Let's be honest here, according to your sign, are you more of a big-spender or a penny-pincher? What managing skills do you have? Are you better at losing money than earning it? Our relationship with money is always complex, but full of lessons to be learned. So, it's not an accident that both your banker and psychologist are involved with it, but they're not the only ones who will talk to you about it. Depending on your astrological profile, it might be time for you to check your statement and take stock - here we go...

To your credit: You, totally confused when it comes to money, still love it and aren't afraid to say it. Outward signs of wealth show where you are on the social ladder, boost your ego, and are exhilarating. With motivation like this, you've got a good shot at making some money. Or losing it. You're not afraid to gamble, to bet it all. If you lose it all, you will hold onto your firm conviction that you can come back. Just when others think you're done for, you bounce right back.
Negatives: When you're on a winning streak, you blow your loot, and even when you're in the red, too. You hate counting or, even worse, depriving yourself of anything, and so you spend money with absolutely no qualms - enough to put your banker on the edge of a mental breakdown. You take out more and more credit without even realizing that you're entering a deep, downwards spiral. As for your friends, they avoid you, tired of being hit up for money at every turn
You hit the jackpot when... You're having fun. If you lose money in one spot, you'll invest it elsewhere. It's almost like a game. You win, you lose, you bluff, you win it all back. This is why the stockmarket and its daily ups and downs match you pretty well. Cold sweats, bursts of joy - you experience everything to its fullest.
To do: Force yourself to consistently set aside a portion of your pay and income into a little nest egg that you can dip into in case hard times hit. Think over your relationship with money and accept that you will feel frustrated at times (yeah, you have to deny yourself, and others, things sometimes - you can't have everything) - just like you were taught when you were little.
To your credit:Money is a serious matter. It's earned, it's deserved, and it's the fruit of your labor, or of your ancestors' labor, if you inherited it. Little by little, you're setting aside an inheritance, or are doing your best to hold onto the one that's been passed onto you. Passing on: that's your financial "modus vivendi". This is why you invest in your home: there's nothing more stable, solid, concrete.
Negatives: Money is a source of pleasure, and pleasure too is a serious matter. With money, you can buy yourselves things that make life a little more beautiful. Motivated by a heightened sense of the aesthetic, you are capable of putting yourself in financial ruin just for a pair of high-fashion pumps or a hand-tailored suit from the best of the best. To others, this is luxury, but for you, it's the bare minimum. Everything will be fine as long as old, deep-seated guilt doesn't resurface and ruin the fun. Once buyer's remorse kicks in and the pleasure is gone, you'll ask yourself if it really was worth to dump a whole month's salary into a pair of shoes. And since the answer will be "no", you'll feel more guilt than enjoyment.
You hit the jackpot when... You receive regular, but not exactly stupendous, pay that is sure to arrive on a fixed date without you have to ask a thing. This mindset pushes you to make certain, riskless investments. A savings account or two or some income from rent will assure you a nice little bump on top of your usual salary.
To do: Build a comfortable financial safety net so you can sleep safe and sound at night. There's no price tag on peace of mind. To get there, put a portion of your money into a savings account with interest and wait for it to multiply.
To your credit: Money comes and goes. If it comes, great, if not, it's not a major disaster. Rather relaxed when it comes to money, you're just as happy in times of excess and wealth as when you're broke. When you have money, you spend it. When you don't, you get by without it. It's not as fun this way, sure, but it's not the end of the world, either.
Negatives: You are a player. You're not afraid to empty your savings account to honor a stupid bet or to invest in a business you know absolutely nothing about - and that's what's frightening. Especially for your banker, who breaks into a cold sweat as soon as you open his door. Though you are a natural communicator, you will struggle to negotiate an extra loan, to extend a payment deadline, get a credit report, or work out a payment plan. You've used the same old trick so many times that you're no longer credible.
You hit the jackpot when: you know how to haggle. Even if it's just a pastry, you'll manage to work them down to half the cost after laying on your charm with the baker. That, or you'll be the one peddling junk at exorbitant prices, thanks to your gift of gab and easy bluffing. When it's your interests at stake, to hell with morality, and if suckers complain, how's it your fault? You haven't tricked anyone - they just misunderstood.
To do: Pay your bills and do your taxes as soon as you get them. Your fear of administration won't cut it anymore. When you go out, leave behind the credit card so that you don't make impulse purchases.
To your credit: If you have money, you'll definitely be happy. But, no one can ask you to make great effort managing it. Because, after all, there's more to laugh than that. There's love, feeling, emotion - and all that is more important. You know how to handle your money problems and are generally happy with what you have. Living off love and water alone: a luxury that doesn't cost much.
