
Capricorn's horoscope for January 2024

Written by Daisy

Capricorn: Astral Climate for January 2024

Since your birthday, you've been starting a new cycle of expansion, but you're keeping a certain distance in love, so that you can learn from the past and approach your relationships, commitments or aspirations with full knowledge of the facts. Most of you have the determination to put your emotional or creative ambitions to good use. It's a month conducive to reflection and evolution.

Capricorn: Mood for January 2024

It's impossible to curb your desire to shine, in love or in business. We don't expect lukewarm or rule-abiding demonstrations from you, but daring deviations that please. You express your difference without taboos or reservations.

Capricorn: Love for January 2024

You have an irresistible urge to spice up your love affairs, to live a unique story, to take the one you love into a different universe or to revisit the relationship in a more whimsical way. Count on your charm to convince the other person to follow you.
As a couple: you invite the other person to reconsider behavior that is too conventional. You work hard to take your partner off the beaten track.
Single: you decide to put an end to an overly conventional version of the relationship and contact whoever you like in a more original way. You aspire to surprising love affairs that don't commit you too much, too quickly.

Capricorn: Money for January 2024

To make people want to fund your crazy ideas, start by convincing those who hold the funds that you're ahead of everyone else. It's a powerful argument.

Capricorn: Work for January 2024

You're a game-changer, breaking with tradition, even if it means astonishing those around you who are seduced by your audacity, determination and inventiveness. Don't hesitate to break new ground, to explore areas where people want to follow you.

Capricorn: Leisure for January 2024

Anything out of the ordinary appeals to you, whether it's exploring new talents or embarking on an activity that tests your limits.

Capricorn: Key dates for January 2024

-The 1er : an emotional dispute is hampering your spontaneity and chilling your exchanges with those close to you. Take advantage of this time to review your approach to others and make it more flexible.
-The 10th: in love, with your children or creatively, you want to free yourself from codes that have had their day. Make the most of your strength to rekindle constructive debates.
-The 12th: You're a conqueror, and your charisma is likely to win you back, or lead to promising encounters. This is the time to express your feelings and talents.
-The 19th: an undeniable charm and magnetism enchant those around you, and you get what you want from others.
-The 29th: Charismatic and irresistible, you're not lying about your feelings, but rather declaring yourself and taking the plunge. Nothing and no one will stop you.

Capricorn: Advice for January 2024

January invites you to challenge yourself, and even to provoke others into a state of mind that attracts attention, a bonanza to be exploited with relish.

Horoscope for January 2024 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

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