You are both cautious and attentive to practical realities, without venturing into risky stories. This can lead to a strong and lasting relationship, but it does not guarantee romance and you risk a stable relationship without any glamor. Beware of the rust of a routine that is too dull! One of you must open the doors, otherwise you may find yourself very lonely.

Love compatibility between Virgo and Virgo
You form an unfailingly solid couple, but one that isn't necessarily for good reasons. Beware getting encrusted in a dull routine! One of you needs to become a mite more energetic and open up the doors of your burrow, or else you could end up all alone. It would be best for you to make mutual friends to freshen up this relationship or else end up going round in circles.

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Virgo man
These two have much, even too much, in common. They will have to learn to be a bit less picky and such perfectionists! Otherwise, this will be a never-ending search, especially since there are now two of them chasing down an ideal. So, learn to accept defeat, imperfections, and disappointment - but with light-heartedness and humor. You'll see: everything will be find for each of you and between you! Learn to let go from time to time; to break up the routine, so you can get to know each other better and touch base more passionately with your shared goals.

Compatibility between a Virgo woman and a Virgo woman
Dear Virgo, your partner will appreciate your imagination and improvisational skills if you can be open to talking freely with her and if you can just as well come back to reality. There's no point in reproaching her or pushing her into a rigid box that she doesn't fit in or appreciate. Open yourself up and enjoy everything that she can offer you: generosity, her lust for life, optimism, and her trust and confidence in what life holds in store. All this can manifest if you dare to regularly reveal your own imagination. A burst of madness from time to time is necessary for your relationship to remain balanced.

Compatibility between a Virgo man and a Virgo man
This is a couple with some advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, you easily understand each other, think in the same precise and rational way, without running wild or neglecting a single detail. But, this shared way of thinking small and planning only for what is immediately at hand may deprive you of the broad-sightedness and differences of opinion that could energize your relationship over the long-term. Always agreeing on things doesn't guarantee that you will evolve personally, and so you may get up caught up in a routine that is safe, but without surprise. You would do best to make some mutual friends to breathe fresh air back into this relationship that might just end up going in circles.