The signs of water and earth are going through a period of ease and success. Some will get to know people who have the power to help them carry out their projects. Others will have opportunities to evolve. Beautiful encounters will happen. To succeed in these little wonders, Mars and Mercury in Virgo help make the right decisions and negotiate with intelligence. However, there are a few caveats to note this month on the side of the collective planets. Pluto is in retrograde in Capricorn and Neptune, and Saturn is also in retrograde in Pisces.
These backward steps can be felt subtly or more concretely. Some will face irrational rejection. Some imaginations will play tricks. Others will take a long time to make a decision. The pickiest will be even more demanding. In this reckless state of mind, the most daring choices will be analyzed from every angle before being validated. So if you find the time long, don't get upset. This is a sign that somewhere someone is thinking about your proposal while frantically searching for the flaws.
As for the signs of fire and air, they could feel helpless. However, they still receive the beneficial influxes from Venus in Leo, although it is in beautiful retrograde. This reverse may suggest that delays will also occur in the lives of these natives. However, and if they would like, they can use these time limits to reflect on their wishes. If they feel they need to be refined, they can do it. To motivate them, they are supported by the positive and enterprising energies of the Sun in Leo and the New Moon, which is formed in this sign on the 16th.
These rapid astral influences encourage them to go ahead in life. They push them to take up the challenges and not give up in the face of the difficulties that emanate from Uranus in Taurus for some, Pisces or Capricorn for others. Gemini and Sagittarius will have to deal with Saturn and Neptune by taming time and quenching their imagination. As for the natives of Leo, they will have to compose with Uranus in Taurus if they don't want their advance to be compromised. As for the signs of Libra, they will have to soften the harshness of Pluto, which does not spare them.
Horoscope for August 2023 for all zodiac signs:
- Aries horoscope for August 2023
- Taurus horoscope for August 2023
- Gemini horoscope for August 2023
- Cancer horoscope for August 2023
- Leo horoscope for August 2023
- Virgo horoscope for August 2023
- Libra horoscope for August 2023
- Scorpio horoscope for August 2023
- Sagittarius horoscope for August 2023
- Capricorn horoscope for August 2023
- Aquarius horoscope for August 2023
- Pisces horoscope for August 2023