Magnetism has existed at all times, its efficiency needs not be proved. The Bible mentions that Jesus Christ as well as his Apostles healed people with their hands. In Egypt more than 3000 years ago priests practiced laying hands and they magnetized strips which served to protect mummies meant for embalming. In 1862 in Luxor a papyrus was found dating from pharaoh Amenhotep III reign; it had the following inscription: "lay your hand on the pain and imagine that it is passing away". In the 18th century magnetism received a great ascent due to the studies by Franz Anton Mesmer. He applied his method by laying hands first on objects and then on sick people, especially on those who could not be healed with the means of that period's medicine. His magnetizer talents created a furore at the King Louis XVI court. Nowadays this natural method is more and more widely practiced and some hospitals have integrated this alternative medicine practice in their health programs.

What is magnetism?
This is vital energy present in all the living bodies. This energy decreases when a person suffers. When confronted to a difficult situation (mourning, disease, etc.), our body's vibration ratio gets lower. In these cases a magnetizer can help you regain harmony. He will not heal you but will bring you back enough energy for fighting your pain. The magnetizer provides means for restoring harmony between the body and mind. The energy is transmitted from one individual to another. Distance is of little importance, there is no limit to magnetism. This is a truly natural method. Magnetism is perfect for using jointly with medical treatment. It will never replace traditional medicine, however it is a complement that can help patients feel better.
Magnetism is a source of life and it is open to everyone. No need to be a believer for employing it. Every person possesses a certain level of magnetism and it is possible to develop it. It is more present in certain people. Nevertheless, not everyone can make it their profession. In fact, this requires training and high proficiency. A magnetizer's efficiency depends on his initial energy rate, his experience, self-development activity and on his precision.
How can we develop our magnetic powers?
There are several very simple exercises you can do yourself. For example, come to a calm place, take a glass of water and for several minutes put your palms around the glass. Fill your mind with Love and transmit this love to the glass and the water. Imagine that you are purifying the water. After that, drink it. You will see that the water will give you a feeling of wellness. Magnetism can also be used on food, animals, objects and people.
If you project love messages on things, you will receive energy in return and you will invest it as well. It was demonstrated that magnetized food took longer to spoil. You can make an experiment by choosing two lemons and placing them on the table. One will serve as reference sample and will not be magnetized. As to the other one, you will only have to imagine the expected result in your mind and lay your hands on the top or around it for about ten minutes twice a day during a week.
One thing is sure, for developing your magnetic skills you have to train on a regular basis and love in a detached way, without a priori and without attachment; this is the only way to acquire sufficient energy and then successfully transmit it to others.