Your personal number is 9: If you do not know your personal number, discover it with our free application: your Way of Life. Closing the number walk to one unit, the 9 is associated with the end of a cycle. This is the moment of balance, of enlargement to a higher dimension. This can be in the good sense of the word, thanks to the ability to gain height in relation to situations or everyday problems. The horizons are broad; the interest is on the community, even on the universal. The risk is to go too far and lose touch with reality.

- Color of number 9: Navy blue
- Element of number 9: Fire
- Planet associated to number 9: Neptune
- Corresponding letters of number 9: I, R
Dream or utopia is thus naturally part of the mode of operation of 9. Its vibratory capacity is very spiritual, a little esoteric. 9 aspires to a better world, starting with this one. He therefore sometimes believes in utopias, at least in great collective hopes. Anyway, the belief in a higher dimension - God or the universe allows him a detachment full of wisdom.
The qualities of number 9: openness, generosity, tolerance, optimism, idealism, loyalty, imagination and creativity.
The defects of number 9: withdrawal, austerity, shyness, disappointment, sacrifice.
The number 9 on the heart side
The 9 places very high the inner qualities of the one who interests him. He hopes to meet a beautiful soul, capable of the same generosity and the same dedication he shows. In addition, open and tolerant, the 9 is quite capable of accepting a person very different from him, coming from another environment, from another country or from another religion. There he will find additional enrichment to the relationship. In his youth, the 9 may tend to multiply the experiences and does not necessarily feel ready to bind by a contract. Only with maturity will he be able to take such a responsibility. He will see a spiritual dimension - an act of faith - that suits his exalted nature. If he fears the breaks, he will accept the failure philosophically, believing that anyway, the relationship has allowed him to grow and get to know each other better.
The number 9 at work
The 9 may be the type of person who has a true vocation. He will feel called by a mission or a desire. Graduate studies often attract him because his curiosity is insatiable. He believes very much in the teaching and the qualities of those who want to transmit the flame. Throughout his career he also seeks to improve and does not hesitate to return to the source if he feels the need. He is rarely attracted to the marks of power and success and does not always have the money in high esteem. He must therefore be careful not to be used or overtaken by people with morals more elastic than his own.
The shape of number 9
The 9 is endowed with a good health and it is even lucky to have often a good potential of longevity. Because he naturally seeks equilibrium in the long term, since he sees far away. One of his weak points? The management of emotions. Governed by his heart, the 9 must pay attention to this body. He has every interest in muscle building by walking or by exercises. By extension, the 9 is sensitive to psychosomatic illnesses. He only needs to learn bad news for his body to send him negative signals. Headache, tiredness or palpitations catch up with him. He must also take care to counter a constitutional weakness on the side of the reproductive organs. Anyway, he may be a little hypochondriac but always ends up recovering in good health if he heals of his anxieties.