Uranus takes 84 years to pass through the zodiac and so will stay for roughly 7 years in each sign. Uranus is a symbol of the strength of change, and, ideally, of incorporating everyone into the common struggle. This is the planet of humanity and compassion. Uranus influences science, discovery, and technological advancement, as well. Following are the various transits of Uranus with other slow-moving planets.

Uranus Jupiter (expansion/change)
These aspects are reformed every 14 years
Conjunction (1997, 2010, 2024): This conjunction brings new life to scientific research and development. These advances are revolutionary, and they have an impact on people's mentalities, which evolve and go through periods of general enthusiasm as well as moments of crisis. Intense and memorable events allow us to see the future with more wisdom.
Sextile: When these two planets are in sextile, we can expect a surge of general humanism. The discovery of new technologies could allow the improvement of the human condition. Ideas are turned towards the future. The atmosphere is full of enthusiasm for original and captivating projects. Things are moving forward with optimism and an open mind.
Trigone: This is a unique aspect that drives one to undertake with enthusiasm for the good of the community. Ambitious and humanistic projects could see the light of day. Everyone's skills are used to improve infrastructure and communication in general. During this period, technological advances in specific areas improve the human condition.
Square: The square formed by these planets induces blockages in communication. Everyone's ideals are expressed with brutality and little discernment. The changes needed to improve society are struggling to find their place in people's minds. This situation seems restrictive, but it enables the questioning of specific outdated ideas.
Opposition (2004, 2017): This opposition between Uranus and Jupiter brings a climate full of agitation. There is a severe lack of organization. Many actions are carried out without the least discernment and sometimes with too much brutality. Everyone is trying to maintain their skills while trying to improve everyone's condition, but the results are not very satisfactory.
Uranus Saturn (control/change)
These aspects are reformed every 45 years
Conjunction (1942, 1988, 2032): This conjunction between Saturn and Uranus has beneficial long-term aspects because it pushes people to see things differently and to act to improve everyone's conditions. But it will be necessary to go through stressful events due to the lack of collective consciousness, fear of change, and frustration.
Sextile: This aspect between Saturn and Uranus allows for a better organization of specific projects, which are beneficial to society. Minds are lucid, but they leave room for everything possible, and many innovations can improve everyone's daily life. Positive strides can also be seen in the areas of politics and information.
Trigone: This aspect induces a collective awareness concerning essential areas of daily life. This trigone pushes for more rigor and a better sense of organization by avoiding all that is superfluous. Realism, mixed with enthusiasm, makes it possible to communicate better and bring to fruition projects that are truly beneficial to society.
Square: This is not a good thing. Conflicts are erupting in education, retirement homes, and security. Communication becomes complex, everyone lacks diplomacy, new ideas clash with old patterns, and no one wants to give in to the exchange of opinions that are supposed to get things done.
Opposition: This opposition leads to complicated exchanges of ideas. Everyone knows that things have to change, but everyone has their own opinion on how to raise awareness. The general atmosphere oscillates between pessimism and hope. You have to be patient and observe the consequences of important decisions to know if the solutions proposed are to be retained.
Uranus Neptune (change/spirituality)
These aspects unite every 172 years.
Note: Uranus influences science, discovery, and technological advancement.
Conjunction (1817, 1990, 2160): This conjunction brings together Uranus' independence, compassion, and originality with Neptune's spiritual and sense-oriented qualities. This transit favors social responsibility, ecological idealism, and communal consciousness. This aspect allows notions of brotherhood, solidary, and lofty ideals to develop. Under this conjunction, expect a real fight for individuals' rights and freedoms, and for the environment, but also great spiritual and scientific strides forward for all of humanity, as well as a general distrust of higher-ups, due to an instinctual perception of their true motives.
Sextile : When a sextile is formed between Uranus, the planet of change, and Neptune, the planet of spirituality, freedom of information and will be favored, having a positive influence on individual fulfillment and development. And so, each one of us will be free to choose for themselves what kind of life they want to lead, doing away with old patterns of thinking, and choosing instead a new viewpoint that breaks with the past. This transit is particularly powerful in developing new ideas founded on solidarity and in order to move society further forward. Under this aspect, new possibilities will open up in ecology and science.
Trigon : When a trigon between Uranus and Neptune forms, anything that can lift world civilizations to new heights will be favored. This aspect's influence brings us a more intuitive and fairer outlook, giving us more independence and allowing us to bring together thought and action in a positive way. Under this aspect, each of us will take part in pushing the envelope and come out from under our boss' influence. Original and innovative ideas in the sciences, as well as in ecology and commuting, will emerge and gain traction. Theory and practice will become one and lead to wonderful progress.
Square : When a square forms between Uranus and Neptune, idealistic ideas and opinions often become confused and impractical. This aspect instills a mood of utopian dreaming, rather than rebellion, as well as social and political activism. As such, anarchistic movements may emerge, threatening to turn the current system on its head, but, each of us will tend to lack discernment and will be totally in the dark. In this moving atmosphere, decisions and actions will be disorganized and lack common sense enough to really push things forward in the right direction. For things to really go forward, new, energetic resolutions must be put in place.
Opposition: The last time Uranus and Neptune were in opposition was around 1904, and so effects no one that is now alive. The next opposition will be in 2076.
Uranus Pluto (change/metamorphosis)
These aspects unite every 110-140 years
Note: Pluto influences destruction in preparation for renewal; death which brings rebirth. Pluto rules over Scorpio.
Conjunction (1848, 1965, 2100): This extremely powerful conjunction between Uranus, the planet of transformation, and Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis, occurs only every 115 years and effects an entire generation. This transit encourages change, radical action, and rights wrongs. This aspect is capable of making a clean slate of the past, rebuilding it with strong willpower and new, bold and audacious ideas. Yet, this conjunction, at least in the short term, lacks quality over quantity. For example, the last time a conjunction occurred between these two planets was between 1963 and 1969, which led to an explosion in the computerization of our society: barcodes, binary, digital codes, and statistics galore. The next conjunction will form around 2100 and bring without major upheaval.
Sextile : The sextile between Uranus and Pluto generally brings radical, even revolutionary, change with the goal of improving society. This transit offers us the capacity to stand up against social injustice and hypocrisy, to resist dictatorial abuse of power, and denounce corruption. Under this aspect, scientific and spiritual progress will be prolific, and much will be challenged, questioned. With this sextile, ideas and concepts will be innovative and bold, transforming our fates entirely. The last sextile between Uranus and Pluto took place between 1942 and 1946, thus effecting the entire generation born during World War II. The next one will occur in 1995.
Trigon : When a trigon forms between Uranus and Pluto, the desire to break from the past, open up to new ideas, technologies, and political approaches will emerge. This transit pushes us to move forward, to modernize, to push the envelope, and make great transformations. To the generation effected by this aspect, it will bring idealism, a tendency to bring about radical change, and the desire to reform society and the political system of the time. This was the case in the 20's: the last time a trigon between Uranus and Pluto formed. It was during this period that both communism and national socialism emerged.
Square: The last time a square formed between Uranus and Pluto was between 1931, 1934 and 2017.
In the 30's, this meant economic collapse and the rise of the Nazis. A square between Uranus and Pluto gives rise to conflict and tension, which leads to a deep feeling of insecurity. This usually destructive transit creates great upheaval and significant transformation on a collective scale. This climate of uncertainty can even be rather explosive, creating tension which can lead to sudden emotional outbursts. The lives of people all over the world will be shaken up, bringing about a wide-scale reform of the established order and giving birth to radical political ideals.
Opposition: The last time Uranus and Pluto were in opposition was around 1900, and so effects no one that is now alive.