Jupiter is at ease in this epicurean and sensual sign, for a year he will exalt the earthly pleasures and encourage well-being and material comfort. His influence will enrich some and exaggerate others, depending on what everyone will do with this energy... For all, Nature is highlighted in the fashion and trends of the year, it is a great opportunity for some to return to basics, infinitely restructuring.

If Jupiter in Taurus does not specifically influence Aries, it installs however an interesting atmosphere of comfort, financial or material increase and well-being in everyday life. It is an opportunity for you to better manage your assets, to secure them, to stabilize your assets by repaying your debts or by collecting amounts due. Your material situation will greatly improve if you give up excess and if you take the time to think or get advice before any major expenses.
Jupiter passes in conjunction with the natal sun every 12 years. This transit indicates a good period of luck, opportunities and personal success. You must move forward, even show off a little. If you are unemployed this is a good time to apply with the certainty that your skills will be recognized. Travel and studies are very beneficial to you during this period. You are much more confident, you will feel in the right and you do what it takes to improve your living conditions, with optimism, warmth and generosity. These good influences must be exploited to the maximum. You will encounter an improvement of your material situation, your life is organized.
If Jupiter in Taurus does not specifically influence Gemini, it installs however an atmosphere that brings back this scattered sign to a path of economy, clever and justified investments. This is a good time to look at your finances: you could get unexpected profits. Your well-being, your daily comfort will be your main projects, do not hesitate to get advice for any major expenses.
The transit of Jupiter in sextile to the natal Sun exerts a very favorable influence and offers you many opportunities for growth, personal enrichment and the possibility of improving your social status and your relationships. Your skills are recognized, you see your efforts rewarded with a diploma or a promotion, for example. This is the moment to undertake, develop your projects and your ideas: your optimism and enthusiasm will attract the support of others. If you want to leave your job or change fields, this is the ideal time, luck is on your side. A feeling of well-being and trust in yourself accompanies this transit.
Your desires and ambitions come up against reality. You dream of social expansion in a disproportionate way and you try to force events when circumstances do not lend themselves to it. You do not lack an opportunity to point out your qualities, to put yourself forward but you lack tact and exaggerate your importance. Be aware that your reactions are excessive during this transit if you want to avoid conflicts with your superiors or colleagues. You probably do not have a proper appreciation of the situation, be patient and make the important decisions later.
With Jupiter in the sign of Earth, a friend of Taurus, it is an open door to sensuality, greed, research and the acquisition of beautiful things. It is a very beautiful period, during which you will be able to tie your possessions as well as your convictions into stability, duration and security. You have a good command of your talents and you have opportunities to showcase them, a personal success is likely. Above all, your aspirations are amplified, you aim higher or further than usual and you are right! For some, it is still necessary to leave aside your hesitation, in order to enjoy these excellent celestial provisions.
While Jupiter in Taurus does not specifically influence Libra, he does, however, install an interesting atmosphere of comfortable withdrawal, material, financial or emotional concerns. It's an opportunity for you to better manage your assets, invest your time, your money or your feelings in a sustainable and profitable adventure. It's quite within your reach during this transit.
This transit of Jupiter opposed to your natal Sun pushes you to excess of optimism and confidence and you find your situation uncomfortable or unsatisfactory. You feel like you do not have what you deserve, you do not have a chance and you try to get noticed by exaggerating the importance of your efforts. You also tend to promise more than you can give. You may be wasting your time, resources, and energy. Postpone important decisions until later and stay aware of the effects of this transit, it helps you to take a step back to discern the reality of any situation.
If Jupiter in Taurus does not specifically influence Sagittarius, however, it installs a pleasant atmosphere of gluttony and sensuality, which can only suit your lively temper. Your daily life improves, whether it's better schedules, a friendlier neighborhood or more comfortable living conditions.
With the arrival of Jupiter in sextile to your natal Sun, it opens a period of luck and opportunities for personal growth and social expansion. You feel confident and enthusiastic, you are in an excellent mood and you set harmony around you. You want to open yourself to the unknown, to meet people, to travel, to deepen your knowledge of yourself and to rise. Your energy is inexhaustible, everything seems possible to you and as long as you remain realistic and organized, external circumstances are particularly favorable for you to succeed whatever you undertake. You get easy cooperation and support from others. You have the opportunity to greatly enrich your existence during this transit.
With Jupiter square to your natal Sun, you have the impression that the whole world is against you, that your merits are not recognized, that you do not occupy the place that is yours. You have excessive and unrealistic cravings for growth. You inflate importance and your pride, your refusal to listen to the advice deprives you of the favors of your superiors or your elders. You are restless, impatient and reckless. You lack discernment and take unnecessary risks. Monitor your expenses and diet during this time and prefer to postpone important decisions. Try to discipline yourself and cultivate humility.
The transit of Jupiter in sextile with your natal Sun inaugurates an excellent period where the opportunities will not be lacking. It's time to move forward as soon as a door opens on opportunities for your future. Do not let doubt or hesitation take over, this would be the best way to miss out on your chances. Trust yourself and you'll be able to make the right choices at the right time. You explore your potential, discover new ways of doing things, and find the help and support you need, everything at the end of the day to propel you to success.