
Taurus's horoscope for November 2026

Written by Daisy

Some tremors, especially in the family, await you until the 24th with a beautiful spotlight on your couple or a partnership. Until the 22nd, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio invite you to openly communicate with a close friend or partner, as you won't be able to avoid it. From the 1st to the 24th, some tensions are likely at home or regarding a habitat, but should calm down by the 25th. Your daily life looks enjoyable thanks to Venus, and on the 14th, a sentimental or financial event could even increase your pleasure! The professional financial sphere receives Uranus: ups and downs are possible, seek balance. Pluto invites the 1st decan to accept certain radical changes within a job or career, while on the 23rd, the Sun in Sagittarius boosts your inner life and facilitates external changes.

Taurus: Love in General

Although you are very open to intimacy in your life this month especially until the 22nd, your excessive sensuality could hinder the closeness you aspire to, and your desires will need to be controlled. Your feelings bring you patience and gentleness, which will help to rebalance your emotional nature a little this month.

Taurus: In a relationship

Engage in deep conversation, as the planets encourage you to do so especially since the atmosphere might be a bit chilly: be flexible with your partner and don't demand more from them than they can give you. Your feelings will still be present and tender: embody love simply, without making demands.


Keep an eye out in your daily life, especially when doing your shopping, as Venus could facilitate a lovely encounter that is both unexpected and promising, especially after the 14th. Your strong desires enhance your charisma, but do not take advantage of them to rush into seduction!

Taurus: Career / Finance

Do not slack off in your work or be vigilant, as your professional circle may become suspicious and capable of unpleasant actions (especially those born in the first decan). Even though Venus in Libra favors support and helping hands within your position. Keep an eye on your finances: stick to a budget.

Taurus: Advice from FREE Horoscope

Challenges on your path, but you have the shoulders to face and resolve them, act at the right time without unnecessary jolts. Dialogue will be essential: Mercury helps you to converse effectively.

Horoscope for November 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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