The word astrology comes from the Greek: astron, star and logos, speech. Etymologically, astrology is therefore the speech of the stars but in reality, Western astrology uses the planets of the solar system. Astrology is a discipline based on the symbolic interpretation of the correspondence between the movement of planets, constellations and humans, collectively or individually. Astrology is used as a divination tool. Western astrology originated in Sumer, then influenced Egypt, Babylon and finally Greece, from where it was passed along by the Arabs before reaching Europe. It has met a renewed interest in the twentieth century.

We can divide Western astrology into three steps:
Individual astrology analyzes the birth chart of an individual, the goal being to become aware of oneself and to approach, as serenely as possible, the different phases of life, transformations and critical periods. The natal chart also analyzes relationships with others.
Horoscopes were very popular in the Middle Ages, they were put back in fashion by the magazines that deliver the trends of the moment for each sign. The horoscope by sign is appreciated by a public who is fond of it, it is especially a form of entertainment, without personal implication.
World astrology observes the relationship between the events of the world and the planetary movements of the solar system. It is the oldest form of astrological practice. This helps to illuminate the past and develop collective forecasts.
In this practice, numerous elements are used:
- The planets: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
- Some fictitious points: lunar nodes North and South, the black moon, the role of fortune.
- The constellations symbolized by the 12 signs of the tropical zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
- The houses from 1 to 12 and mainly: the Ascendant in the east, the bottom of the sky in the north, the descendant in the west and the middle of the sky in the south.
- The elements: fire, earth, earth, air and water.
- Vibration modes: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
- The major aspects: conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile.
- The retrograde planets.
- Planets and fictitious points in signs.
- Planets and fictitious points in houses.
- Planetary transits and progressions are used to develop collective or individual forecasts.
Western Zodiac Signs
- Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is a cardinal sign that coincides with the spring equinox, its element is fire.
- Aries is combative, courageous, willful, frank, self-assured and instinctive.
- But they are also warlike, noisy, reckless, impulsive and egocentric
- Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus is a fixed sign that coincides with the middle of spring, its element is the earth.
- Taurus is cordial, warm, enduring, hard working, sensual and epicurean.
- But they are also stubborn, greedy, gluttonous, possessive and resentful.
- Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini is a mutable sign that coincides with the end of spring, its element is air.
- Gemini is intelligent, adaptable, skilled, eloquent, resourceful and quick.
- But they are also talkative, curious, ironic, inconstant and indiscreet.
- Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer is a cardinal sign that coincides with the summer solstice, its element is water.
- Cancer is intuitive, protective, imaginative, sensitive, affectionate and tenacious.
- But they are also capricious, anxious, passive, sensitive and ingenuous.
- Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo is a fixed sign that coincides with the middle of summer, its element is fire.
- Leo is warm, caring, creative, generous, organized and loyal.
- But they are also authoritarian, angry, proud, intolerant and haughty.
- Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo is a mutable sign that coincides with the end of summer, its element is the earth.
- Virgo is conscientious, discreet, devoted, precise, modest and helpful.
- But they are also perfectionist, fussy, strict, timid, critical and worried.
- Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra is a cardinal sign that coincides with the autumnal equinox, its element is air.
- Libra is kind, sociable, diplomatic, fair, nuanced and refined.
- But they are also credulous, dependent, indecisive, superficial and easily influenced
- Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio is a fixed sign that coincides with the middle of autumn, its element is water.
- Scorpio is seductive, strong, inspired, lucid, passionate and opinionated.
- But they are also suspicious, destructive, secretive, jealous and cruel.
- Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is a mutable sign that coincides with the end of autumn, its element is fire.
- Sagittarius is optimistic, expansive, benevolent, a philosopher and spontaneous.
- But they are also casual, moralistic, rowdy, improvident and excessive
- Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is a cardinal sign that coincides with the winter solstice, its element is the earth.
- Capricorn is hard-working, steady, disciplined, realistic, ambitious and sober.
- But they are also rigid, pessimistic, fatalistic, severe and conservative
- Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is a fixed sign that coincides with the middle of winter, its element is air.
- Aquarius is erudite, free, autonomous, inventive, independent and modern.
- But they are also distant, unpredictable, rebellious, annoying and eccentric.
- Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a mutable sign that coincides with the end of winter, its element is water.
- Pisces is charitable, docile, intuitive, adaptable and selfless.
- But they are also hypersensitive, confused, carefree, dependent and fleeing.
The Planets of the Solar System
The Sun: The sun designates the natal sign. It symbolizes personality.
The moon: The moon crosses each sign in about two days, it takes 28 days and a half on average to travel the zodiac. She symbolizes women and the world of emotions.
Mercury: Mercury is a planet that crosses the 12 constellations in 88 days. It symbolizes intelligence and all means of communication.
Venus: Venus travels the zodiac in about 116 days, or 4 months. This planet symbolizes love and financial achievements.
Mars: Mars travels the zodiac in about two years and therefore remains on average two months in each sign. It symbolizes willpower and courage but makes one impulsive and egocentric.
Jupiter: Jupiter is a giant gas planet that completes its revolution in 12 years. It symbolizes expansion and luck but also excess.
Saturn: Saturn completes its revolution in 29 years and half and causes the "quarter life crisis". It symbolizes mastery, discipline and ambition.
Uranus: Uranus takes about 84 years to travel the zodiac, so it remains 7 years in each sign. It symbolizes changes and individual freedom.
Neptune: Neptune completed its revolution in about 165 years. It therefore marks a whole generation with its imprint in each sign. It symbolizes the unconscious and intuition.
Pluto: Pluto takes about 248 years to travel the zodiac, it is the most distant planet of the solar system. It symbolizes the depths of the soul, death and sexuality.
On the basis of this information, the astrologer studies the effect of the planets in a certain climate (the sign) and in a particular area (the house).