It is not easy between Aquarius' need for independence and Virgo's anxiety. You have a lot of things to exchange and a lot to learn from each other but it's very cerebral... Aquarius' distance does nothing to pull Virgo out from their inhibitions, everyone must make an effort to meet each other and share lasting feelings.

Love compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius
This won't be easy, what with Aquarius' individualism and Virgo's chronic anxiety. One suffocates while the other freaks out... Ideologically, you have a lot to share with, and much to learn from, each other, too, but that's still all intellectual... Aquarius' coldness won't be any good at helping Virgo shed their inhibitions. Each person will have to make an effort for this to last.

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Aquarius man
It all depends, for the most part, on Virgo's character for this relationship to be possible. If Virgo is straightforward and traditional, Aquarius will have trouble expressing his feelings and developing his own original self in the relationship. On the other hand, if Virgo is freed from these shackles, this could be an extremely adventurous relation for these two! He will have to make a real effort to bring his partner into his social world, so that she doesn't feel cut off from a fundamental part of his life. And she, on the other hand, would do well to spare him her gossip about friends and neighbors!

Compatibility between a Virgo man and a Aquarius woman
Lady Aquarius will have to be extremely patient to put up with his partner's strong tendency to dissect and organize the smallest details of their life, relationship, and even each other's actions. So, if you want to have a true romance, he will need to do his part and learn how to show his perfectionism differently. Major misunderstanding can creep into their relationship very quickly. She thinks he's not sensitive enough since he's so rational about everything, and he thinks that she totally lacks spontaneity and is too calculating. Both will have to get over the other's outward appearance to move beyond these problems.

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Aquarius woman
For once, Aquarius, stop trying to be different from other people. Virgos like to blend in and not stand out, especially in public. Slowly, and over time, you can manage to make her lose all inhibition. Try not to take her places that are too different from her own at first or to criticize her habits or traditions. Instead, show her a glimpse of the advantages of broadening her horizons, yet without upsetting her. Indulge in a few escapades out with friends outside of your relationship to stay connected to your true self.

Compatibility between a Virgo man and a Aquarius man
Despite your differences, you have good communication. Virgo brings sturdiness via their analysis, logica filled with good sense, and an idealistic view of every situation. Aquarius brings just the inventive spirit and open-mindedness needed to liven up your interesting conversations and open up to other points of view, even if it means becoming down-right eccentric to get things going. Aquarius can offer Virgo the fantasy and quirkiness they've been lacking, and can also move forward, learn to order their thoughts, fine-tune their perceptions, and learn excellent methods for ordering their plans by importance.