
Virgo's horoscope for February 2026

Written by Daisy

From the 1st to the 18th, you are diligent, focused on your professional and daily affairs, then a focus on your personal or social life is looming! The planets in Aquarius (sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto) emphasize your involvement in your work: you know your stuff! Mercury, your planet, moves into Pisces on the 6th and goes retrograde on the 26th: your marital or contractual relationships will be significant, wait until next month for any major decision. Jupiter (especially second decan) supports your projects, your friendships with kindness. Uranus in Taurus encourages your expansion: believe in yourself! Saturn and Neptune, together from the 14th, bring some adjustments to your financial life. From the 18th onwards: others take center stage, don't let them take over!

Virgo: Love in General

A planetary cluster in Aquarius during the first week will favor your emotional life with a certain degree of freedom on both sides. You will be ready to make concessions, but in moderation. Then the atmosphere changes: you will want commitment and lastingness, but what does the other person think?

Virgo: In a relationship

With an open mind and a certain detachment, you approach your couple life peacefully until the 18th. Your communication seems calm then sensitive after the 6th. Your feelings, starting from the 10th, strengthen your partnership while Mars enhances your sensuality: cool!


Chances of meeting someone are likely at your workplace or in your living environment, be receptive and open to the surrounding opportunities. After the 18th, you aspire to a solid relationship and you put your whole heart into it: don't get carried away though.

Virgo: Career / Finance

Saturn and Neptune, teaming up starting the 14th, bring to your financial life the means to strengthen your savings or consider a significant monetary transaction. But don't expect a financial windfall, you will need to double your efforts and prove your worth. After the 6th, a contract could be signed or revised: be vigilant!

Virgo: Advice from FREE Horoscope

A month during which others will have a great impact on you and your life: so remember to use diplomacy while also keeping in mind your personal interests. After the 26th, be patient if things slow down!

Horoscope for February 2026 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2026 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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