Uranus in Aries exacerbates all individualism for 7 years. It is for the better if we make decisions and pursue a goal, if we are willing to change. It is for the worst if we resist or refuse progress and change. Uranus in Aries, marks unexpected events, impulsive acts but above all, a great desire to live and be oneself!

The transit of Uranus in conjunction with the natal sun pushes you to live in a freer, more autonomous, more independent way. You seek to detach yourself from old beliefs and to manifest yourself in an individual way. You affirm your differences with unprecedented self-confidence. Uranus has a powerful effect here that encourages you to radically change things in your private or professional life. This is a key moment in your life, but beware of impulsive actions that come from being fed up and the urge to change your life. The changes will take place but, for it to be beneficial, it is advisable to think a little before acting or making a hasty decision.
Uranus is in Aries and colors the general atmosphere of a certain aggressiveness in which it is better not to venture. It is by refocusing on yourself, in calm and serenity, and avoiding sterile controversy that you make the most of this transit.
The transits of Uranus sextile in the natal sun are very stimulating. Something changes in your situation or in your way of perceiving it. You will be able to envision new, previously unknown perspectives and apply them to the concrete reality of your existence. During this transit, all kinds of external events will help you to change your life smoothly, successfully and without tears or regrets. For this transit to be profitable for you, it is important, however, that you act without waiting for miracles to fall from the sky. Circumstances are favorable to you, yet they must be exploited. You overflow with charm and you have the opportunity to experiment with unknown delights, dare to express your desires!
The transit of Uranus square to the natal sun forces you to give up what does not conform to your real personality. It is time to get out of your old patterns made rigid over time and to demand. Assume a new autonomy and an intoxicating freedom even if it is full of traps. Wait a few months before looking for a rewarding bond, you are rebelling against everything right now. You may accumulate stress and nervous tension. You do not have the time or you do not want to relax, your working conditions may be painful, or you may have some dissension in your life as a couple. You become systematically contrary, your behavior is unusual or unpredictable.
When Uranus is in trine with the natal sun, changes take place naturally. This period transforms you, you finally free yourself from old habits born of your conditioning and you seize more easily creative opportunities. You express yourself better and your behavior evolves. It is a transit that makes you attractive because your personality emerges and captures many looks. Your initiatives are for the most part successful. You take a fresh start by looking at new and unexplored areas. These discoveries spice up your life and make it exciting, dark thoughts are swept away, all experience is profitable, well-being and pleasurable.
Uranus is in Aries and colors the general atmosphere with a dynamic will that is sometimes difficult to integrate. Whims, irrepressible impulses, sudden changes of orientation are all incidents that at times risk generating a little anxiety. Do not dwell too much on your worries, talk about them to put them into perspective.
The oppositions of Uranus in the natal sun are periods of rather radical awareness that clearly distinguish the set of conditions attached to the lived experience. You are potentially able to free yourself from it, perhaps by having to fight against people who send you a small picture of yourself. Stop feeling persecuted and better manage your own existence! You have a hard time disciplining yourself and your partners find your demands selfish or completely outlandish. You tend to dispute for fun, not to measure your desires for change or to manage your headaches, your favorites and your blows. The result of this difficult passage really depends on your maturity.
Uranus is in Aries and colors the general atmosphere with a certain aggressiveness in which it is better not to venture. It is by refocusing on yourself, in calm and serenity, and avoiding sterile controversy that you make the most of this transit.
During this transit you will make yourself available to anything that is new, along with all the changes, which will give you a beautiful and very creative dynamism. The transformations take place smoothly, without revolt. Opportunities pass that you have to enter. You take a break, you make a fresh start, you are interested in new areas, your life becomes more exciting. It is a beautiful evolution of your personality, with new conceptions that are more humanistic, progressive or scientific. Your mind awakens with a new freedom, you feel solidarity with your surroundings in a spirit of mutual aid, attentive to the problems of others. It's a good time to make new and valuable friends.
The transit of Uranus square to the natal sun pushes you to be excessively impatient, intolerant or annoyed at obstacles in the way of your freedom. You are ready to do anything to find yourself, causing disturbances, unexpected changes in your life and your personality. Some will take a 180 ° turn, until the sentimental break ... There is no point in hanging on to your habits, your achievements, or your past. A prison to jump, you still have to find what new freedom is offered to you. In the meantime, you accumulate stress, you work in tense conditions, you have neither the time nor the desire to relax. You experience tensions in your love life, you become systematically contrary, you develop unusual behaviors made of tantrums or explosions in a bad mood, you are not to be taken with a grain of salt...
The transit of Uranus in sextile with the natal sun encourages your individualization. Your master planet distills circumstances, happy chances and coincidences that serve your freedom of action or your independence. It is an excellent influence that strengthens your will and your ability to claim what is due to you. Your mind is well awake, ready to jump on any opportunity and be even more autonomous. Be careful though not to alienate sympathy with a rebellious or even shocking behavior. You can get a lot more by staying moderate and adaptable.
Uranus is in Aries and, without actually influencing you personally, may be causing some ups and downs in your financial life. In good, or in bad? It all depends on your initiatives.