You are very complementary with imagination, sensitivity and romance in common. Together, you can build an ocean of powerful feelings and mutual dedication. It's an excellent mix of positive energies to build, support, and make your relationship last throughout the years and circumstances.

Love compatibility between Cancer and Pisces
At first sight, this seems to be a long-lasting relationship, as you have the same values, the same desire for emotional security, and the same love for peace. Beware routine and monotony. One of you will have to kick off this dance and bring some energy into your relationship: without air, the flame will go out. Don't stay glued to each other's sides: go out and mix some of the real world into your fanciful life. You form a charming and popular couple.

Compatibility between a Cancer woman and a Pisces man
This will be a relationship under the sign of originality. Lady Cancer and Sir Pisces will have a romance straight out of a fairytale! Together, they will exist outside of time and space, quickly forgetting life's constraints! They will live happily together, and yet it would still be good to come out of your shell from time to time and go - outside! Both let the other live and enjoy life's pleasures, while maintaining their magnetic attraction for one another. They will be able to give form and substance to their dreams. Their deep, mutual understanding can unite them ever more solidly and deeply.

Compatibility between a Cancer man and a Pisces woman
To instill real harmony in this Pisces-Cancer mix, one of them will have to take charge! You can't always just follow your feelings, constantly going back and forth. Cancer's fears coupled with Pisces flightiness doesn't make for a full, lasting romance. Will these two tenacious, die-hard signs be able to make small, or even big, changes to live together in harmony? Your shared ability to negotiate will spare you not a little friction, but could just as well curb your passionate urges at times. Be daring, jump in, and take initiative, and a few risks from time to time, to break your old habits.

Compatibility between a Cancer woman and a Pisces woman
Dear Pisces, recognize that you are have something great here with this woman who echoes your own ideas so well! This is an extremely valuable relationship that you shouldn't let slip through your fingers and should make every effort to hold onto and to vitalize with common goals. She will turn out to be perfectly adapted to making up for your tendency to get distracted and putting organizing what you can't seem to do. You will remain stronger than ever, but fighting back the routine is your challenge, which, whether you know it or not, can drain the energy that pushes you two towards each other. You'll have to find some elsewhere to free yourselves from yourselves, to fully enjoy this relationship.

Compatibility between a Cancer man and a Pisces man
One is protective, sentimental, and overly sensitive, while the other is dependant, romantic, and intuitive. You understand each other instinctually and intuitively, and will establish together a cozy home, full of poetry and far from the noise and harshness of the outside world. When it comes to the physical, you love to touch each other, hold each other in your arms, and dream up fantastical futures together. Trouble will arise when Cancer throws one tantrum too many or Pisces is too lazy or disorganized. Cancer is, despite all this, more in touch with reality, while Pisces is selfless and altruistic You share similar ideas about love...