
Beauty and Fitness News

Written by Alison

In his chronicles beauty and fitness, David takes you on the roads of well-being, daily comfort and good mood. He unearths for you the tips and tricks of grandmother fallen into oblivion, he keeps you informed of the last advances of the science in these fields and he makes you discover the ancestral recipes of the shamans or other wizards.

Natural health and beauty, day-to-day fitness, herbal medicine, all the tricks to feel better about yourself are here. Whether hygiene, diet or the right way to make up, David brings his answers, fished over the last inventions, the oldest methods, the most original or unknown solutions. Do not miss this opportunity to feel at the peak of your power of seduction, in full possession of your means!

How to Be Happy?

Happiness, that coveted state of mind, often resides in life's little things and the choices we make. Here are some keys to cultivate happiness in your daily life.

- Practice Gratitude: Take time each day to acknowledge what you're grateful for. This will help you develop a positive attitude.
- Live in the Present: Focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future. Mindfulness can reduce stress and increase satisfaction.
- Pursue Your Passions: Chase your passions and integrate them into your daily life. Doing what you love brings profound fulfillment.
- Cultivate Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with supportive people who bring you joy. Social bonds are essential for well-being.
- Take Care of Your Body and Mind: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation can improve your mental and physical health.
Written by Zagon

Exercise to lose belly

It comes from a Japanese actor who says he lost 12 kilos and 12 centimeters of waist in six weeks maximum. He was looking for a breathing exercise to relieve a backache and it was by chance that he found the extraordinary results produced by this method that takes only two minutes a day. Stand up, contract the glutes, place one leg in front of you and the other behind; then, push on the buttocks by transferring your weight to your recessed foot. Gently inhale for three seconds, raising your arms above your head, then exhale with energy for seven seconds, pushing all your muscles. It is recommended to follow this exercise daily for two to ten minutes, and you will see spectacular results. Oxygenation reaches the fat molecules, composed of carbon and hydrogen, which eventually decompose into carbon dioxide and water. So, do not forget to breathe to eliminate the extra pounds! Written by David

The natural fat-burning

Michigan researchers have confirmed that cinnamon burns fat well. We had already heard of this information but without scientific certainty. This time, it has been shown in studies that the effect of the dietary compound (cinamaldehyde) that gives this cinnamon-like taste burns fat and improves metabolism. Rather than storing fat, this molecule has the opposite effect: it melts them! It is thermogenesis, a learned word that covers a biological reality and brings us only good. So do not hesitate to flake the Christmas spice in your daily dishes. You can even eat half a teaspoon before your meal. Its appetite suppressant action will put your cravings of sugar to oblivion! Written by David

Goodbye cellulite

It is possible to better up the skin with cellulite with natural means: you will have to acquire 20 grams of each of these plants: meadowsweet, birch bark, fucus vesiculosus, red vine and orthosiphon. After this visit to your herbalist, you will take two tablespoons of this mix and you will dive into half a liter of boiling water, then let infuse ten minutes and filter. You will then keep the plants and herbal tea separately. You will spread the plants still warm on a band of gauze, for example, that you ask on the areas concerned. You will leave in place for ten minutes, the time that it can act effectively, and you will see in the medium term how much it is. During these ten minutes, you will drink a cup of infusion, avoiding sweetening, of course. You will see that you will thank the grandmothers for this recipe as old as the world but lost sight of. Written by David

A Feng-Shui room

A little wisdom and Zen balance in your room, it can always be useful to sleep well or to maintain your loves. As a first step, make sure the head of your bed is snug against the wall or that your headboard has an upright to create a stable and secure place where your head will have a good protective support. Next, place support elements on the sides, preferably round to avoid the angles that are considered poisonous edges in Feng-Shui. In addition, avoid that your desk or television are near the bed, these sources of distraction should be masked by a veil or a screen because they are considered disruptive. For colors, opt for soothing pastel tones or blue, mauve, pink, green. As your room must be a kind of oasis, eliminate the electrical wires, scent it, diffuse a pleasant and dim lighting. In short, here are some ideas to start. Written by David

Green tea as anti-cellulite

According to legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Chen Nong in 2737 BC as he prepared to drink a cup of hot water in the shade of a tea plant. a leaf fell into the container. Chance did things well since he appreciated the taste. The infusion was born then and spread throughout the East to reach the West in the course of the seventeenth century. Quickly, the young ladies consumed it to keep a wasp size. Green tea, a real non-fermented medicinal plant, unlike black tea, contains three stimulating active ingredients: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Its leaves promote the destocking and evacuation of accumulated fat. It contains phenolic compounds that slow down the assimilation of sugars and limit the number of calories absorbed. Written by David

Natural beauty

It is a tasty vegetable salad, from a vegetable plant of the family of cucurbits but it is not excluded to use as a beauty product. Its richness in amino acids and sugars (simple and complex) makes it an effective moisturizing product. This is why some do not hesitate to make a mask cucumber; if it is sliced or even mashed, spread it on the cleansed face beforehand and keep it for about half an hour before rinsing. If you can rinse with rose water or blueberry, it's even better. The minerals, vitamins and enzymes contained in the vegetable hydrate and nourish the skin. If you want to be sure to take full advantage of its resources, go buy some in an organic shop, it will of course be devoid of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. To you a beautiful young and soft skin! Written by David

What our troubled members tell us

To understand what our body and its discomfort tell us, it is important to listen to it; in general, if physical problems reach your legs, arms, eyes, ears, or nose, it means that our actions, thoughts, or words are a drag on us. Distressed legs mean that the future scares us or that a change upsets us, prevents us from moving forward. Same thing for the toes that symbolize small details facing the future. Trouble is looming on the horizon and horns on the toes proclaim that we do not act or think in a way that befits our inner being. If the arms have problems in turn, for example, a sore elbow shows a lack of flexibility to embrace a new experience. Arthritis in the hands, legs, arms or hips, indicates that you need to express who you are and that you do not do enough: your body proclaims that it is high time to assert yourself. Written by David

The capillary and hygienic habits of the Ancients in Egypt

We often see in the peplums bald characters from Ancient Egypt and indeed, according to some historians, to feel comfortable in the warm climate that was theirs, they preferred to shave their heads. According to other researchers, they also invented the wigs they wore when he wanted to change their look to protect themselves from the sun too aggressive. The nobles and the better-off wore wigs made of real hair, while the less well-off wore classic wigs made of sheep's wool. On the hygiene side, the Egyptians invented toothpaste 5000 years BC and not just for dating. (It seems that their food was accidentally mixed sometimes with sand and destroyed their tooth enamel.) This mixture was made from mint, salt, pepper and dried and crushed iris flowers. And it was with the help of a reed that they brushed their teeth. Astonishing, no? Written by David

Well-being and digestion

Eating too fast favors indigestion and stomachaches, the thing is recognized: we swallow too much air. But we know it, we maintain bad habits because we are sometimes limited by the time at lunch before returning to work. There is however a very simple trick developed by nutritionists to slow down the pace and avoid swallowing our mouthfuls like a slingshot. It's just a matter of putting your fork between each bite. In this way, we will not be tempted to put the fork on the plate immediately after, we will give ourselves time to chew, taste and enjoy our meal. Of course, do not cheat at every bite and catch up in digger mode to get a maximum of food, otherwise this trick would not matter much. Written by David

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