Each of you has a somewhat chimerical ideal with regard to the great love. You fall head over heels in the moment, without digging deeper into the personality of the other ... This is not a very stable base to start a long love story. However, your instinct work well and it is possible that your ideals are going in the same direction.

Love compatibility between Aries and Aries
This is an instable and fragile combination: the meeting of two egos and an energy in overdrive. Expect to compromise! If you get together, you won't pass unnoticed! Sparks will fly and, wherever you go, it promises to be lively. From time to time, the wiser of the two will have to take the lead and adapt to their partner's demands for this relationship to have a chance...

Compatibility between a Aries woman and a Aries man
Sparks will fly when these two fire signs meet. One of them will have to make some concessions for this to be a peaceful, harmonious, and happy relationship. Though surprised by her partner's explosive character, she will have to make do and try to understand him if she wants to live alongside him. Male Aries asks a lot out of life, but holds strong admiration for his partner as well and is ready to move heaven and earth to proclaim his love. Their union can be a real island of happiness, complete with explosive and fiery desire.

Compatibility between a Aries woman and a Aries woman
It is vital that you back down a little when you and your partner have differing points of view or opinions on things in order to keep the channels of communication open without things getting heated! Despite her outward appearance, your partner hides within herself a very deep sensitivity. Her scathing temper is just a self-protective facade. Check your combativeness at the door - it's a must for your partner to discover within you the floods of peace that she needs.

Compatibility between a Aries man and a Aries man
Love at first sight, ranting, bouts of depression, and grand gestures are typical for this relationship, and some of your fights will be more like a boxing match. Your shared love for action could also push you to engage in egotistical power struggles as much as to work together with the utmost creativity and energy. It all depends on how mature you are and how much confidence you have in yourself, your partner, and in love... Each person will have to try to adapt and be more understanding. Together, you can do great things, so long as you cooperate instead of compete with each other...