The constellation of Aries is brought to light by the Sun and Mercury in passing in this sign: Until the 19th for the Sun, and from the 12th to the 27th for the messenger of the gods. A dynamic month, resolutely turned towards the future with a Mars in Aquarius in action towards renewal and change! A pretty start to the spring, take your projects out of the drawers, dust off your ideals! Saturn, now in Aquarius, comes to support Mars, bringing it structure, the necessary breaks to avoid prejudicial entanglements and the wind to maintain this dynamism in concrete action! As early as the 20th, the sun goes into Taurus and the general energy slows down a little, focusing on our affairs of the heart, the body and our being. Jupiter and Pluto, still in Capricorn, imposes legal and regenerative changes to the children of the zodiac. Uranus boosts the Taurus, second decan, Neptune inspires Pisces, second decan. Everyone is served!
Horoscope for April 2020 for all zodiac signs:
- Aries horoscope for April 2020
- Taurus horoscope for April 2020
- Gemini horoscope for April 2020
- Cancer horoscope for April 2020
- Leo horoscope for April 2020
- Virgo horoscope for April 2020
- Libra horoscope for April 2020
- Scorpio horoscope for April 2020
- Sagittarius horoscope for April 2020
- Capricorn horoscope for April 2020
- Aquarius horoscope for April 2020
- Pisces horoscope for April 2020