all finally be over! Solitude eats away at you, and none of your plans will come to fruition.
Three of the four remaining cards have no link with the planets. These are called the first cards. They are: Destiny, the image of man (symbolising the consultant), and the image of woman (symbolising the consultant).
The last card is "BLUE" and just like a talisman, it's synonymous with protection.
Types of Belline Oracle Draws
The Belline Oracle is very intuitive, and everyone can use it to learn a bit more about their destiny. Even amateurs can use the cards to initiate themselves into the divinatory arts. The Belline Oracle is recommended for beginners, but a lot of experienced cartomancers use it too. It's an oracle that everyone likes!
- The astrological draw is made with 12 cards.
- The annual draw is made with 12 cards.
- The 4-week draw is made with 28 cards.
- The analytical draw is made with 9 cards.
- The pyramid draw is made with 6 cards.
Whatever method of drawing is used, the game remains accessible. The Belline Oracle is open to all, so don't be shy to throw yourself in.