The moon in Pisces usually means confusion, disorder, even chaos. These are even more pronounced with the sun in Virgo, which tends to classify and control everything. Those who know how to let go: dreamers, poets, certain researchers, will benefit from these mixed influences that lie between reason and intuition. Others could wind up totally lost in this strange ambiance...

Under the influence of this full moon, you won't aim too high or far. There's no use in trying to rush and push your ideas through. Today is better suited for relaxation than for action. So, let yourself be carried away by this restful climate. Don't start up anything of great importance today. Instead, let go and grant yourself the chance to just laze around.
This ambiance suits you perfectly. Thanks to this full moon, you will be able to take your time doing what you have to do and taking care of yourself and those close to you. This climate is good for relaxation, kind exchanges with others, and letting yoru imagination show. So enjoy it!
This full moon is particularly good at inflaming your emotions and causing you a little anxiety. You could as well let yourself be distracted and influenced. To not let this climate get to you completely, use your imagination and artistic gifts to help you clear your head while everything works itself out.
This full moon will bolster your intuition and creative talents. This is a great day for taking part in some sort of artistic activity, working in your garden, strolling through an art gallery, or going to the movies. You can count on your good intentions to help out and listen to others, so let your imagination and emotions show!
Under this full moon, you ought to put off any decision or important task until later and concentrate instead on taking proper action and relaxing. This would be a great day for taking care of others. So, your job involves working for others, the attention you give them will strike to the heart of them and make you all the more popular.
The ambiance created by this full moon will bring you dissatisfaction and make you extremely nervous. You will grow in a troubled atmosphere where you will be overwhelmed with emotion, unable to act as you wish, and will lose your self-control. Instead of trying to fight, you would do better to let go until the stars calm down!
Under this full moon, it will be difficult for you to put your feelings into words. Your emotional reactions will be turned on their head, and you will feel as if you're swimming through troubled waters. Nevertheless, you are indeed capable of coming up with convincing arguments for expressing your ideas and will be able to count on your artsy streak to feel fulfilled.
The ambiance created by this full moon will enable you to trust your sixth sense, to see what will happen ahead of time, to help out those around you. Your creativity is at its height. Your popularity is bolstered. You won't hesitate to interact more with others, to go out and meet people to quench your thirst for seduction.
This isn't the most beneficial full moon. This ambiance of uncertainty will prevent you from being totally relaxed and, moreover, will sink you into a melancholy attitude. Today is not a good day for really throwing yourself into anything 100%. So, until the stars become a little more forgiving once again, don't let your emotions overwhelm you. Instead, take some time to clear your head and relax. This isn't the most beneficial full moon. This ambiance of uncertainty will prevent you from being totally relaxed and, moreover, will sink you into a melancholy attitude. Today is not a good day for really throwing yourself into anything 100%. So, until the stars become a little more forgiving once again, don't let your emotions overwhelm you. Instead, take some time to clear your head and relax.
Thanks to this full moon, your apparent shyness will give way to overflowing sociability, wonderful sensuality, and the promise of rare, one-on-one time with your partner and wonderful moments spent with your friends. The warm ambiance that prevails around you will bring fulfillment for all points of view. Enjoy it!
This full moon will give you a nice boost of inspiration to help you develop new ideas. The ambiance is pleasant, discussion rife, creativity encouraged. You have a million ideas running through your head, but it would be wiser to listen to your own intuition rather than anybody else's opinion. In love, you can count on your partner's support.
This is the right time to grow, in a kind and creative atmosphere where you can take part in life's little joys and pleasures. This is a good ambiance for contemplation, lazing about, and relaxation. With your close friends and family, you are compassionate, tolerant, and invaluably supportive. So, take full advantage of this climate of well-being and give yourself over to your need for spontaneous goodness and tenderness.