Negatives: Just talking about making money is enough to tire you out. You don't have anything against earning money, but you could still miss out on a good deal from time to time with the excuse that it's too complicated or takes a lot of work. Slacker? No, not really, but since you're not exactly the most financially ambitious, you settle for lower job posts and the pay that comes with it. Being a small-timer is good enough for you.
You hit the jackpot when: you invest in something solid, concrete. Often lost in your imagination, you are often disconnected from reality. To make up for this, you can be quite financially practical. Slow and steady wins the race.
To do: Don't apologize for having money - or not having it. Take responsibility for what you do, how you do it, and remove any and all emotional value from money.
To your credit: Inner richness, who needs it?. Money can be seen, flaunted, and has to be put out for everyone to see. You've understood for a long time that it's better to be attractive than pitied, and so you are always perfecting your look with brand name versions of even the smallest detail. Sports car, brand-name clothes, vacations in Ibiza - you are totally at ease with earning money. Besides your charisma, money is a way of asserting yourself as well: I spend, therefore I am.
Negatives: Counting money isn't really your thing. That makes you a small-timer, or even downright miserable - shame on you! Besides, there are people for that. For example, your banker, who relations can be a little complicated with. Since you tend to live above your means, you're the type of person who ends up in the red two weeks into every month. But what's it matter if you have to eat ramen every meal: the important thing is that others think you're loaded.
You hit the jackpot when: you love your money. Money is power, and power is what you need to exist. This need makes you totally fearless when it comes to earning more. You could even marry a man or woman just for their bank account.
To do: Keep track of your expenses in some way so that you know how much you spend and set things right before it's too late. Shop smart: wait for discounts or going-out-of-business sales. Why pay full price when you could get it cheaper?
To your credit: Money is security. It means knowing in some way what tomorrow will be like and less worry. You always keep some brandy for a drink or two while you're at it, just to quench your thirst - no one is as wise as you. This fear of being in need makes you work harder to earn more and more, to cut costs to save money, and to know exactly what your bank account is at. No stressing over an overdraft fee or getting ripped off on a rate!
Negatives: Since money is always to be looked at warily, or even as a impolite, you aren't the best at finding good deals. Since you pay for what you get, you prefer to pay full price and have a clear conscience. Clear is also how you manage your money. Bonds, sure-fire investments - it doesn't bring in much, but oh well, you're not in a rush. Since money is a source of stress for you, you rarely enjoy it and prefer instead to pass on a nice, little nest egg.
You hit the jackpot when: you stick to home, what with the lottery being random and the volatile stock market. A house, apartment, or real estate - there's some concrete you can rely on. You can see it with your eyes, touch it with your hands - it's not a mirage, it's yours.
To do: Bust open the piggy bank and go nuts: go buy yourself that thing you've had your eye on for years. After all, money's for gaining pleasure, and pleasure's not wrong. Share it with others by throwing a giant party, for example...
To your credit: Money's all about pleasure - for yourself and others. You'll buy loads of things simply on a whim that you don't need just because it makes life a little more enjoyable, and there's no price on that. It's understood: you're the type who likes to spend - and without a second thought, at that. Lose sleep over an overdraft fee? Not you. This is how you seem to balance your budget like it's nothing. Material comfort doesn't work without emotional comfort.
Negatives: A nice dress here or there to make you feel better. Some new nifty gadget to boost your morale, or a nice trip, because, well, things are going very, very well. You've always got an excuse to blow through your money. But not always a good reason. Once you really look into why you buy what you do, you realize that you won't shake this depression just by buying things. Hence the remorse, guilt, and shopping spree to get your spirits up.
You hit the jackpot when: You haggle. And you're very good at it, too. With your innocent looks and your exemplary tact, you always manage to trim a little off the price, get a nice discount, and make other people work while you reap the reward.
To do: Understand that your need to consume is usually related to a lack of affection. Learn to pick up on these moments of weakness before you get yourself into real financial trouble.
To your credit: You like money and the comfort it offers you. But don't, for all that, become its slave. Though you have no scruples about swindling some people along the way to protect your interests, you are also jsut as capable of saying "no" to a great-paying job because it's not exciting enough. After all, the only thing more important than money is pleasure.- especially yours. And here, there's no cutting corners.
Negatives: Money can disgust your from time to time, too. As a result, you don't hold onto it and get rid of it like it's something to be ashamed of. Once you've run out, you won't stop until your bank account is full again. Empty, full, empty, full - the important thing is to transition smoothly between the two.
