In the summer of 1914, Saturn is in conjunction with Pluto. This is the beginning of the Great War. After 18 million deaths and 20 million injuries, things have never been the same again. Pluto has metamorphosed nations and ways of life. During this conflict, women played a key role in replacing the men who had gone to the front. They have become, by the force of things, blacksmiths, bakers, heads of exploitation. They worked in the factory and in the countryside. Four great European monarchies have disappeared. On the other hand, this conflict triggered the technical development. Nations that were rural urbanized. The automotive sector has grown. The factories, the villages, the bridges, the roads, the railways that were destroyed have been rebuilt. It induced the creation of the League of Nations. However, the side effects of Pluto in Cancer continued their work. The USSR was created and was led by Stalin. Mussolini took power in Italy and Germany took the same path with the appointment of Hitler as chancellor in 1933.

In September 1939, the Second World War was declared under the stamp of Saturn in Taurus, which was squared off Pluto. This dissonance gave another dimension to this unprecedented conflict, as the nations were occupied by the enemy and it was difficult to liberate them. In 1942, Operation Jubilee failed. Negotiations to reach a release plan have been stormy. It took two years of ingenuity and hard work to develop it. After 60 million deaths, 35 million wounded and 3 million missing, the League of Nations has been replaced by the UN. Warlords have been brought to court. The international bank that will later become the World Bank has been created. The United States confirmed its power, the USSR imposed itself and Europe found itself on the decline, while trying to heal its wounds. This square that produced this human tragedy continued its work because it had to rebuild and dismantle what had been built by the occupier. After many difficulties and destructions, this square has generated the glorious thirty. In 1947, Saturn was in conjunction with Pluto in Leo. Regeneration is started under the influence of a sign that emphasizes and encourages achievement and success. Industrial production has increased. It was the same for demography. Revenues have also increased. Households are equipped with household appliances and cars.
September 1973, Saturn in Cancer was squared to Pluto in Libra. Pinochet carried out a coup d'état and imposed the dictatorship in Chile. This nation has been marked by thousands of arrests, multiple violations of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Chileans have gone into exile.
In 2019 and 2020, Saturn is in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This may presage the worst, if we refer to the one that occurred in 1914 in the opposite sign. However, there is a difference, because at that time, Neptune was in Leo and Uranus was in Aquarius. This aspect encouraged the dissolution of values in favor of evolution. He urged to review the objectives. It forced women and men to go beyond archaic values. At this conjunction in Capricorn, Neptune is in Pisces and Uranus is in Taurus. These planets are thus connected in signs with which they are in affinity. Neptune also promotes and encourages peace and compassion. As for Uranus, it encourages foresight and prudence in all circumstances. Although these planetary energies are affable and benevolent, this will not prevent this conjunction from doing its job. However, it is possible that it creates circumstances and situations, which will have the vocation of pushing nations and human nature to ask the right questions. It is conceivable that this metamorphosis, which is initiated by this conjunction, is situated, not on the material level, but on the plane of consciousness. It is therefore possible that mankind and nations are exposed to cases of conscience.