
Cancer's horoscope for October 2026

Written by Daisy

The Sun in Libra until the 22nd, accompanied by Venus from the 25th to the 31st, herald unavoidable family concerns that could well reach a resolution by the end of the month: handle them delicately! Love or creativity are two realms highlighted by Mercury throughout the month and Venus from the 1st to the 24th: make the most of it to mend strained relationships or to begin very promising new encounters. The financial sector could meet your expectations thanks to the Mars-Jupiter duo in a favorable aspect to your sign, you will be aggressive, confident, and capable of increasing your assets through your fortunate combativeness, especially as Pluto favors a government financial entry. Then the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, and your emotional feelings take center stage!

Cancer: Love in General

A lot of passion this month could either keep you up at night or inspire desires beyond reason. Stay true to yourself, don't get involved in sterile sentimental complications. After the 25th, a past love could reappear while your physical desires will be urgent: live what you have to live.

Cancer: In a relationship

Old issues could come out from under the rug and collect dust on your marital closeness as early as the 3rd: so don’t get defensive, communicate and light-heartedly approach it. On the other hand, your libido will be hot, so why not make up in bed?


Opportunities to meet could arise throughout the month, so stay open, available, and make an effort to socialize. A romance might even begin during a family dinner or with someone from your past that you had missed!

Cancer: Career / Finance

Bingo! Between Mars and Jupiter, they watch over your bank account like a she-wolf with her cubs, and Pluto charming your banker or notary, your assets seem well protected from any troubles. Your dynamism and business sense will result in a strong financial protection!

Cancer: Advice from FREE Horoscope

A delightful month to experience, as long as you use your strong emotions to resolve an emerging conflict rather than fueling it. Do not underestimate your strength or courage and move forward with tact and delicacy.

Horoscope for October 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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