You hit the jackpot when: You play. Because you love the game for the adrenaline rush. For the dream of wealth that it draws you in with. Casinos, betting on the horses, the stock exchange - you are the ideal customer. You win, you lose - so what? The important thing is that you got a thrill out of it.
To do: Take some risks, as long as they're calculated ones. Running on instinct isn't always enough: listening to expert advice will spare you a lot of disappointment.
To your credit: Money? Pssshh, not a problem. First off, because you're great at making more, and secondly, because you're firmly convinced you'll win it all back. Reactive and enterprising, you're perpetually on the lookout for good deals and always find a way to make ends meet at the end of the month.
Negatives: Money is never a problem. When you're broke, you always believe that things will work out and that someone will come and rescue you, like a magical genie. Except that, in real life, that's not how it works. Believe in it all you will, nothing will happen. And when it doesn't, you'll have to get your hands dirty and not just cross your fingers.
You hit the jackpot when: You stay within your budget. Even if you spend a lot, you know how to stay reasonable. You like things to go quick, but when it comes to money, you'll always think twice. Important investments, good business, no impulse buying - only thinking.
To do: Before tomorrow comes, think about today, about the now, and about how you could get out of a certain complicated situation. To do that, make yourself a nice little treasure chest in order to prepared for any eventuality.
To your credit: Officially, you snub money. In reality, you like it more than you let on. With making a show of it or anyone seeing you coming, you'll latch onto some good deals. Whatever you win, you will re-invest it to earn even more. Very up on the stock markets, you have the intelligence to play only with the money that you can spare to lose but will make your money grow.
Negatives: Since you're not very at ease on this topic, you tend to downplay the good deals, and strokes of genius, you get as if you don't really deserve what you get. This complicated relation with money comes with a fear of success or of losing it all if you get too greedy. This is why you remain below your full potential, rarely take initiative, and beat yourself up for not being more adventurous.
You hit the jackpot when: you opt for long-term investments. You have the time and your money, too. No worry if stocks dip: you have the patience and the wisdom to wait for them to go back up. If you lose some money, it's not your fault - it's the conditions. No matter what happens, you'll always have your conscience.
To do: Stop catastrophizing your financial situation. The worst isn't always a certainty. And, there's always the possibility of winning it all back. Make sure that your fears of tomorrow don't stop you from living in the here and now.
To your credit: Money is freedom, and freedom is the best luxury. No way should you lack money, but don't become its slave, either. You will do anything to earn a fair living so that you're not limited in what you can do, but you could also leave a well-paying, but passionless, job for something more fulfilling if not as well-paid. The goal: stay free as the air - and air is free.
Negatives: it's sad enough to lack money, but even worse if you have to go without - what next? Between your credit cards and rewards perks, you're clever enough to play the system. On the flipside, all these little ploys make you seem stingy and more selfish than you wish to look. Your obvious aloofness makes you come across as something of a scrooge.
You hit the jackpot when: your head is swimming with ideas.. If you can't win this way, you'll try another. You wander in your head, are naturally inventive, and will try loads of things before you happen upon the right trick - and make full use of it without telling anyone a word. And no, you're not the most generous of people, either.
To do: Think about the future instead of just the next deal or pay raise. Thinking ahead will help you manage your budget better. Choose to keep a separate bank account of your own if you are in a relationship so that you always have some liquid assets on hand in case of an emergency.
To your credit: Wait, what's money again? No need to make a big deal out of it. But you don't argue about its usefulness, either. It's quite handy. But, it doesn't bring happiness (as everyone knows) and can even push people to do terrible things (as everyone does). In short, it's enough to be suspicious of. This detachment allows you to pick yourself back up and head off for other plans, other adventures. You're always the winner because you are constantly enriched with new experiences.
Negatives: Borrow money? Only as a last resort. Even asking for the money that is owed you makes you uncomfortable. On the other hand, you rarely hesitate to loan it out. They can pay you back when they're able. And if they can't, no big deal: you won't get mad over something so trivial. Except if you get to the point where you're earning peanuts while your coworkers get cushy salaries. Find where the error is.
You hit the jackpot when: you grow in a career or activity that you can have fun in. Having a good time, feeling good in what you do is an indispensable condition for you to make the most money. Add to that your extraordinary intuition and profitable business and juicy deals are all yours.
To do: Stop saying that you don't care about money. It annoys everyone and gives your partners a reason to con you. Stop feeling guilty about having money and handing it out to other people to redeem yourself.