
Beauty and Fitness News

Written by Alison

In his chronicles beauty and fitness, David takes you on the roads of well-being, daily comfort and good mood. He unearths for you the tips and tricks of grandmother fallen into oblivion, he keeps you informed of the last advances of the science in these fields and he makes you discover the ancestral recipes of the shamans or other wizards.

Natural health and beauty, day-to-day fitness, herbal medicine, all the tricks to feel better about yourself are here. Whether hygiene, diet or the right way to make up, David brings his answers, fished over the last inventions, the oldest methods, the most original or unknown solutions. Do not miss this opportunity to feel at the peak of your power of seduction, in full possession of your means!

Our sleeping position reflects our personality

When we surrender ourselves to sleep, we let go and free ourselves from our minds. We do not always sleep in the same position, it is indicative of the variations of our moods. But the position we adopt most often is one that puts us at ease and reveals traits of our personality. Position of the log: legs straight and stretched, back straight and arms along the body reveal a sociable person, at ease, and who likes to attend people well positioned socially but they are a little naive and innocent. Position of the suitor: arms forward: these people are open to others but are also more suspicious and cynical, think a lot and once their decision is made, they never come back on it. Position of the soldier: arm along the body: these sleepers are stable, loyal, a little secret, ambitious but do not like to make a splash. Free fall position: sleeping on your stomach, with arms under the pillow: these sleepers are great dreamers, sociable, rebellious, teasing, free and stressed. Position of the starfish: sleeping on the back, arms stretched over the pillow and stretched legs: these sleepers love to help others and place their friends in the center of their lives. Position of the fetus: knees drawn towards the body and lying on the side: these sleepers are of great sensitivity in spite of a harder facade; they think too much and have an uneasy nature. Written by David

Kava to be calm and in a good mood

Native to the Pacific Islands, this plant is not like the others. In Polynesia it is used in ritual ceremonies because, in large doses, it modifies the state of consciousness and helps to enter a trance. But in more reasonable doses, it calms nervousness and soothes tension, it regulates mood and awakens the joy of living. It can both facilitate waking and good mood in the morning and improve sleep at night. A German study has shown that some of its components, kavactalones, are as effective against anxiety as chemical molecules (benzodiazepines), without inducing addiction. But Kava is not allowed for sale in France. And we must remain vigilant about orders on online herbalist sites Kava pills because counterfeits abound. To relieve anxiety, you can always fall back on hops, passionflower, St. John's wort or valerian. Written by David

The Quest for Happiness

Happiness is a personal journey and can be found by making conscious choices and appreciating life's wonders. By integrating these practices into your life, you can create a solid foundation for a happier and more fulfilling existence.

- Set Achievable Goals: Having clear and attainable goals gives you a sense of direction and satisfaction when you achieve them.
- Practice Altruism: Doing good for others can bring great personal satisfaction.
- Learn Stress Management: Use stress management techniques like deep breathing and relaxation to cope with life's challenges.
- Embrace Ups and Downs: Life consists of joyful moments and challenges. Accept that difficult times are part of the human experience.
- Be Kind to Yourself: Don't be too hard on yourself. Learn to forgive and treat yourself with kindness.
Written by Zagon

The Benefits of Meditation for Mental and Physical Balance

On an emotional level, meditation promotes emotional management. It helps develop a better understanding of one's feelings and learn to respond more calmly and thoughtfully to challenges.
On a physical level, meditation can lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, boost the immune system, and contribute to better heart health. By adopting meditation as a regular practice, you can experience these benefits for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Written by Zagon

Blueberry, ideal for the eyes

Small dark blue edible berry, fruit of blueberry, blueberry grows in the mountainous regions. The harvest takes place during the summer and part of autumn. What we do not necessarily know about this little treasure is that it improves the view. Discoride praised its virtues, which "tighten the belly," de Villeneuve attributed to it anti-hemorrhoidal faculties. In short, its reputation is second to none. With its vitamins A and C in large quantities, its flavones, its quinine acid, its fatty acids, the blueberry is a treasure that improves eyesight and protects the eyes from common problems like the dangers of prolonged exposure to television screens or of PC. It also improves night vision, it acts in the ocular microcirculation, it reduces visual fatigue and protects and corrects cataracts. Do not hesitate to consume in July, August and September. But you can take it now because dried blueberries are sold in any good organic shop. Written by David

What If You Started Meditating?

Meditation, an ancient practice, has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous mental and physical health benefits.
This simple yet profound discipline offers a variety of advantages for those who engage in it regularly.
First and foremost, meditation promotes stress reduction. By focusing on your breath and allowing thoughts to pass without judgment, it calms the mind, reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone), and encourages deep relaxation.
It also enhances concentration and mental clarity. Meditation strengthens the ability to concentrate on the present moment, improves memory, and stimulates creativity. Written by Zagon

Make a sparkling smile

If you are still not convinced of whitening toothpastes you buy in supermarkets, you can make one at "home". They are recognized by the majority of their users as effective. After all, it is enough to try to understand that we are able to do good with our own means, and even more so if these means are healthy, natural and produce good results. To do this, mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with the same amount of coconut oil and two or three drops of mint. This mixture is intended to protect your enamel, whiten your teeth, of course and refresh your breath. Another mixture is recommended: get tea tree oil which you dilute five drops of pure oil in half a glass of water: after you brush your teeth you will not forget you rinse the mouth. The effect will be visible after a few weeks. You will have a sparkling smile that will illuminate your meetings. Written by David

Hygiene habits

It's never too late to escape from germs this season. Let's review these little things to do regularly to preserve our health. Change your bath towel often enough and do not forget to dry it between each use because it is a real nest of bacteria. In the kitchen, a recent study revealed that our trusty coffee machine is a good place for bacteria to grow if the capsule container is not cleaned regularly with an antibacterial product. Ditto for your vegetable crisper that needs to be cleaned once a month on average because the fruits or vegetables we store in it can deposit soil. Smartphones must also be cleaned with wipes for glasses because they follow you everywhere in our daily lives. And finally, perhaps the most important rule is to wash your hands so as not to contaminate the objects in your environment. Without becoming paranoid, of course, just good habits and that's all. Written by David

Keys to a Good Night's Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for maintaining optimal physical and mental health. Here are some tips for sleeping well and enjoying restful nights.
Establish a Sleep Routine: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. A regular routine strengthens your biological clock.
Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Ensure your room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. A quality mattress and pillows are also important for restful sleep.
Avoid Screens Before Bed: The blue light from computer, phone, and TV screens disrupts melatonin production, a sleep hormone. Avoid them at least an hour before bedtime. Opt for reading instead.
Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake, especially in the evening. They can disrupt your sleep.
Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality. However, avoid strenuous activities right before bedtime.
Manage Stress: Practice relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, or reading; these are great sleep inducers.
Limit Naps: If you take naps, limit them to 20-30 minutes to avoid disrupting your nightly sleep rhythm.
By prioritizing your sleep, you can improve the quality of your nights and enjoy restorative sleep. Written by Zagon

How to Be Happy?

Happiness, that coveted state of mind, often resides in life's little things and the choices we make. Here are some keys to cultivate happiness in your daily life.

- Practice Gratitude: Take time each day to acknowledge what you're grateful for. This will help you develop a positive attitude.
- Live in the Present: Focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future. Mindfulness can reduce stress and increase satisfaction.
- Pursue Your Passions: Chase your passions and integrate them into your daily life. Doing what you love brings profound fulfillment.
- Cultivate Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with supportive people who bring you joy. Social bonds are essential for well-being.
- Take Care of Your Body and Mind: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and meditation can improve your mental and physical health.
Written by Zagon

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