Zodiac Signs

Leonardo DiCaprio's astrological portrait

Written by Evie

Born on 11 November 1974 at 2.47am in Los Angeles. Leonardo's personality is full of paradoxes. In fact his Sun sign of Scorpio, with its number of planetary conjunctions, paints a very different picture from that of his Ascendant in the sign of Libra. Here we have a person full of all kinds of nuances, both in terms of his external demeanour and his inner self. The presence of Pluto, his ruling planet, in the sign of his ascendant emphasises Leonardo's eminently Scorpio imprint, marking him out with a powerful personal magnetism that creates a great impact, both on the screen and in everyday life.

Leonardo is very good at persuading others and imposing his style, seemingly without effort and without trying to compete with others. His Mercury just on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio in the First House gives him a mental prowess that enables him to grasp complex ideas. He is far from being the empty-headed pretty boy that some would have had us believe!

The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Scorpio and the Second House makes him a man “with potential” on the emotional front. He is able to build a cocoon of passionate love, inaccessible to the outside world, around his lady friend. His love-life will not be devoid of spice and in fact this is where his personal magnetism is at its strongest, never mind his talents as an actor with a reputation second to none. This refined and passionate lover has no problems in understanding the complexities of the female psyche, and the needs and expectations of his partners. The position of his Moon in Libra, conjunct Pluto in his First House and, in addition, forming a trine to both Jupiter and Saturn, gives him a considerable advantage for making a deep impression on his companions. He has a Pygmalion side that will not go unnoticed.

He is characterised by a profound sensitivity, which is a driving force that will become stronger over the course of time and enable him to take on cinema roles which are increasingly complex and full of nuances. The position of Saturn in the Tenth House is a powerful indicator of social success, reaching a peak when he is around 50 years of age. We are not talking about a star that will come and go, but a star that will mark our century with success in roles that are strong in symbolism and about strength and united action. From the age of 42, he will be the perfect incarnation of the image of a hero, who sees things through to the end by following an infallible sense of honour. He will certainly be a great classical actor, but one that we will never cease to appreciate!

Leonardo Di Caprio is very much integrated into the world of showbiz, as he has a profound understanding of where his personal interest lies in this process. But this is also because the position of the Northern Node of his Black Moon in Sagittarius in his Third House underlines a need in his destiny for integration with his milieu, enabling him to keep his instincts under control and awaken a philosophy of life through his work, that could considerably help to free others from all kinds of constraints. His roles stress this common thread and following the herd will never be an option for him.

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