This is a baby born after the schools have gone back! Born under the influence of the planet Venus and an Air sign. Libra babies have a gift for happiness and are easy-going, cheerful and sensitive to others. These are born charmers (again blessed by Venus, the planet of seduction) who thrive in a world of affection and comfort and like to be surrounded by people.

The characteristics of the Libra Baby
- Personality: This is a child who is easy to please
- The little Libra girl is charming
- The little boy is smiling
- Tip: Teach them to form their own opinions
This is probably why people find them charming with their angelic smile! They do not like solitude and will have a definite aptitude for making friends. From a very young age, they will be popular with their friends at nursery and school and invited to birthday parties on a regular basis!
This is a child that seeks out harmony and hates conflict. They will therefore do anything to please you … even covering up their mistakes. They are seen as excellent diplomats; good-natured friends who always try to understand, are forgiving and adapt well to their environment. Their sense of humour and sociable nature make them happy children, who hate injustice of any kind. They will always find a way of sorting things out, whether to protect others or avoid conflict. Very often, over the course of their school career, they prefer the leisure hours and playtime to long hours studying! It will be up to you to get them to focus and motivate them to be as successful academically as they are socially.
These are children who need guidance, stimulation and encouragement to move forward. They go at their own pace. So, rather than imposing behavioural expectations on them, it would be better to explain gently what is at stake. Better to go for a flexible and participative learning approach than one that is strict and disciplinarian. These are also imaginative children, who are dreamy and attracted to the Arts - especially Music. In the evening, then, they will demand soft music or one of your stories. This is a baby who is full of charm, who believes in fairy stories and already likes poetry! Learn more about the Libra rising sign.
Living with the Libra baby!
Libra babies are indecisive by nature, because they find it difficult to accept the idea that they cannot keep on searching. From when they are very small, try to pin them down and make them take decisions, by teaching them that a choice does not inevitably lead to sacrifice. For example, make them choose between two presents; or, ask them to choose a limited number of boys and girls to invite to their birthday party. Every decision or choice they have to make will be a very good way for him or her to embark on life and acquire self-confidence.
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Air
- Motto: I weigh up
- Colour: Green
- Strength: Charming
- Weakness: Indecisive
- Sense: Smell
- Comforter: Any kind of toy that can be dressed up!
- Favourite pastime: Playtime!
- Favourite animal: Chameleon
- Social life: A friend who can be relied on