
Leo's horoscope for July 2025

Written by Daisy

This summer, you might cross swords with a few people from the past under the influence of the energies in Cancer: sun until the 21st and Jupiter all month long. Mars in Virgo encourages you to hoard or show a more possessive side of your personality than usual. Facing you, Pluto recommends that you remain calm in your intimate or contractual relationships, intensity in this context is not recommended, it would rather be the measure! Then the sun slips the 22nd into your sign and joins Mercury, your intellectual vitality will be at its peak, as will your lighting. In beautiful aspect with Saturn and Neptune, you envisage concrete and durable changes, it is all your ideal of life, which is in stake, especially 1st decan. From the 4th, love and friendship are mixed.

Leo: Love in General para July 2025

Leo: From the 4th, Venus in beautiful aspect at your sign, invites you to mix the right dose of love and friendship that your emotional relationships need, you will be the best friend of your half! Your sensuality should take a nice upward curve, Mars invites you to some feats under the comforter.

Leo: In a relationship para July 2025

Leo: Take care of your communication or it could sting! Mercury goes backwards from the 18th, do not let misunderstandings set in. Venus and Mars in beautiful aspect as of the 4th favor the expression of your emotions, your partner should be fulfilled in your arms.

Single para July 2025

Leo: Active, sensual, you will not spare your actions to conquer the heart of the person you covet, will you succeed? Especially since your words could be clumsy from the 18th, be diplomatic and patient. Love could be declared after a friendly time.

Leo: Career / Finance para July 2025

Leo: A contract could be reviewed under the powerful influence of Pluto who is starting to redesign something in your contract area, especially 1st decan. The career sector receives Saturn and Neptune, you should not lack work but beware of the indelicacy of others or of your own! Having is powerful, thank you, Mars!

Leo: Advice from FREE Horoscope para July 2025

Leo: A little challenge and a pinch of rationality should spice up this summer month. Enjoy your inner strength, but do not get carried away in front of others, especially if they try to resist you.

Horoscope for July 2025 for all zodiac signs:

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2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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