It's an intense relationship, passionate and a little obsessive, with a lot of jealousies, suspicion, voluptuousness, and a fierce will. Your story may be anything but peaceful. Between thrills, investigations, and existential crises, you will not get bored but it is possible that the less destructive of the two decides to find a more comfortable relationship one day.

Love compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio
You scare those close to you with the intensity of your emotions, but you enjoy being in this frenzied, ecstatic state. This is a hall of mirrors where it'll do no good to get lost in jealousy or suspicion, or to rely on your uncommon sensual bond. Don't confuse passion with obsession. Go to the trouble of freshening up your couple by going out with people that are more peaceful and light-hearted.

Compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man
This relationship won't be all peace and calm for these two Scorpions, but rather one under the sign of explosive passion. A word of warning to lovers who desire a romance full of ups and downs and difficulty! These two signs will set up goals that they will reach at any cost! Both extremely stubborn, they are capable of moving mountains to get what they want - or to escape reality! The major challenge for these two lovers of excess will be temperance. They are constantly between war and peace. Be careful not to get tired of each other. Instead, try to create together, to communicate clearly, and to learn to compromise when your feelings are out-of-sync.

Compatibility between a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio woman
Scorpio, here's a woman who won't be intimidated by your temperament. This is the best way to change tack and become more open, to learn to be less competitive, too. You will need to move ahead and stop ruminating over the dreams and memories that haunt you. Step into action and let your partner help you, your partner who only expects one thing: working toward wonderful goals together! Staying stuck in the past would be the worst thing to do with a partner such as this. By turning towards the future and modifying your idea of what security is somewhat, you will be able to really come closer together.

Compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio man
This is an explosive mix of two passionate, stubborn, authoritarian, and jealous personalities. But, you are both very intuitive and understand each other beyond simple words. You might, however, suffocate each other devious and obsessive ideas and ever-present suspicions... A bond is not necessarily easy to form between these two life-long snoopers, even though one of them might be more open-minded and the other less dramatic in how they view the world. Still, on the whole, you get along well, and it will be this that will be your advantage for opening yourself up to others and having a chance to last, or else...