You do not want to live a torrid, passionate, disheveled relationship or one that's made of crises and tears. Instead you want a partnership with a realistic accomplice, which does not prevent the depth of your feelings! Virgo's anxiety is reassured through Capricorn's strength, who appreciates the value of their partner's loyalty. Your feelings are indestructible, with the same taste for lasting things.

Love compatibility between Virgo and Capricorn
You are the flagship couple of the zodiac! Nigh indestructible, you share a sense of realism, a taste for the concrete, lasting things in life. You will be able to get along as well in your intimate life as at work. Capricorn gives the structure; Virgo manages - maximum efficiency! Your lack of openness and closed-off life could be held against you, but, after all, what if you're happy that way?

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Capricorn man
This romantic relationship is spontaneously stable between these two signs! Both will need to hold onto their freedom and push their own life choices that are completely and fundamentally different. Yet, they will be united by the same need for emotional security. Both of these are strict, rigorous signs, but female Virgo feels a need for liberty that Capricorn will have trouble easily accepting, despite all the trust he has in her. His overprotective side could put this aspect of their life at risk. Both will have to make concessions to fit more comfortably in their little bubble of intimacy once night falls and to unite more with yet more warmth. Everybody wins here.

Compatibility between a Virgo man and a Capricorn woman
This relationship will often be stable and consistent for these two signs. They will both be attracted to each other, but as they get older, they will become more and more different and could have different life plans! Lady Capricorn will have more than enough trouble molding her Virgo in her image and a whole lot more trouble stopping in the first place. Both are extremely stubborn. He will clear his mind improving the home, tinkering, or at work and could become a real workaholic. So, she would do best to dig into her own passions and stay in touch her own projects for their relationship to survive.

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Capricorn woman
Dear Capricorn, you will have a strong bond in this relationship, and, if you wish to dive into a romance that is just as passionate, don't try to dominate or overprotect your partner. Take off your mask and lighten up when it's just the two of you. Your way of showing love can be overly prudish, which help your partner get over their own inhibitions - quite the contrary. Get away together, try to adapt your lifestyle to each other, and don't hesitate to break up the routine on a regular basis with new possibilities for outside, as well as inside, your relationship.

Compatibility between a Virgo man and a Capricorn man
Understanding each other won't be the problem. Both of you are realistic, courageous, and tenacious. You stand out for your disciplined, assiduous, and therefore highly efficient, thinking. Virgo has a practical and down-to-earth view of things. Capricorn's ambition and structured way of thinking can give Virgo's potential projects more scope. On the other hand, Capricorn appreciates their partner's good sense and the lengths they go to verify issues. You may be lacking a bit of open-mindedness that would freshen up the ideas you hold that have become ungrained by the monotony of the daily routine.