
Cancer: your horoscope for the 10th of September 2024

Written by Susan

Your astral forecast

Your intuition is very sharp today! Your instincts are guiding you in the right direction. Make the most of this and jettison certain quirks which are based on circumstances which are no longer relevant and which are harmful, particularly regarding your eating habits.



You will have much to do, to sort out an awkward situation, but your determination will enable you to succeed.

Yesterday: 4/5YesterdayToday: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowFriday: 3/5FridaySaturday: 2/5SaturdaySunday: 4/5SundayMonday: 4/5MondayTuesday: 5/5Tuesday



Bursts of impatience could block your way if you're single. Time could be an ally, so don't rush anything. You might feel really inspired to focus on the practical details of your home.

Yesterday: 4/5YesterdayToday: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowFriday: 4/5FridaySaturday: 4/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 3/5MondayTuesday: 5/5Tuesday



Fate is going to open doors which will enable you to move up towards financial independence.

Yesterday: 3/5YesterdayToday: 3/5TodayTomorrow: 2/5TomorrowFriday: 3/5FridaySaturday: 3/5SaturdaySunday: 4/5SundayMonday: 3/5MondayTuesday: 4/5Tuesday



It's time to make an assessment of the last few weeks; study them to see what needs improving.

Yesterday: 4/5YesterdayToday: 4/5TodayTomorrow: 3/5TomorrowFriday: 4/5FridaySaturday: 4/5SaturdaySunday: 3/5SundayMonday: 3/5MondayTuesday: 5/5Tuesday
This week


The moon is in Sagittarius, in position 08 degree(s),33 minute(s): Need to progress, spirit of adventure, impatience and restlessness. Not very sensitive but spontaneous.

First decan

21st June to 1st July

Positive and wholesome relationships will be on the agenda: get married or engaged, go for it! The moon will favour routine and everything to do with learning and an open mind. It will be an excellent day for revamping your interior decor or doing an evening class ...

Second decan

2nd July to 12th July

Don't go in search of happiness at the opposite ends of the earth, as it will be found on your doorstep. Doors will open in your everyday life. You will meet new people and learn interesting things. Your work will be pleasant and your colleagues will play fairly. It will be a wonderful day, when everything will purr along.

Third decan

13th July to 22nd July

You will feel like embellishing your everyday existence with some adventure, some kind of challenge or an experience. Do something you enjoy: going to the cinema or the bowling alley, or shopping with friends. It will be a great day for adding another dimension to your everyday routine.

The astral theme and professional potential

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